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About badger2000

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    Hampshire, UK

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  1. I've used PF3 for a while. I like it. Tried Pilot2ATC and for some reason didn't get on with it. I much prefer the accents in PF3. If you use SIDs and STARS I believe P2ATC may be more flexible but it's not really an issue for me.
  2. Do I need to restart AIGTC after each flight or just before my first flight? My thoughts so far are that the addon is great for major airports but not so good for regional airports as many of the smaller aircraft models don't yet seem to be available. I'm currently flying around the Caribbean and the only aircraft I can find is an Air France A320 parked at TFFR. None of the Caribbean airlines seem to be represented yet. UPDATE: The Airbus has taken off! 😃
  3. I believe there's a 'Neofly tools' add on which does that plus some other things. I think there's a link to it on their discord server.
  4. The BN2 has indeed been updated since release (it's now on v1. 1) with plans afoot for a further update later in the year I believe. I would always buy direct from the developer as it means updates come much quicker and they get a larger slice of the income from the sale for their hard work.
  5. I'm loving the Mooney at the moment. The TBM is great too. I haven't tried the Bonanza mod or the Got Gravel yet as I'm having too much fun with the Mooney.
  6. Hi Jim Just to let you know I followed the instructions and all works fine now :Applause: . Many thanks for the solution to this. I still find it hard to believe that Carenado haven't done something to fix this though. It's OK selling a cargo expansion pack but not if you can't get your cargo out :rolleyes: . Anyway, thanks again Cheers Mike
  7. Wow! That was quick...I only posted my message less than half an hour ago. I'll give this a go tomorrow and let you know how I get on. Many thanks for this Jim and for your very prompt reply. Cheers Mike
  8. Hi Jim, I seem to be the latest one to have bought the C208 with doors that don't work! I've read this thread and it seems to have been an issue for about 3 years. You would have thought that Carenado might have made a patch for this by now! Anyway, I wonder whether you'd be kind enough to share your solution with me? Many thanks Mike
  9. I got Air Hauler at a 50% discount recently. I like it but wouldn't pay full price for it. Badger
  10. Hello,I bought the Citation a couple of days ago having tried the Mustang but found that to be a little slow when I tried to get from A to B quickly. I got quite frustrated with the Citation for a few hours to start with as I couldn't program the FMC and get the autopilot working properly :( . It was then that I thought it might be a good idea to read the manual :( and the Citation is now very quickly becoming my favourite aircraft to fly (and I also own the PMDG JS41 which is great). I've even progressed to starting from cold and dark which I always believes adds realism to a flight.I love the plane now and can't wait for the new 3D panel to be released (as the current one isn't as good as it might be and Eaglesoft are clearly improving it) as that looks absolutely fantastic.While I'm here, does anyone know if there are hotspots to the various 2D panels from the VC? I couldn't find it in the manual but may well have missed it.Cheers and well done Eaglesoft on an excellent aircraft. :( Badger
  11. HelloI just started to get this problem today too. I've tried restarting FSX but it keep happening while in VC view.Badger PS I've just noticed that 'Windows Update' updated my GTX285 driver over the weekend to so I wonder if this is as a result of that? I can't find anything else that's changed that may be causing this. Is anyone else with this problem using this driver?
  12. Well I uninstalled the J41, reinstalled it went through the normal process and it started like a dream. Just completed my first FSPassengers flight with it and all the passengers were happy :( :( Don't know why it wouldn't start before but I've now got a saved flight with everything started and ready to taxi (just in case it happens again) and another flight after it's been shutdown completely, ready for a fresh start next time round. :( Fingers crossed for next time.BadgerPS: I too had followed the start up instructions to the letter and had them engrained in my brain but I couldn't start the second engine (whichever one I started first, the other wouldn't start) until I uninstalled and started again. Latest update. Loaded up FSX and tried to start a new flight but the same old problem arose. It seems like the props are feathering again after I have started one engine so what I've done is leave the throttle in full reverse whilst I've started each engine and when the first engine has stabilised I put that one back to the neutral position (the other one stays in full reverse). I then start the other engine and when that's stabilised, press F1 and away we go. Seems to work for me and avoids the apparent refeathering after starting one engine. I don't know if this will help anyone but thought I'd explain how I got around this in case anyone else has this problem.
  13. Hi This doesn't just happen in the tutorial, it happens in all flights.Everything has been done by the book which is why I can't understand why one engine starts OK but not the other. I've unfeathered both props etc.Badger
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