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About MattNischan

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  1. Lossless Scaling is actually pretty simple: it just screen-captures the selected game window and then uses these new movie-AI-upscaling algorithms to scale the image up and/or generate intermediate frames, then overlays that on top of the window position (which is also the reason it can't run on an exclusive-mode fullscreen game, since it needs to be able to capture the window area). However, it's not operating in real time. It needs at least the most recent frame and the frame before that to generate the upscaled frames, so the minimum delay is at least a whole frame, plus processing time. As you might also gather from this description of operation, it's not exactly "lossless". I'm not sure what they mean by that, since the AI movie-upscaling model is manufacturing its own new pixels and frames, which if you've ever watched AI upscaled or sharpened stuff you know can also have its own funky artifacts. However, it is a clever usage of this technology for sure, and doesn't need any specific GPU series necessarily. FG frames are real display frames that can be captured (since you can see them), so those will be utilized by LS. FG itself is not subject to the same kind of latency, as it operates on a different paradigm: the game sends a buffer with data containing the motion vector of each pixel to the GPU, since the game has knowledge of every 3D object's and camera's position and motion vectors. Since this is sent with the frame itself, FG uses that data to draw intermediate frames using the pixel motion vectors while it waits for the next frame, as opposed to having to actually wait for the next frame to arrive and then interpolating between the two. As you can imagine, though, this has its own artifacts, such as when the pixel motion vectors from frame to frame change directions sharply and the algorithm makes wrong predictions about where the pixels are going to end up, or for things that by nature have no motion vectors, like animated textures.
  2. In a lot of ways the Longitude, in the sim, is a victim of its truly pilot-focused design: simmers want to feel the complexity of the plane directly in the difficulty of the operation, whereas pilots want something that reduces workload and just goes. The Longitude is so easy to operate that nobody really suspects just how much is going on under the hood with the systems. Never mind the G5000, which could be another 2-3 hour video alone, but the systems themselves are doing a ton of heavy lifting. There's so much to it there is stuff I keep discovering that I forgot to include in the video, like: - The brakes and wheel system have an automatic spin-down function: the brakes are automatically applied when you pull up the gear to stop wheel spin. If you're looking at a synoptic with brakes readout, you can see the brakes applied, and if you're in external view you'll see the wheels spin down before the gear enters the wheel well. - The whole dry-motor operation, which I say in the video I'm going to get back to and then I completely forgot. There are some engine shutdown time timers in the plane, and if you have shutdown the engines 15-45 minutes ago, the fan blades may have cooled in an asymmetrical way that a start could cause engine wear, so the plane suggests you dry-motor the engine (CAS message). This cools the fan blades more evenly. Once you complete the dry-motoring process (hold the starter button with it on STOP, which engages the air starter only), then the plane resets the whole dry-motoring timers and clears the message. - LP/HP bleed valve switching: when at idle on the ground, the engines actually source bleed air from the high-pressure section of the turbine. However, once you advance the throttles enough, the system switches bleed air to source from the low-pressure section. This isn't indicated on the ECS synoptic, but is shown in the anti-ice one: you can see the HP/LP valve flip back and forth as you go from idle to advanced throttle and vice-versa. I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting! The team had a blast working with the manufacturer engineering team to make sure all of these things ended up in the plane, it was a ton of fun.
  3. Not finding anything to study on the Longitude? For those of you who want to venture out of NORM, or are just curious as to how deep the plane simulation goes, here's a two-hour deep dive into just the aircraft main and support systems, from the hydraulics, to the fuel system, to the pneumatics, and more. Not anything officially from us at WT, just something I put together as an evenings side project. Hope it gives folks some insight!
  4. Sometimes liveries include their own panel.cfgs with old configs, so perhaps it was that.
  5. I think that's fair, although I don't really personally care about the specific in-FMS credit part, myself. But having it visible which version of the avionics (AAU2, SU14, SU15) were in use is not a bad thing, to be sure.
  6. I would be bummed if folks though all we added to the 787 from default (which is what those planes use) was weight/balance and SimBrief support, even though that does seem to be what many simmers focus on. I've posted this elsewhere, but here's a "best-of" of just the deeper things we added to the 787: We don't generally like to push the hype train for our own stuff; humbly flying under the radar is more our speed. But I do think sometimes we've done ourselves a disservice there, as in general conversation it seems like the common consensus is that the default systems just got a tiny bit of extra rework and then a shiny new EFB/SimBrief/W&B, but that's just not the case. Hope that helps folks looking at this particular aircraft. It looks to be one version behind, so doesn't have the SimBrief and W&B stuff, but would have everything else, which any other aircraft using the legacy avionics would not.
  7. Right now in SU15 we have additional workarounds to make hot swap function properly, and are not aware of any issues. The fix in SU15 is the reason for the BLSQ Duke installer asking the question as to what version you're on, so it can disable the GNS if you were on SU14. In either case, the hot swap problem does not cause a blank instrument, so this would be unrelated to that. I would try with a totally clear community folder with just a fresh install of the Duke.
  8. I'm not sure what new flight model that is being referenced, but the only changes to the SR22T in that regard were the additions of the new ground handling parameters.
  9. This was already demonstrated as not true. The critical altitude at ISA is 25,000 and the engine does not stop until 28,700 at ISA full rich. The critical altitude is defined at ISA only. Even though your personal test with live weather stopped coincidentally at 25K, that's just a coincidence of above ISA conditions in the summer happening to coincide with that alt. Try again with the Clear Skies weather preset (which is ISA conditions) and you'll see what I mean. It won't cutout at exact the critical altitude. In any case, without using the new turbo/mixture/fuel parameters introduced in SU13, it is actually not possible to tailor the steepness of the rich power cutoff region in the sim. It seems that developers are not necessarily aware of these new parameters, hence the warning in the manual about unmitigatable fuel flow issues at high alts.
  10. Do you happen to know if the throttle has a button that fires when you pull the levers up into idle reverse? The Saitek throttles, for example, have a dedicated "button" that is "pressed" when you move the throttles into the reverse detent.
  11. I don't think the sim has a specific axis dedicated to only the reverse range, as it's quite difficult to map conceptually. For example, what is the intended result if the forward axis and reverse axis are both set to 100%? If I was writing an emulation of a reverser lever (this may be possible in AAO or Spad, I'm not sure), I would also suggest to use the combination of reverse toggle + normal axis for the reverser lever. The reverse toggle event is akin to saying "I've moved past the reverser lockout" and that setup makes the two operations mutually exclusive (forward and reverse thrust commands). I'm not familiar with the ThrottleTek, but many throttles with reverser levers have some sort of button they push when moving them past the lockout. If it has that button, you can bind that button itself to the toggle reverse event, and leave the reverser levers assigned to the regular throttle axis.
  12. The SR22T is also updated to the new ground handling in SU15.
  13. Yeah, not trying to discount anyone's experience here, by any means. Just pointing out that sometimes these things start to fall into some grayer areas, and engines/recommendations differ quite greatly. For an older design like the TIO-541, I totally buy that. Always fun to talk about these things with folks that have had their hands on them!
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