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Everything posted by cvearl

  1. What kind of weather do you fly in? Do you set FSX to unlimited fps and lock with RP? That is when I get spikes the fastest especially in cloudy weather. So turning off DFC (Dynamic Framerate Control) in RP and locking FSX internally at 30 really does prolong the time to creating spikes. This is all about how much load is on the GPU. Locking FSX internally to 30 brought my GPU usage down considerably. But something is still causing it eventually especially in overcast weather. Charles.
  2. Also... version 13.10 BETA works in DX10 but not 9 IIRC. So when people are saying it works or not, please specify if you are in DX10 or 9 mode in FSX. C.
  3. I see there was one GTX780 owner here saying he has the same. But anyway. I have alot of hours on this 7970 in DX9 at these very same settings and my FSX.CFG is quite clean to be honest. Firehawk... It is only in DX10 (at the same IQ settings) that I get the spikes. And the thicker the clouds or the higher the water setting the quicker the spikes come. ATI users may just have to live without Cockpit Shadows and go back to DX9. Unless of course a solution presents itself. Charles. I use TrackIR and I get horizontal tearing in the screen when I pan my view without vSync. Cant stand it. In DX9 you do not need RadeonPro for vSync anyway just the edit to the fsx.cfg file. RadeonPro is needed for vSync in DX10. Charles.
  4. Thanks for chiming in Steve! You rock. As I indicated above, I did like the others and disabled the water shader in the tool and I did 2 - 1 hour flight tests in the area I was getting the spikes and had no spikes. Maybe luck? Not sure. Second flight was in fact with 8xSSAA and still no spikes. But I did not get the clouds too thick. Set them to Broken. Water was Low 2x. If RadeonPro is the cause we have a problem. Only tool I know currently to force vSync for DX10 mode in FSX. In DX10, the edits in FSX.CFG for vsync are inoperative. C. Damn. Sorry to hear that. I am going to look at options in RadeonPro that might help like disabling some stuff like API monitoring and the FPS and GPU usage displays. That could be doing something as Steve said that RadeonPro is directly accessing the GPU. C.
  5. Last night I flew for an hour twice in DX10 mode with the fixer installed but the Water Shader disabled. No spikes. Anddddddd... I was at Water 2x Low with some cloudy weather. Very happy. This was flying around Vancouver BC in the new Duke Piston V2. Will report this back to Steve. Ooops NM I missed the last few posts. Charles.
  6. Love it. Great plane. Pet peeve was always the xwind behaviour once on the runway. That sideways sliding crap always bothered me. Charles.
  7. I would rather they move on to a Scout rebuild or something else. The Turbine was already awesome. A B-1900 ? C.
  8. Ya Firehawk44 this is an ATI+FSX DX10 issue for sure. I know no one with an NVidia card having this right now. I'm going to mess with the water like yall been sayin. Thanks! Charles.
  9. For those that like to "know" or access how well they are landing or how well they turn, ascend and descend and how their passengers felt, REX Latitude can be fun with a plane modelled this well. http://www.rexlatitude.com/Home/ While the financial system is not my cup o tea and the mutiplayer component never made the light of day, I love being able to assess my pilotage and have a log of all my flights and my skills. Last update added type ratings. If I rack up enough hours in thee Duke and maintain my proficiency level, I will get a type rating in it. Cute addition. Since I will be flying this beauty alot (along side the A2A cub), it should not take long to get the hours. Only problem is, as you get higher in license, the tougher the scoring level is. And you don't get bonused for hand flying or landing in windy conditions. It does note the conditions but the score is not adjusted based on them. Otherwise, good fun. Charles.
  10. Whether we agree with it or not, my guess is... http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/605-orbx-forum-terms-of-use/ Posts can and will be deleted from time to time by Orbx staff if their content breaches the terms of use or is deemed inappropriate or deemed to be inciting flame posts. Posts can and will be deleted without an explanation to the original poster. 15 ) You cannot post advertisements or notices for contests, nor may you post links to other developer's or publisher's sales, discounts or special deals. This is the private Orbx forums and we aren't a marketing platform for other companies. Please respect that.17 ) Do NOT post release announcements for *any* other company or developer's flight simulation addon products for FSX or Prepar3D. There are many other places where those developers can release their news and make those announcements, but these forums are not the appropriate place for them.
  11. Common guys that's not fair. I have been following Yorgo's threads on this as I have been having the EXACT same issues and I have been playing with all the settings and I am familiar with this issue from the past on an older system... Since trying to fly longer flights in DX10 with my 7970, I get the spikes same as him... Flushed shader caches, virgin FSX.CFG. BP settings of various settings. With and without Highmemfix ect. I am telling you that I have seen several posts from several people having this issue with ATI and DX10 recently and we are all trying to get to the cause and resolution. Facts are I have dozens of hours invested in experimentation trying to nail down settings that cause this. I know that 8xAA in fixer + RadeonPro/CCC set to SuperSample = 8xSSAA and that drives GPU usage into the 90+% range. Then expect the spikes to come a calling. We all know that GPU hitting over 95% GPU usage will cause spikes and corruptions. This is not in question. 8xSSAA is like 8xAA in Fixer+8xSGSS in nvidia land BTW. Anyway, add some clouds with water somewhere nearby and you are immediately at 99% GPU in DX10 mode (not sure this happens to nVidia but they have a different rendering behaviour in terms of Shader Units). Spikes right away. Drop to 4xAA in fixer definitely helps as does lowering other settings like water and such extends the time length before you see the spikes but they will come. But that depends on the scenery you are flying through and what plane you are in. With a somewhat Virgin FSX.CFG in DX10 mode with 4xAA in the fixer and Dense AG and Water at 2xLow and keeping cloud density slider at high instead of Ultra, I can fly for over an hour in the new Duke v2.0 around the ORBX PNW scenery and have no issue but then eventually heading back into Vancouver and Blam I got them. My conclusion currently is that with my 7970, the same settings (FSX.CFG and AA settings) that have always been fine in DX9 are not playing nice in DX10. I monitor my card with MSI Afterburner or RadeonPro and I can tell you that DX10 drives my GPU usage up quite high and eventually leads to spikes. It's an FSX DX10 thing as I have other games people play on my computer that are DX10 and 11 and no problems. One connection is the Unlimited fps setting in FSX and locked externally via RadeonPro as some ATI users do. Using RadeonPro to lock 30 externally in DX9 is fine and results in really good results. DX10 rendering in FSX might not like that. I turned off the external limiter in RadeonPro the other night and set FSX to 30 like I used to long ago and stuck to 4xxAA and I had a long flight without a spike and GPU usage remained allot lower. Have not had time to try this again. Still testing. I am sorry I did not see this whole issue as the ATI guy in the BETA for the DX10 fixer. While I was BETA testing, it was 10 minute stints trying different planes and airports. It was not until after release when I went back to regular flight plans that I started seeing these spikes. That was a few weeks ago. I still want to try Virgin DX10 mode without the fixer. Just have not had time. Charles.
  12. Add me to the list of P3D 2.0 watchers. I hope that DX11 P3D plays nice with ATI as ATI excels at DX11 in other titles. If not I have no problem swapping to a GTX770 or higher (would need to as a replacement of a 7970). I hope LM knocks this out of the park. Charles.
  13. Truth is that ATI cards are great in DX10 .... in other titles. And DX11 as well. I know because I play other games with ATI no problem. But my main thing is FSX. This could be something to do with forcing Super Sample AA with FSX's DX10 engine. Hard to say. And testing continues... But when I do fly to fly, I fly in DX9. DX11 mode with P3D 2.0 should be interesting. Wonder if that will gong out. C.
  14. EDIT -> I missed Steve's response above. I'll leave my reply in tact anyway. In DX9, 13.9 and 13.10 will FETAL ERROR on EXIT with FSX. I have reported this to AMD through their driver feedback system. 13.10 BETA seemed fine in DX10 and I could EXIT FSX no problem but in DX9. Splat. Faulting Module is an ATI file I cant remember the name of. Copied and pasted the error details for AMD support. Not sure they will do anything for FSX right away. So for DX9 I am back to 13.4. I still need to test DX10 mode without Steve's DX10 tool installed to ensure this is not a shader in his Fixer that is being naughty with ATI and second... What about dropping my CPU clock to 4.0. Spikes for me in the past were always related to CPU pushing too hard up my GPU's Wazzoooo! However. BP=0 is really cool in DX9 with 7900 series cards! As smooth as DX10 all day long and I get no spikes. Another test is 13.10 BETA driver in DX10. Will it still get spikes? NOTE: When going back and forth with drivers... Use the AMD Catalyst tool in the Control Panel Programs and choose complete uninstall all AMD products and then restart. Then install the new driver. Best practice. Away this weekend so cant test myself for now. Charles.
  15. I have one test I have not done yet... First off... DX9 with BP=0 and DX10 without BP settings both have higher GPU usage compared to DX9 without BP=0. Of course BP=0 is no issue for my card in DX9. But in DX10... Spikesville dadio. Then back in DX10, I tried with USEPOOLS=1 and nothing else and went nearly an hour without spikes. USEPOOLS puts load back on the CPU and reduces load on the GPU. So then I remember when I had a ATI 6950. I could not use BP=0 in DX9 because I would get flashes and eventually spikes. Especially flying TongassX. In order to use BP=0 with my 6950 I had to drop my CPU to 4.0Ghz. Just for giggles I will do that and see what happens with DX10 mode. Can I then go further before I see spikes? If true, with 4.0Ghz still be fine with DX10 compared to 4.4 Ghz in DX9? I will also try DX10 without the DX10 fixer installed and see if that makes a difference. There could be a Shader in there that does not play nice. One never knows! Charles.
  16. Really? My 660ti sucked in FSX. Could not take heavy weather at big airports. My 7970 rocks FSX in DX9. The problem discussed here is DX10 mode is not playing nice. If he moves to nvidia to fix DX10 here he'll need a GTX680. Which is fine too. Great card. To the OP I went back to DX9. Experimenting still in DX10 and hope to find a fix. C.
  17. Sorry to break it to you... My 7970 runs DX9 FSX perfect. DX10 I get spikes. The more clouds... The higher the AA setting... The higher the water setting... The faster I see the spikes. For now going back to DirectX 9. I still experiment with DirectX 10 looking for the setting that will work because it is smoother and it has the cockpit shadows. in DirectX 9 I lock at 30 frames with Radeon Pro and I leave FSX at unlimited. My fsx.cfg is simple... Highmemfix, wideviewaspect and fullscreenvsync settings and B=0. Radeon pro at 4xAA and supersample. No probs. C. in DX9, Tripplebuffer forced in Radeonpro causes black screen. In dx10 smaa enabled in Radeonpro causes blackscreen and crash to desktop. C.
  18. First plane to do it to me. I have EZCA. Might have something to do with it.
  19. Damn... I dont have those. How about the Dukes? PMDG JS41? Any Carenado?? Charles.
  20. That was a RIOT and then I found this and laughed even harder... the song made me laugh. Not sure why.. C.
  21. That would be everything out the window in FSX. Might get it after the SP. C.
  22. In the interest of knowing what video cards are available out there and how they'll play with FSX, I would like to send you a flight that I saved and you can tell me how well it works. What planes do you own... maybe we have the same one and we can test apples to apples so I know what to expect.
  23. 8xSGSS in clouds and smooth? Maybe on the Titan. But I doubt it. I am guessing 4xAA with 4xSGSS is very smooth. I bet that's where you will settle. Glad to see that 99 percent GPU usage is not just on the ATI cards when you go to 8XAA. Super sample just pushes these cards to the brink! C.
  24. In DX10 if you enabled SMAA (Also present in some SweetFX injectors) you will get a black screen in FSX. DX10+SMAA in FSX = Black Screen. Same goes for enabling Tripple Buffering I believe if forced from RadeonPro. Charles.
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