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    After 5 years of just watching these forums, I decided to start contributing my knowledge..

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  1. Does anyone have this mod that can share it?
  2. Hey, Does anyone yet have a fix which allows the RealityXP GNS430 to actually show the screen of the unit in the VC. Currently the screen just stays back, and the GPS is only useable in the 2D popup. Cheers!
  3. Yes, Air Canada along with some other 777 operators have the Honeywell weather radar (RDR-4000 with Intervue3D), the one that PMDG have decided to model is the Collins WXR2100 (which is more popular compared to the more expensive Honeywell system). WXR-2100 Control Panel: RDR-4000 Control Panel:
  4. Besides the WXR, I got slightly excited because I thought I saw Radius-To-Fix legs on the ND matching the Abbortsford RNP 07 departure....but then I realised it's the right airport but not the right departure... :lol: B) ... Me thinks about having latest ARINC format in PMDG buses :Drooling: :Drooling:
  5. Should be the same as they run both aircraft on the same flight briefing software. Some FIR's/ANSP's require different things under NAV (such as RNP4 or GPSRNAV etc), so this is something to keep in mind. Just check in the countries AIP for flight planning requirements, however the basic Field 18 layout should be the same. Field 10 equipment changes on aircraft (i.e. newer delivered aircraft might not have ADF installed for example).
  6. Hi, Here is a DL plan from the FAA AISR/NADIN system, from early 2013. FF KZLAZRZX 060626 KATLDALQ (FPL-DAL1428-IS -B738/M-SDE2E3GHIRWXZ/S -KLAS0715 -N0449F390 DCT BCE J100 EKR DCT BFF J94 OBK DCT LFD DCT CRL J584 ZORBO DCT SLT J584 FQM DCT LVZ LENDY6 -KJFK0404 KBDL -PBN/A1B1C1D1O1S1T1 NAV/RNVD1E2A1 REG/N3771K EET/KZLC0022 KZDV0040 KZMP0142 KZAU0214 KZOB0254 CZYZ0303 KZNY0331 SEL/ABEF RMK/ NRP
  7. I knew this would be the case....While it is a shame, it certainly doesn't come as a suprise.
  8. I lurrrrve this post! Made the first day of 2014 that much better..
  9. When AUTO is selected on the altitude selector outer knob (with the other option being 1000), the behaviour as you explained will occur.
  10. Pretty sure the developers at PFPX are currently working to put one of their wind block formats to match that of PMDG's requirements - I am sure it will be out rather soon. Most of the other weather client developers are already on board, both AS and Opus are now supported, with FSGRW currently developing theirs (and I anticipate that the build would be released also relatively soon).
  11. Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services which gives QANTAS (minus the U)... B) ....Oh if I had a dollar for everytime someone spelt it wrong. :Money Eyes: :Money Eyes:
  12. Noticed its Flap 15 only (probably because thats what the PMDG FCOM includes). PM me if you want some data for other flap settings aswell.
  13. LOL, yeah I did (posted that while I was at work). Just thought I remembered seeing it in a powerpoint presentation addressing the differences between the -200 and -300.. Oops! :blink:
  14. Thought it was in the 300ER only.
  15. Just remember that one of the conditions for auto v-speeds is that the ADIRU is alligned (as someone mentioned above).
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