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    Istanbul, Turkey (LTBA)
  1. Shocking news. Indeed, as stated many times above, an immense loss for the Avsim and entire FS Community. His tireless efforts to help all on this forum will be missed. R.I.P Dear David...
  2. Ahh...The early versions of Ghost Recon... :( :( I still have the soundtracks on my ipod, I just loved those games. :( I like to play my games on the PS system. Trouble free, just insert the CD (now blu-ray) and play.
  3. Both.Although I liked the singleplayer slightly more.Games are usually better in singleplayer, multiplayer is more challenging for the producers.
  4. Couldn't think of a better one!
  5. Medal of Honor Tier 1, hands down...Of all the FPS games, I have never experienced better sounds.Black Ops was a disappointment for me, the campaign mode isn't that bad but the multiplayer mode is (was) plagued with problems... Such a shame.
  6. Nowadays Call of Duty, Gran Turismo and Medal of Honor on PS are among my favorite IFEs.Movies are good too.
  7. George Grimshaw's KBOS is awesome.EDIT: The Mach-1 sceneries aren't bad at all either.
  8. Hi Chuck,Definitely go for World Air Routes. There are tons of videos to choose from, some of the best being 737NGs and/or 767s. NEOS, Arkefly, Lauda, Air Italy are among the best.altstiff is also an avid collector of WAR dvds, I hope he chimes in on this.(He's the one who got me into WAR dvds too!)
  9. Sad news...Great comedian.
  10. Not a big deal though... I didn't notice it myself, maybe it's ok in the PS version. :(
  11. Jolie la gueule!! (de l'aéronef evidemment!)
  12. Hi,I don't know if there is an easy way to convert those files to bgl but I usually search the library for an AF2 file corresponding to the scenery.Most of the time, with all the free stuff there is for FS9, there are more than a couple of files available.
  13. Vic,Don't we all get ###### like that!!I do what Al says after those moments, hop in a simple GA bird and just fly with the default scenery...And, I agree with you on game consoles, no worries with my PS3, just feed the CD sit back and enjoy!! :(
  14. Hey Mark, nice taste in books you got there.I enjoyed Haney's Delta Force and Schemmer's No Room for Error very much myself, real page-turners. :(
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