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Everything posted by earthdog

  1. Strange, I've put many hours on the HondaJet and it feels way too different than the LT. Not twitchy. The handling is superb and as far as i can see from YT videos , it should be close to the real handling feeling...
  2. I tried the Longitude yesterday after finding out this video. Normally i fly exclusively HondaJet for bizjets but Longitude is very appealing to me. What i realized and wanted to ask people that fly the jet is that i found the controls itchy and over sensitive, even with very smooth inputs. I've seen a mod in flightsim.to that deals partially with that , but it is not maintained anymore. So, am i wrong here or the bird's controls are in need of a fix or something?
  3. This means that if we connect to NZ VPN the metars would be ok , or MSFS will disregard it anyway?
  4. I also found this link for the same document , but has search capabilities and better looks. https://www.manualslib.com/manual/2119142/Honda-Hondajet-Ha-420.html?page=17#manual
  5. It was a favorite upon launch. v2 brought AAU1 avionics in to the mix, an di couldn't stop flying this little bird this weekend. Marvelous job! P.s. As always if you need the photos at full res , see my link in the sugnature.
  6. My preference list for now is A310,737,A320 ... I think that 737 is the one that is closer to reality and systems coverage though.
  7. Hi people! I have been flying almost exclusively the A310 by IniBuilds, since it came out. Here are some of the shots i have taken of her. I have a thing with heavies so naturally she got my attention.
  8. For now it is only in the Marketplace. No issues for me buying from there. I don't know if it will come out elsewhere since it looks like they are avoiding piracy via Marketplace.
  9. Thank you. All these are from my MSFS setup. I have a free gallery on my sig where you can see and download original sizes of them.
  10. From top to bottom: LGAV,NZGT,NZWN all payware for MSFS
  11. For me nothing is missing. Just the buildings are not "close to their real counterparts" and they are more generic buildings, but they are not missing. MSFS without Photogrammetry is like running our old sims with Photoreal everywhere and buildings autogen. I fly airliners more than VFR but i do not feel that i am missing anything. Now the photogrammetry that affects performance in MSFS "seems" to come from the photogrammetry that is added from World Updates and not all photogrammetry. Deleting the photogrammetry from the World Updates and leaving photogrammetry ON from General->Data option improves the performance as it would when you disable Photogrammetry all together. This suggests that something is wrong with World Update PG. BUT after so many years i am getting too old to spent my time adjusting FS, i disabled all PG and i am a happy man. Metrics: PG ON, FENIX A320, KBOS payware: FPS 24 PG ON, PG World Update deleted, FENIX A320, KBOS payware: FPS 41 PG OFF, PG World Update deleted, , FENIX A320, KBOS payware: FPS 41 I can now maintain 30 Locked FPS anywhere with VATSIM heavy traffic.
  12. Well the new update of the Fenix A320 with the combination of me disabling Photogrammetry gave me the breathing room i needed to enjoy it to the fullest.
  13. The new HondaJet for MSFS is quite good. At least it made me put CJ4 and TBM in the hangar. It has some quirks but they are being worked on. The one that annoys me is the tendency to mess up the lateral ILS interception, although i think it comes from Asobo / WT G3000.
  14. I cant figure out how i would setup the tool to only use it for online flying on VATSIM. I only need the models somehow and vPilot to recognize them. Is there any good folk around here to just explain the tool workflow? I have understood that i don't have to use the traffic injector if i only need VATSIM, but that means that i should download ALL airline flightplans?
  15. Great Job. I am using it with the XCUB mod and it is just perfect. I cant find how to tune the ADF and i also cant find how to change the Course of the VORs.. Am i blind or something? Can somebody help?
  16. I created a free utility that helps in taking automatic screenshots and saving to disk. I needed that in order not only to automatically take screenshots but also to create timelapse videos. If you have FSUIPC running , it can also move the Drone camera before taking a screenshot. Makes the creation of moving timelapses (hyperlapses) very easy. It’ s a freeware tool available for all of you. Find it here: https://www.estassinos.com/capturefs/
  17. yes the link i gave includes a reg file to show the park status in power profiles, but the exe makes the job by itself... i just need some time to test it in FSX
  18. Hi All! I just found out about this: http://bitsum.com/about_cpu_core_parking.php I disabled CPU parkcontrol and my Battlefield4 gained wings!!! ULTRA settings in my 3770k and GTX580. I am gonna test this in FSX but no time for this now. has anyone played with this jewel in FSX?
  19. Just tested. in LGIR heavy scenery with custom photoreal... With Outside model: VAS -> 3.55GB Without external model: VAS -> 3.11GB so i think this will make the difference
  20. As someone said i am only woried about the VAS limit.. if it is going down ith this and i can have lod radius 6.5 without OOM i will do it asap.. And when i need screenshots i will re enable it and do the screenies with fsrecorder
  21. Cargo flight, but T7 needs angle to climb out of PAJN well. )
  22. Some randoms while testing the perfect sky textures from Gabriel Teles (found here)
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