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About Bunkers

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  1. I'm blown away by where MS FS2020 is now 😎 The best thing to ever happen to flight-simming, and it will only get better from here. If the competitors rise to the challenge all the better, but the future looks bright for desk-pilots.
  2. You're creating a masterpeace here. This might be the most credible scenery I've ever seen in a flight sim.
  3. Simming.. I'm on and off for months at a time. Maintaining a sim like P3Dv3 with good performance and addons requires alot of time and determination, and even then will be lots of ups and downs. XPX is quite a bit easier, and DCS is pretty much plug-and-play for me. All three sims are capable of giving me my fix, but I don't have the same patience to "fight" the sim as I used to.
  4. Great set of pictures! That MD-80 looks stunning.
  5. Keep the REP's coming! This made the C210 my favorite GA in X-plane, I'm sure it'll do wonders for the F33 as well. Two down, many more to go :smile:
  6. I just noticed my custom views for all my aircraft were saved even though I deleted and reinstalled XPX (and removed all remaining files in main folder manually). In what folder are the files that saves this information? EDIT: ...but I just reinstalled the aircraft folders from a backup, so I guess they were there. Nevermind :rolleyes:
  7. South America looks stunning when it's done right I need some good SA airports now, in preparation for this release.
  8. Thx for your replies and suggestions, I've made some progress so all is not lost :smile:
  9. My failures were set to off, all settings were green. Not sure where the "MTBF" setting is. I can't install it as it detects that I have the newer version already installed.
  10. Ok thx for the suggestions, will check those settings asap. I have something called "Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable". Is that it?
  11. I recently installed a certain addon aircraft, and noticed immediately alot of weird readings on my instruments. I had manifold pressure and CHT readings in cold and dark, I had negative altitude readings in the altimeter, the compass was wrong and did not respond during flight, autopilot did not respond to most modes etc. I thought it was just the addon being bugged or me doing something wrong on startup. Decided to fly something else in the meantime. Then I see that this has happened to ALL my aircraft in XPX. Well all the ones I've tried so far. The errors are different between the aircraft, but all have several systems and instruments not working as normal anymore, and giving obviously faulty readings. I suspected the addon had changed some settings somewhere that I did not know off, and ended up uninstalling and reinstalling XPX entirely. Only to see that the problems are still there. What files/settings are there that I dont know of that can result in such issues. Either the addon aircraft has done something or I have done something that causes all this misbehavior. HELP...
  12. Thank you for that tip! Was looking for an offer yesterday but there was none. Time to finally pull the trigger on this one.
  13. Since we're in the FSX forum I'll mention these: Sibwings AN-2 Lotus Sim L-39 On russian aircraft X-Plane and DCS probably have the best selections though.
  14. I use Plan-G for this, it's synced with XPX through xpuipc. Very user friendly flight planning tool. It can enter the NAV frequencies for you even.
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