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About Puffmac

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    Glasgow, Scotland

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  1. You can download the SDK for free from Microsoft Edit: just had a quick look, you seem to only be able to get the Service Packs - apologies.
  2. Lift > Weight during the climb, if Lift = Weight the aircraft will neither descend nor climb.
  3. Glad my answer was of use! As for the AoA question, I can't think off the top of my head as to why a reduction in throttle would cause a pitch up reaction. What is the name of the book and what type of aircraft is it referring to?
  4. As has been described, it will follow a phugoidal path which will result overall in a net loss of altitude. This is all due to a basics law of phsyics, namely Netwon's law that states (and I paraphrase for the sake of clarity) "A body will remain at rest or at a constant speed unless a force acting upon it causes it to change". When an aircraft is in level flight at a constant speed then all the forces acting on the aircraft are equal and opposite: the downward force acting on the aircraft (its weight) is counteracted by the equal yet opposite force of lift which is generated by the aircraft's wings. It is crucial to note that the amount of lift the aircraft's wings generates is proportional to the speed the wing moves through the air (airspeed). This speed through the air is maintained by the engines producing an equal and opposite force to the drag caused on the aircraft by the air which tries to slow the aircraft down. Now assuming the aircraft is trimmed and stable and maintaining a constant speed and altitude when you remove the power, the aircraft will begin to slow. This is because the force of drag is now greater than the forward force of the aircraft (which is now purely momentum as the forward force of the thrust has been removed). This reduction in airspeed causes a reduction in lift. The reduction in lift causes the aircraft to begin descending as the downwards force (weight) is now greater than the upwards force (lift). However, as the aircraft descends the aircraft is accelerated due to the force of gravity. This acceleration causes the speed to increase. As the speed increases, lift once again increases until it is greater than the downwards force of the weight, at which point the aircraft will start to level off and gradually climb. As the aircraft climbs, the drag caused by the air along with gravity (now slowing the aircraft) will cause the speed to reduce until once again the resulting lift is reduced to the point it is less than the weight, adn the aircraft begins to gradually level off and descend again. Rinse and repeat As a result of this, although the aircraft does regain some altitude when it climbs again it will never reach the same height as it started due to energy being lost to friction with the air, and thus the aircraft will actually be effectively descending gradually until it hits the ground. This is similar to dropping a bouncy ball on the floor - you will notice that unless you throw it, it will never return to the height it was released from as energy is lost as the ball deforms at the bottom of the bounce. NB: It is also important to note that the aircraft will not enter a phugoidal state if it doesn't reach or exceed the speed it was trimmed to fly level at before power was removed. This could be the case if for some reason the aircraft was operating at a high power setting and thus higher speed than normal. In such a case accelerating force due to gravity in the descent would be overcome by the drag caused by the air before it reaches the trimmed speed. In this case, the aircraft may enter a gradually steeper descent which will then reduce as the aircraft's speed increases, but it will never actually level off or climb. NB2: This is a very simplified model and does not account for thermals and winds which occur in the real wolrd and would/could significantly alter the path of the aircraft depending on their strength. NB3: Your experience may differ depending on the specific aircraft but roughly speaking from analysis of the forces involved this is how the aircraft would react. Terms and conditions apply. No refunds. See website for details. Edit: Hopefully this image (courtesy of NASA) will clarify things a bit more. Imagine the aircraft is in flight, and imagine the size of the arrow shows the size of the force. The Lift and Weight arrows act in opposite directions but are the same size so they counteract each other meaning overall the aircraft neither climbs nor falls. Same goes for Thrust and Drag: it is neither speeding up nor slowing down. It is in level flight at a constant speed. Now remove thrust. Drag is now greater than thrust, reducing airspeed. Lower airspeed means less lift. As a result Weight is now greater than Lift. Aircraft falls. etc. Hope this helps.
  5. This one is my favourite:
  6. In a small aircraft, as people have mentioned, left hand patterns are standard and as such the gauges are fitted on the left. Therefore it makes more sense for the pilot to sit where he can see the gauges. In an airliner, where the gauges are repeated on both sides, the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the steering tiler, which is only on the left, which the captain usually operates. Perhaps there's more reason than that, however?
  7. In my own opinion of course: when taking off, the goal is to gain speed quickly and get airbourne, something that a slippery surface does not greatly impede. However, during the landing phase, the goal is obviously to touch back down on land and stop, something which a slippery surface would greatly effect.
  8. Not really Switzerland, near enough but, happy new year from Scotland. I can't wait to see what PMDG brings in the new year, thanks very much for the products so far!
  9. FSX Doesn't support more than 2 decimal places in radio frequencies, so it would be unlikely I'd imagine.
  10. Real world flight plan database host thousands of real world fight plans updated daily by many users, you have to register but it's a great website.
  11. Controllers tend to establish aircraft around about 10nm from the runway, generally. Some aircraft may have descended quickly to their assigned altitude, while others may still be descending, or others could have captured the glideslope already, and so each passing aircraft may be at a different altitude. If you lived closer to the airport, you would probably see far greater consistency in terms of the aircraft's altitudes on approach, as they are more likely to be established by that point.
  12. I think the point is not to scam customers I don't think the point of the surcharge is to scam customers out of money, rather, encourage them to adopt a new browser. As a web developer myself, i know just how much of a pain Internet Explorer 7 (and older) can be when trying to get a website display properly. The majority of the time, the rest of the other 'big browsers' will display it the exact same way, IE just seems to make up its own rules, although newer releases are getting better.
  13. Good morning everyone, A few days ago I found out that I couldn't get access to the FSARF page, the program I'd previously used to add my AI models to FSInn. So me being the creative chap that I am, I decided to write my own alternative, and I banned myself from FSX until I was finished. Background & Information The program that I have ultimately created does the same thing as FSARF, however there are a few drawbacks. The major drawback is the fact that it's written in PHP, which requires a web server on your local computer to run (hey leave me alone, I'm a web developer). The good news is you can download a WAMP server for free, run the installer and you pretty much good to go. The other drawback is that it's fairly simplistic in its routines. It was designed to work with, and I have only tested it with World of AI models. It relies heavily on "atc_parking_codes" in the aircraft.cfg being set to the correct 3 letter code for each airline. Now while WoA do this for the vast majority of their models, I cannot comment on other developers, so if someone would like to test it with another AI package provider then I'd be more than grateful. I do plan to add a more robust system for determining the airline in the future, though that will be time consuming and will come in a later release. Finally, in order to convert the full aircraft name into it's ICAO alternative (ie Boeing 737-800 into B738), i created a basic look up table system. Now while it works well, it would be far too time consuming to add every single ICAO aircraft, so I only added the ones I have models for. It is simple to add more models however, for your own personal needs. Screenshots A preview of the registry file created for my aircraft: Downloads Download WAMP server from here (Click download, and choose either 32bit or 64bit, depending on your OS, with PHP5.3): http://www.wampserver.com/en/ Download my program (if someone could mirror it, I would appreciate it as I don't like using hosts like that): http://www.filefacto...1y8hx/n/FRB.zip Installation Once you have WAMP installed, start it and make sure the icon in the tray turns green. Download my program into wamp's www directory (located wherever you installed wamp) and extract the folder. You should now be able to access the program by opening your browser and typing "localhost/frb" in the address bar (without the quotation marks) Usage The program should do everything itself, just follow the instructions. The only time you might run into problems is when you have an aircraft that I haven't defined in the aircraft definitions file yet, located in the 'data' folder. The program will make you aware of such a problem with the following message: In such a case, open the Aircraft.php file in the data folder, find the manufacturer — in this case, Airbus — and add a new entry. Entries should be in the following format: array("ICAO CODE FOR AIRCRAFT,"NAME OF AIRCRAFT"), so I would simply add: array("A320","Airbus A320"), then refresh the page and the error should be clear. You will have to do this for each aircraft type not defined within the file. The quotation marks and the trailing comma are important, just take not from the many examples already in the file. Feedback I welcome any comments, feedback, criticism or questions you have about this software. Cheers, Andrew
  14. Well your concerns are entirely undue, as it covers the whole world.
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