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About Lukas_Mathijsen

  • Rank
    TIN-TIN -=Shrek SQN=-
  • Birthday 09/09/1990

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    On your 6 o' clock, messing with your elevators

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  1. Hi, Why are you asking a GSX question on the PMDG forum?
  2. Why are you asking this in the PMDG forum? :huh:
  3. Small (animation related) bug report. Haven't tried in the 200LR/F, but it's there in the 300ER: The switch animation for the Thrust Asym Comp isn't correct. Hard to explain, but if you try it you can see it. The lettering stays put basically.
  4. Doesn't Boeing offer a HUD for the 777F? Or is my memory failing me...
  5. Excellent! Thanks for the heads up!
  6. This! It's such a critically important feature, and oh so usefull!
  7. The point is if you are looking dead ahead and don't look around, the viewpoint shifts. Off course with trackir if you want to look at something you can compensate, but that's not the point. The point is if you are not trying to "look at something" and just look outside the cockpit. (yes I have trackir..)
  8. "This video has been removed by the user."
  9. Tim, Have a read up on this: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/73486-pfpx-etops-pmdg777-part-2-flightdeck/ Might be the answer to your question.
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