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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. As I understand it, the reason pilots turn down the bank angle limit to 10 on the MCP when above 30,000 is in case ATC gives them vectors when above that altitude and they have to select HDG mode for manual inputs.
  2. As Roi mentioned, that only affects HDG mode. LNAV manages its own bank angles.
  3. Some cities are worse than others for me but London is always the worst and looks like a melted wax hellscape. It looks dreadful and I have noticed the problem is worse than it used to be generally. I have now turned it off when flying airliners but turn it back on if flying GA. Given my internet speed, the hardware I use and the settings I apply and endless testing I have concluded that this is related to their crappy servers.
  4. I can honestly say I haven't noticed this behaviour. Mine seems to be as smooth as ever. I will keep a close eye on my next flight.
  5. No. I don't believe this is how it works. Picking your arrival airport is for ATC and nothing else as far as I know. I too see what you are talking about but only with add-on freeware airports that are poorly optimised. There is a Stansted one on flightsim.to that does it particularly badly for me. I use TrackIR and when I'm looking around to keep visual it's really bad whenever I look in the airport direction. It will create an ugly pause for half a second, perhaps. I won't put up with it so if an airport does it it gets removed immediately. Stansted is now off my machine. It just ruins the immersion and pleasure of a flight. I think it's a problem that is created by the developer of the airport with optimisations etc. The better the airport quality the less it seems to happen if it happens at all. So far I don't have a payware airport that does it to me but I don't have many of those.
  6. Because their Navdata is out of date. Navigraph subscription is your answer.
  7. I'm not sure I quite understand what you mean. Messing around in the FMC to find a STAR that works? What doesn't work about it? Are you using the same AIRAC in the PMDG 737 as the one SimBrief is using? In other words, Have you updated the AIRAC of the 737 with data from Navigraph? The data changes every month.
  8. Yes, it was. It has saved 2 flights for me since I made this thread. I'm grateful to whoever it was that suggested it. One must select the correct profile again when one needs to use this method. I find that when I use it it changes my profile to a default one but once you select the profile you want it really works as before.
  9. No, I do not. It's the truth. Or would you prefer I lie to align my experience to yours and use silly smiling faces to instruct you when there is humour involved? 🤨🙄🤪🤣
  10. Yes. I suspect it really is not a hard thing for them to do to put certain exclusions in for this to be better. I have wondered if the reason they have not seemingly put any work into improving this system to improve the defaults is that they are working on that "feature" that will allow users to correct and submit the airports of the world and therefore see it as an unecessary use of resources. Pure speculation on my part though.
  11. I think it is a matter of improving whatever they use that interprets what it sees and then converts it into these airports. Naturally, getting AI or whatever it is to create perfect renditions of every airport is an idiotically unreasonable expectation but making it operate under some basic rules of logic such as taxiway lights and signs should never be placed in the middle of taxiways strikes me as a not too difficult task for such capable people to achieve.
  12. Not in my zone of skill nor knowledge, I'm afraid, chap.
  13. 🙄 Or you could just chuckle at it as though it was the was the mild humour that is was intented to be.
  14. Take a drive around their Denver. If you want a laugh.
  15. There is no "good side" of charging people extra for premuim features that are unusable. Perhaps your standards are lower than mine but I don't think that raising the issue is "being a grouch" 🙄 To each their own, though.
  16. I don't expect them to be of a particularly high standard but I do expect them to be usable and they are not.
  17. We know what it means. The point is that EVEN the "hand-crafted" airports are unacceptable rubbish and there is absolutely no excuse for it.
  18. I never heard of such a thing. If there is one piece of flight sim software absolutely just works for me it's Navigraph. I will not fly without it. Literally.
  19. I reported this a month or two ago. To be honest, I have had just about enough of the state of the airports in this sim. They really are an absolute mess and it just isn't good enough and if I have one real issue with this sim it's this. Even the airports that you pay so much more for such as KDEN and HECA in the "Super Duper Regal Bespoke DeLuxe Edition" profoundly broken but many of the other "hand-crafted" airports are unusable as well and there is no excuse for it. When they say "hand-crafted" I can only assume that their "equity and diversity" department have hired blind rainbow unicorns and intellectually challenged pixies that are not qualified to "hand-craft" them in order to fulfull their obligations to "the party" resulting is substandard useless pap like this. It feels now that every airport I try to fly to is unacceptably broken in some way. Signs in the taxiways, elevation issues, jetways not connected to the terminals and that's if the terminal has a building at all! Parking spots that are isolated so GSX won't work etc. The entire beautiful world of MSFS is marred by this unusable nonsense as though someone has painted pockmarks all over the Mona Lisa. I now spend FAR too much time before flying somewhere trying to mitigate the problems with the default airports by loading the sim, checking the state of the airport, then finding a download of a replacement for it, loading the sim again to check the state of the download, then spend time creating parking spaces for GSX because they are all small and won't accept a 737, excluding jetways for that particular airport because of duplucate parking spots etc etc. Often, by the time I have done all this I no longer feel like flying and I feel like I have to do it far too often. I wish they would prioritise fixing whatever automatic system they developed to create these airports and fix them but there is already no excuse for the state of this "hand-crafted" rubbish. If I have one regret it's paying for the nonsense deluxe version. I should have spent that money on some airports. I don't feel like a mug often these days but they got me on this one. It's the only thing I think P3D did better. Alright, all the airports in that were uninspiring but at least there were no lights in the taxiways, you could taxi about without using a winch to pull yourself up the elevation problems, the terminals had jetways and your altimeter displayed the correct elevation because the airport was at the correct height in space and time.
  20. Introduce an extremity deadzone to your controller in the MSFS settings. If you do this put the sensitivity setting back to linear though. The trouble with the sensitivity setting is it puts a curve in the progression so that the initial movement is less sensitive but as you move through the movement of the controller it accelerates to become absurd. I have found the best solution to introduce a deadzone at the end of the travel for more realistic and consistent control. To be honest, I have a problem with what these settings are named in the controller settings of this sim. They are sort of misleading. Senitivity is not actually sensitivity as it is linearity and extremety deadzone doesn't actually create a deadzone. What it actually seems to do is still permit the use of the full travel of your yoke as an input but it limits the travel of the control surface in the sim. For example, in the PMDG 737 I have set an extremity deadzone for the pitch control with my Honeycombe yoke but the yoke movement in the cockpit still matches my yoke in a linear fashion so there is no "deadzone". However, it just means that the elevator on the plane does not reach full deflection when my yoke is full pitch up. The effect is a much more realistic pitch control with the limited travel pitch of a controller like the honeycomb yoke. My advice is to not use the "sensitivity" setting to adjust pitch sensitivity because it's actually a linearity setting. Use "extremity deadzone" instead because that is more like a "sensitivity" setting. The same principle applies to roll as well. They really should change the names of what these settings are as I already said. However, "extremity deadzone" does exactly what it says when it comes to throttle controls for example. That really does create a deadzone in the movemoent of your device. Honestly, MSFS controller names and settings are an absolute mess and for other reasons I won't go into here. The only thing I use a little of the "sensitivity" (linearity) setting on is the twist function of my stick that I use as a tiller.
  21. A few negative ninnies in here typing words that sound like some sort of cope. A bit weird. Let the guy share his excitement in his new system without the snide 🙄
  22. Good for you. Enjoy it. I think you won't regret going for the 16GB card. Also, Be sure to check and update the firmware on those 980 Pro's. I have two of those and there was recently some iffy firmware that went out that was killing them. They have fixed it now but you don't know if the ones you receive were sent out of the factory with the bad one on. Nothing to worry about. Just make sure they are up to date, is all.
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