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About bbain1187

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  1. Hi all, Not sure how many of you still use PFPX, but I still find it the most robust dispatching system available. I noticed today that the weather information (METARs/TAFs, not to be confused with winds aloft data) is almost a week old, from 16-Oct. NOTAMs and winds aloft are updating correctly, and everything shows current (green) at the bottom right, however, weather reports/forecasts are old. I deleted the data in the TEMP folder and it still pulls WX info from 16-Oct. Anyone else seeing this? I would seek support from Aerosoft but they have abandoned PFPX and the forum there is read-only. Thanks, Ben
  2. "Some features of ASP6 are not compatible when using volumetric clouds at this time. This includes: Cloud detection features, in-cloud motion effect, in-cloud visibility reduction, high-resolution radar/precipitation accuracy, and ASCA compatibility." I'd be interested to know if there is any radar functionality with volumetric clouds turned on. Like, is it passable, just not "high resolution?" Not having a working radar is one of the only reasons I haven't moved on to the other sim and I'd like to know that there's a pathway to ditching 2d clouds forever. Either way, I'll be supporting Hifi, as they've offered heavily discounted upgrade licenses for over a decade.
  3. Thanks for the input. I did pull the trigger on the 13700k the other day but seeing all the 7800X3D hype has me rethinking my choices. Hate to make compromises but with the FSLabs A320 (and soon Concorde), PMDG heavies and iFly MAX, I'll be on P3D for awhile yet.
  4. It is a big improvement vs Orbx in my opinion. Lots more lights, fully customizable, and with v2 I no longer get a performance hit with it.
  5. Hi all, My 6700k has served me quite well for 7+ years and I'm looking to start a complete rebuild, only keeping some SSD's. Looking for a high-end system running most likely a 4090 @ 4k. For now, I'm on P3D exclusively due to all my airliners and some of the limitations of MSFS such as no weather radar. However, I'd like to start transitioning to MSFS in the next year or two. Looking at the AMD X3D series, the upcoming 7800X3D looks like the way to go, although the 4.2 base clock (4.4 if moving up to the 7900) could be a problem for P3D, as it's very core speed-dependent. I'm not sure how the core boosting on the AMD works, i.e. is it just one at at time or could it be several cores at a moderate boost if scenery loading, etc. dictate that? The X3D series seems to crush the competition in MSFS, but wish I could see some P3D benchmarks. If I go Intel, I'd probably lean towards the 13700k. With some decent cooling, I could have all cores running close to 6.0. And there is a Raptor Lake refresh coming later this year, so the possibility to swap out the CPU later on is there. Any thoughts, especially from anyone who might be running both platforms? Thanks!
  6. Not sure if I understand your question. You want to use an addon scenery, but have the default v5 taxiways and aprons showing through? Ben
  7. Honestly, it takes 30 seconds to delete the default objects (it would take more time to load up the scenery just to see if you need to delete the default objects) but in theory, if you don't see the default buildings bleeding through then step 3 wouldn't be necessary. I believe I experimented with just putting the .cvx file in the main scenery addon's folder and deleting the associated .bgl but I don't think that worked. I could be wrong though so you're welcome to give that a shot. The problem with putting the .bgl file in the main scenery addon's folder is that the AFCAD could be read by the sim and GSX so you will have default V5 gates. Ben
  8. I have a different method of doing this, but it appears to achieve the same results. Rather than change the airport altitude of the addon scenery to conform to the default V5 airport altitude, I change the default V5 altitude to conform to the addon scenery, and add a separate exclusion folder at a lower priority so as to not have to alter any of the addon scenery's files. This method, using CloudBerry KOAK as an example: 1. Using ADE, open KOAK_ADE_noDynLights.bgl, or whatever the main airport .bgl is for your scenery. Take note of the airport altitude in airport reference data - it's 5.997. That's all I need to do with this file. 2. Open the V5 Stock KOAK, note the altitude: it's 8.999. Change it to 5.997. 3. Open lists, Scenery objects, select all, delete. Do the same for taxi signs. 4. Add a polygon (green icon on top toolbar) around the airport. When done, double click inside of it. The type will be Exclude Specific, the tag will be Airport Backgrounds Flatten MaskClassMap Autogen. 5. Save, then compile airport. In the process of compiling, you need to create a new folder, call it KOAK-Exclude or whatever. Within that, create another folder, "Scenery." Compile the .bgl inside that folder. It will also generate a .cvx file. 6. Add the KOAK-Exclude folder to your sim library, preferably using a tool such as Lorby's P3D Addon Organizer. It needs to be a LOWER priority than your main Cloudberry KOAK folder. That's it, seems to work for me. I am by no means an expert at ADE, just lots of trial and error. Ben
  9. This is by far the most pressing matter for LM to fix. EA is now good enough for me to use at all times of the day (with the shader fix shared in the P3D forums) but this is the only thing preventing me from ditching the old 2D clouds forever. We need volumetric clouds to be usable, and they are not usable in their current state (unless you prefer the early FSX-style global weather theme). If there is a future for P3D, I hope this is a high priority for LM.
  10. No VRAM problems for me on a 3 year-old 2080ti, even running 4k at LVFR KMIA in the NGXu. 5.2 with the hotfix was a step back in performance for me, as I've got an older CPU (i7 6700k) and they seemed to shift resources from the GPU back to the CPU, which induced sub-30fps performance for me and stutters. Since 5.3, I'm back to great performance even with my old CPU. I think you guys need to follow Rob's advice and also look into your settings. LOD is a big one, I'm running it on high, and autogen/scenery draw distance at medium. We certainly don't need LM to be changing code because of user-induced problems. 11-gb cards have been available for several years now, if ya'll are gonna max your setting out then you need one, and if that's not an option, lower your settings accordingly. I've lowered my CPU-intensive settings and my sim looks and performs great.
  11. I'd go for the iFly...there are a few issues here and there that will hopefully be corrected but the sounds and autopilot behavior leave the Ngxu in the dust. But one thing that hasn't been mentioned yet on this thread in regards to the iFly is the flap extension speed. Waaaay too fast from flaps up to flaps 5. Hope they fix that one, as well as the engine spool-up time. Those are the two biggest issues for me.
  12. He wasn't saying he had erroneous IAS. Holding a constant N1, icing will result in extra weight and drag/loss of lift that will cause your actual airspeed to bleed off. Ben
  13. I actually picked up ice departing MDW in snow the other day with the -800NGX and ASN for P3D. I thought something was wrong with the sim because I was pitched up 12 degrees or so passing 12k and only climbing at like 1300 fpm. I was running the Engine A/I only but as soon as I flipped on the wing A/I I started doing 2500+ fpm. Not that having all the ice melt instantly is realistic either but better than nothing. Ben
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