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Everything posted by FS++

  1. The audio synthesis hasn't been touched for at least 3 years, therefore definitely not caused by more recent versions. Besides, that's what that "automatic audio attenuation" panel pop-up is supposed to address. Nobody else has reported this similar issue since we added that pop-up. USB or conventional headset? If conventional with 3 mm jacks, which sound chip is built into the mother board? Realtek or other?
  2. Indeed. By the way, you can relax knowing that this isn't VoiceAttack. All critical actions are safeguarded against accidental trigger. Fo will want you to confirm before going ahead with the task. Even the first engine start will require confirmation. Even turning off autopilot or autothrottle once airborne are deemed critical, let alone "shutdown engine one", "irs one off"(once engines are running), "gear up" which he will never obey on ground etc... With regards call-outs with Toliss A3XX, Get this patch Replace plugin file inside X-Plane installation folder as per folder structure. Should detect reversers on and spoiler deployment.
  3. It is V3.0.3.5 and you don't even need to perform a full flight. Start MSFS, PMDG 737 ready to takeoff with spoilers armed. Start MCE. Initiate TOGA and at about 100 knots, abort take off using reverse thrust. Fo should pick-up reversers (if used), spoiler deployment and obviously 60 knots callout.
  4. Normally, that panel that automatically pops-up is intended to mitigate the issue. Just be aware, every time you reboot Windows, the setting could be lost. Not between 2 flight sim sessions though. Make sure both flight sim and MCE are running. In Windows search box, type mixer Adjust MCE audio level relative to the flight sim audio and hopefully Windows will remember the setting
  5. Really not sure how to approach this. If more users want this implemented, please chime in. That kind of communication isn't very standardized, therefore, even if we add a few speech commands to that effect, it's very likely people won't use them and will scratch their heads as to what they need to say. Just like a full briefing isn't suitable for that. For now, since this doesn't involve checking anything, you could be better off creating some custom trigger sentence in Voxkey and tie it to that hotkey. Do not use PTT when speaking it. At least you would have the exact sentence that flows to your mind naturally.
  6. Before providing options to suppress them, I suggest you have a go at the latest patch Replace 2 exe files "Reverse green" and "speedbrake up" callouts should now work as expected with PMDG 737. Not sure what you meant by 80 kts callout. It applies only to Boeing types (enabled by default in 737), therefore won't apply to Airbus types, even if the option is enabled. The buses use the "100 knots" by default unless it's disabled. Some planes like the JS41 have a 70 kts call-out on takeoff hard coded.
  7. Simple. In "General" tab of MCE UI, click <More options>. In "Advanced options panel" enable option "Numlock mutes reco" (it is disabled by default due to the Demo. Someone toggling Numlock key would end-up with no speech reco at all). Once enabled, toggle all MCE speech reco ON and OFF using that key. On the same panel, you should see a button <Mute with joy> Click it and you should be able to assign a joystick button to emulate toggling Numlock. There is also the "Mike icon" in UI you could use, but that one requires a click which might be annoying. The joystick button will do the trick.
  8. Get this patch for the MSFS edition Manually replace 4 files inside \Multi Crew Experience installation folder. Fixes A310 heading dialling Adds "selective call-outs" by editing "mce.ini". They're all enabled by default (when the options aren't there) See this thread
  9. Please fill-out "Registration.txt" file and send it to support (don't post it here). Thank you
  10. OK, a new X-Plane package has just been uploaded. V1.6.6.0 http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html It's "xpmce.ini" that the new options need to be added to, not "mce.ini"
  11. No, only those listed, but others can be added if you or others wish it to be the case.
  12. That's probably because you forgot to put your activation file inside \Multi Crew Experience\ installation folder or renamed it to something else. In that case, and since the Demo would have timed out a long time ago, it will just bail out without warning.
  13. Thanks for the follow-up. The option is disabled by default and may be l,ost when you re-install PF3. Here is a thread where you can get all the tips about using MCE with PF3
  14. EDIT: The PMDG SDK normally has variables tracking the "REV" annunciator for each engine. Unfortunately it doesn't work. Always zero no matter how hard you pull the lever.. Just to correct myself. These variables are probably related to the amber warning when reversers deploy accidentally. The alternative is to track the lever axis. A few adjustments have been made to the threshold value. Assuming you're on V3.0.3.0 or higher, grab this patch See this thread for new section that can be added to mce.ini
  15. Thank you. Are you on Ultimate Edition or MSFS (multiple plane) edition?
  16. Get this patch and manually replace 3 files in MCE installation folder. "show the bird/hide the bird" should work with Fenix now. It's possible to select which exact call-outs you need with a new [CALLOUTS] section in mce.ini New users will get it on first installation. In your case, you need to add the section manually unless you restore MCE to factory settings. See the other thread
  17. Not sure what's happening. The new name for the Demo is "MCE-Demo.exe", not the older "mce.zip". Try re-downloading again from website as a new package has been uploaded last night. http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html Please confirm all OK for you now.
  18. "birdie on/birdie off" bug confirmed. Will be fixed in revised "Simco64_Ldr.exe". Thanks for reporting this. Haven't found anything unusual with APU. Fo can track it accurately, with multiple start/shutdown commands. Just a reminder, for smooth operation we do recommend you set the complex plane as the one MSFS loads on startup, even though starting from V3.0.3.2 it's not absolutely necessary. Once MCE is up and running, wait for about 45 seconds until you see the FO's left armrest salute which indicates he has gathered all the custom variables he needs to interact with. So maybe you asked for APU start before that happened. Plane version used is (I assume there is no other Beta out there you may be using)
  19. Can any other registered user confirm that? Thanks
  20. Nothing to do with FSDT. Just too many planes going through updates and creating new challenges in the process. We will be looking at it next month.
  21. Good news. This has been requested some time ago and has now been implemented. You'll get it in next update. You can already add this section to "mce.ini". Enable/disable whichever call-outs you want. Won't work until new "mce.exe" is released either tomorrow or Friday at the latest.. [CALLOUTS] 80knots=0 100knots=1 V1=1 VR=1 PositiveRate=1 V2=1 TransitionAltitude=1 TenThousandClimbing=1 TenThousandDescending=0 TransitionLevel=0 OneThousandFinal=0 FiveHundredFinal=0 Minimums=1 60KnotsDecel=1
  22. Just to correct myself. Turned out it wasn't the dialling pace. It appears in one of the aircraft updates, it was totally screwed, with Fo no longer reading the correct HDG shown in MCP which leads to random dialling. It's going to be fixed by tomorrow. Thanks for reporting this. Do not hesitate to report such malfunctions. They will always happen here and there as planes get updated and we can't keep a tab on all of them. 50 supported planes across all MS flight sims MSFS, Prepar3D, FSX & FS9 as well as 25 in X-Plane.
  23. Had the exact same scenario for the last 2 days. Totally unexplained failure to complete startup (normal and safe mode). Crashes at the opening screen (options and aircraft selection). And never saw the "Checking for updates" (was already up to date therefore assumed it wasn't needed). When you mentioned "check the updates", I decided to delete a small item from the "official" folder. Chose "Asobo-services" (because it's less than 1 MB) just to see. The next start, it did check for updates and redownloaded <Asobo-services>. From then on it's back to normal. Not saying it's <Asobo-Services> the culprit, but it seems if for some reason the installation validation doesn't play its part, it's kinda screws the startup process. I guess removing any other core sim folder would have the same effect. Force validation of the installation. Just a guess of course. I don't care, it's now working.🙂
  24. Not sure I have the latest version of the plane as you never know when some changes cause the interface to break. Once the engines are running on ground, I suggest you command various flaps positions, 1,2,3,4 and check that each time FO knows exactly where the handle was. I mean if flaps are at 2 command "set flaps 2" should yield no action". If he's moving it, it's an indication he's not reading the current lever position. Eventually, check with Fenix default livery, as you really never know with those freely available liveries. I assume you don't have a hardware simpit with a flap lever.
  25. Very likely because you acquired the 800 AFTER MCE was installed. PMDG planes are interfaced via their SDK and for FO to gain access to the switches and dials state, a specific option must be set in PmdgOptions.ini These lines need to be present. [SDK] EnableDataBroadcast=1 In P3D or FSX, there is only one ini file for all variants. In MSFS, there is a separate file for each. The MCE installer normally automatically edits those files for all expected variants provided the user has them at the time of the installation.. Solution: Un-install MCE via Windows control panel. Do not delete anything manually. Download and install the very latest V3.0.3.2: http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html
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