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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. The price of SSD's has come down a lot the last time I checked a couple of weeks ago. I nearly picked up a 2tb version of my 980 Pro's for £130. I just looked on Currys.co.uk and you can still get one for less than £140 which is almost irresistable for me. I have no idea if your motherboared can natively support 2 SSD's or what type it does but if it doesn't support more you could always get a PCIe expansion card to put the SSD in and then slot it into one of your PCIe slots. Buying legacy optical HDD's is, well,l silly these days. They perform dreadfully, take up too much space and are noisy. Apart from using one in the way mspencer mentions above as a massive external storage I see no logic in owning one at all in 2023.
  2. That makes sense if you have two products linked but I only have the pedals and it never did this before a windows reinstall so it's not a thing that is 100% going to happen. I'm unsure what the trigger or cause is. It's a bit of a head scratcher, I must say.
  3. May I ask those with the same pedals that have this issue which operating system you are on. I didn't have this when on Windows 10. Now I'm on 11 it's there. Clutching at straws but I'm curious.
  4. I have had to do a reinstall of Windows and MSFS and all the other stuff which means I have lost all my progress in NeoFly and I'm just not willing to do all the tests to fly the aircraft that I want to again. I have spent 4 days getting it all up and running and I just want to fly. I just want to get into the situation I was in before I lost it all. I know how to use a database editor to change the money amount but where and what variable am I looking for to change my licenses? If I go to the "players" table where I can adjust the money amount I can see that "catA" is active with a "1" so one would think just changing "catC" to a "1" and saving it would result in an active Cat C license when the app is launched but it doesn't work so what am I missing?
  5. I have had enough of "customer service" and "technical support" pretenders for one week, buddy. When my will has returned to deal such people I will for sure reach out to them. For now, unless someone else has any other ideas, I shall put up with it. As long as I have deleted the assignments in one of the controllers there doesn't seem to be a conflict. It has to go though. I can't stand the sight of it every time I go in there. It's messy and a sign that something isn't right.
  6. You can't. You can't delete controllers. You can only delete the profiles you have assigned to them.
  7. Yes, that's my concern as well. The cloud interference. I can't find it on the store version to give it a go.
  8. Store Yeah, there is only one there. Unplugging and plugging in again into any usb port makes no difference.
  9. It wasn't happening before the reinstall though and I'm not sure that is the cause because only one mode is active at any given time. If you activate the xbox mode they are not even detected. Does anyone know where MSFS stores the controller profiles locally on the PC?
  10. Thanks for the reply but when I look in Game Controllers there is only 1 entry for VelocityOne Rudder as there is only one for all the other controllers. I assume that if windows was seeing 2 there would be 2?
  11. Nothing is ever easy, is it? After a reinstallation of Windows and MSFS I get into the sim and am happy to find that it had saved my controller settings in the cloud and I wouldn't have to go through all that nonsense again.....But wait, why not give the guy a new and unique problem that will take much longer to solve than just assigning his inputs again. That'll ruin his day. I now have two entries that are conflicting for the Velocity One Rudder Pedals in the sim. As though they are two separate controllers. One of these needs to go but because the sim thinks it's two controllers I can't remove one. As long as the pedals are plugged in I have two sets of pedals in the sim. Bonkers. As it stands, across the top, I have: Keyboard/ Mouse/ Alpha Flight Controls/ Bravo Throttle Quadrant/ VelocityOne Pedals/ And Velocity One Pedals AGAIN How does this happen? For goodness sake? Anyone have any clue how to fix problem? I'd be most grateful. It's be 4 days of hell regarding Microsoft for me and I'm am just about at my wits end.
  12. After another hour on hold they just hung up on me again.
  13. Just tried calling that, Ray and it's Xbox support that is also automated and directs you to online "support". They just don't want to talk to their customers.
  14. Where on earth did you find that number, Ray? I spent 2 hours last night looking and only found one which was automated telling me support was online and directing me to the same misery I was already experiencing. I felt as though I was in quicksand. I'll call them first thing tomorrow morning. I'm so dejected after yesterday I just haven't got it in me to try to deal with them today. Thank you ever so much.
  15. I've been unable to find an email address to deal with the issue, Ray.
  16. You got it and thanks but I'm locked out of customer service until at least 8pm tomorrow which really means sunday morning at the earliest and I have absolutely no faith at all they will resolve this even though they admit my key is valid because they simply are unwilling or incapable of directing me to the channel that will reactivate my paid for product key. Either this is company policy hiding behind known incompetence or it's just incompetence but one thing is for sure, not only can I not afford a new key, I sure as hell am not paying them for it.
  17. Thing is, I have searched and searched and there is no way to contact them. I did find a number but the number directs you to the online no help service that blocks you from getting any more customer service when they feel they have had enough of you. Beyond contempt. Beyond. They won't even let you pay for the phone call to get what your owed.
  18. Of course, no prizes for guessing where that is. Honestly, I'm in awe of the experience. I have been a dedicated customer of Microsoft since DAY 1 and to be treated like this today has me honestly considering dumping this hobby on principle, so insulted by it that I am.
  19. Not even remotely close, Ray. Even by their own admission tonight they said that my key is perfectly valid but everytime they sent my call to tech support to activate it they cut me off. And to then lock me out of any more support for 24 hours to put right their mistakes, well, I'm not happy camping, I'll put it that way. It feels like a hi-jack racket. Because that is what it is.
  20. There is no rollback because it was a fresh install. The story gets better anyway. Because I got them to call me again and I demanded to speak to a supervisor and after an hour he confirmed that my key was legitimate and he would transfer me to the tech department that would then activate my windows. Then the call hung up. SO, again, I went through it..... AGAIN. This time the chap said my key had been confirmed and needed tech support to activate it and that THIS time he would stay on the line until they answered.....half hour later....I get hung up on again. SO AGAIN, I go to get them to call me but this time, the system had the CHEEK to say that I had "EXCEEDED MY CALLS FOR THE DAY AND WOULD HAVE TO TRY AGAIN IN 24 HOURS"...I'm in awe at this point. AWE. DESPICABLE. I have never been treated with such utter contempt by a company in all my life. They remove your ability to contact them directly and then hang up on you until you reach an arbitrary limit they have imposed so that they can then use that limit to avoid you and what you paid them for. Absolute THIEVES.
  21. I use simbrief downloader on the website.
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