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Everything posted by FS++

  1. Indeed, automatic flight phase detection is vital. 1- This has been reported in another thread and happening followng takeoff. We'll see how it goes with upcoming patch. 2- Try replying "on" (when it's on) or "off" when it's Off. The assumption is that the CL line has "PWS" or "P W S". He can definitely read the state. NExt update will accept "Auto" as on. 3- Unble to replicate 4 - Speech grammar will be checked 5 - There are no variable "Std1IsSet" or"Std2IsSet" as is the case with some other planes, therefore, FO can only toggle these items. Built-in commands.for push Ground are you ready for push (this one is optional and give mechanic opportunity to close cargo doors, remove chocks and eventually report if something not completed yet) ground begin pushback ground push back left ground pushback right. Feel free to create a custom command and tie it to one of the above so you won't have to hesitate as to what to say. Assuming GSX is installed, MCE should then automatically transfer you to GSX pushback. If you use option "Kepp mech on push" in "Advanced options" panel, MCE mechanic should remain with you until you tell him to disconnect. At least that's how it should work 🙂
  2. As per title of this thread, starting from version V3.0.5.6 the new Lockheed Martin Prepar3D V6 simulator is now supported to same level as V5 & V4. Whatever complex planes you may have managed to port to V6 should be interfaced the same way as under V5 or V4 MCE users are encouraged to update to latest even if you don't have Prepar3D V6, as there are a few fixes for other supported sims like MSFS or V5 As always, a Demo (also the download link for registered users) is available here. http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html
  3. You can now download the revised version that is fully compatible with Prepar3D V6 http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html
  4. Thanks for the report. Here is the option. Default enabled. Set 0 to disable AutoNotifyOnSilentFlowStart=0
  5. It's possiblle. I have to correct myself regarding the file MCE looks-up in C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\ folder. It's "Addons-cfg" rather that "Simobjects.cfg" And the section to add isn't entry.X, but rather [Package.N] PATH=Add_path_to_Jeehell ACTIVE=true REQUIRED=false N is the next number in sequence To summarize, MCE looks first in the root flight sim it detects (assuming it's detected correctly) Then C:\Users\Appdata\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D vX\SimObjects.cfg Then \My Documents\Prepar3D vX Add-ons\ folder (for whatever P3D sim version it has detected And finally C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D vX\Addons-cfg X can be 4, 5 or 6 and whatever later. Since we don't perform graphics operations within the sim (MCE running as an external process), I can confirm now, we WILL have a fully Prepar3D V6 compatible MCE version in a few days. Just a few tweaks required here and there like showing spoken speech commands and checking Native ATC interface is the same as with V5 & V4. The menu is already restored.
  6. It's possible. One thing is sure, fsInsider64.dll will need to be adapted to V6. Just finished downloading yesterday and will be looked at today. The code that detects airplanes config files locations hasn't changed since V5.0 where it required adjustments. Go to C:\Users\your_user_name\Appdata\Roaming\Multi Crew Experience\ folder. MCE will typically generate a "ConfigPaths.dat", which is just a text file. The content will vary depending on which sim you are running, including all P3D variants and even FSX. Assuming the last sim you ran was V5, it should list all the paths to "aircraft.cfg" files it knows about. MCE reads the title of the aircraft from the sim and goes through all [fltsim.x] entries in each "aircraft.cfg" file to determine the exact livery that has been loaded and identify the plane properly. If it can't find it, you'll get the error you reported earlier. Open "ConfigPaths.dat" in Notepad and check whether the Jeehell folders are included. Otherwise, it needs to get the path (that can't be found in either main installation folder or folders in \Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\ folder in \My Documents\ folder from the file in C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\ folder (assuming a new section has been entered and in the correct format)
  7. Package has been updated. If you bought your PMDG 737 crew copy from Simmarket, get the update from there. If it's from our website, please contact support in order to get the dowload link. Thanks
  8. Pleased to announce that as of V3.0.5.5, Multi Crew Experience now fully supports Asobo ATR, providing a co-pilot who will provide a great deal of help tuning radios, setting HDG, ALT and other AP modes, handling ECL checklist, cockpit switches and more. There is an affordable package dedicated to Asobo ATR, available from Simmarket rght now. https://secure.simmarket.com/fs-limited-multi-crew-asobo-atr_msfs.phtml It's possible to teach the crew to understand ANY speech you can come up with, including in non-English languages. Both voice and button control for those who don't like to talk. New to MCE? May want to read this thread. Don't have to take our word for it. We let you explore the Demo http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html
  9. Not downloaded the update yet, so can't say. Maybe others can chime in. In any case, MCE being an open project with no end in sight, just perform a full re-install this time, using V3.0.5.5 (ignore website listed version) http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html If there is any issue with any supported aircraft, we'll just have to update a couple of files via a patch.
  10. Please open Jeehel A320 "aircraft.cfg" and post the various [Fltsim.X] sections. Thanks
  11. Only have the 700 variant. Unable to replicate. both IRSs switching as expected in "Prepare aircraft" flow. Anyone else have a run on the 800? Thanks
  12. I suggest the following... Un-install MCE via Windows Control Panel. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Multi Crew Experience\ folder and check that only your license.key file is there as well as <Voices> folder if you downloaded and installed additional human recorded voice packs. Re-install MCE to that default folder and check your anti-virus isn't "eating" mce.exe. The key will only unlock a specific machine ID. The one you submited and got a key for. Yours should start with 7EBA...... If it's anything else, MCE will abort on startup. In that case, please contact support so we can get you up and running. A new package will be uploaded tomorrow. However, there are no reports of such failures with current package (V3.0.5.4).
  13. Affirmative. False positive. Happens every now and then, sometimes other exe as well. <Removed sensitive information> Because anti-virus cannot perform static analysis on the files, they just assume could be malware, even though they are digitally signed. We can understand when this happens with a file of "unknown publisher". My advice is to upload the file to http://www.virustotal.com They'll submit it to 71 different AV packages. There will always be 3 to 6 of them that will report some sort of Trojan, but the vast majority won't. If you get more than 10 complaining, do let us know so we can generate another exe and upload new package. Sometimes, it's all it takes to make it pass with same AV that complained before. Thank you
  14. Did happen to me a few times. After trying all sorts of fixes, the only one that seemed to work was to manually delete one of the packages in Official folder (I chose Asobo-Jetways, I guess any Asobo package will do, just delete a small one that doesn't require hours to download). Restart MSFS and it will do a validation on the package and eventually re-download not only the Asobo-Jetways, but also other essential packages that may be missing and possibly causing the issue.
  15. You're welcome. Yes, you can just copy lines and paste them to your custom tasks. Normally, those lines would appear in a list box which lists them when you click <Command> button so you can just grab them without needing to type any command. Only commands specific to Airbus types are listed, not commands that apply to all planes like "reset picth trim", "reset rudder trim", etc Some may have been overlooked. If the command isn't listed it doesn't always mean it's not available. You can always speak one intuitively and if there is no reaction from the crew, just notify us. By design, the MCE installer never overwrites files in script folders, therefore you may have a very old file. If you delete "Available_Commands.dat", then re-install MCE, you'll get the more up to date file. Latest is V3.0.5.4: http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html
  16. Correct, that's the path for V5 and where MCE expects to look for aircraft.cfg files, in addition to main P3D folder. There is another way. Go to C:\Programdata\Lockheed Martin\\Prepar3D v5\ folder and open "SimObjects.cfg" You'll see a number of add-ons listed with their respective paths. Add a new section that follows the sequence and provide the path to Jeehell Example [Entry.10] Title=Jeehell A320 Path=type_path_to_Jeehell_A320_Simobject_folder_here Required=True Active=True MCE should then find it [Entry.10] assumes previous entry was [Entry.9] (will be different in your file). Will be downloading the massive P3D V6 tomorrow. It will take a few days to work ou the differences.
  17. When a flow is created via the Voxscript interface, it becomes available for speech reco straight away. It wouldn't be sensible to keep scanning \My Documents\Multi Crew Experience\ folder to see if a new flow has been created outside MCE. A performance killer, not to mention, nobody would even guess it would be doing that. Therefore, if you go the Notepad route, ensure the following.. All text is typed in lower case. No punctuation allowed. No line should exceed 127 characters Never type numbers. Write "two " instead of "2". Stick to alphabet only. These rules are automatically enforced when making custom flows in the UI.
  18. 1 - In MCE UI go to "Command" tab and click <Voxscript> button. Select one of the flows and click <Edit> In "Script properties" panel, click <Edit script commands> In "Script commands" panel, click <Command> button and you will find a list box containing hundreds of speech commands related to the aircraft you are currently running. 2 - From now on, all A319-1320-a321 flows will be in that <Asobo_A320_Neo> folder, even those for Fenix A320 which is fully supported (including dialling FCU and radios) 3 - The new "F" (for flows), "C" (for checklist) and "R" (for requests) buttons are there for "button control", mostly for people who are too afraid to speak a word of English and just want a passive crew ambience. The flows are in <BTN> folder (inside the main script folder for the plane). They are rigid and the only customization allowed is "removal of actions the user wants to perform himself". You can't alter the checklist headers, as you can in voice control. Since you are well versed into MCE voice control, that feature (button control) brings nothing to you as voice control allows you to teach your co-pilot to understand any speech you can come up with, even in non-English languages (something no other voice based product can do)..
  19. Yes, total voice control with FlyBywire A320. The active flows are the ones in \My Documents\ folder. Those in Support folder are there as backup. Default flows always have everything handled by FO (obviously not realistic). Then the user decides which actions he/she wants to handle him/herself, giving everyone the ideal flow for ANY airline SOPs, and to cover cases where the user is training as FO. In your case default flows are ideal as you can't visually click things yourself. If one thing, you may want to add more actions to the flows. Scripting CDU input is possible. Unlike before, you no longer need to type speech commands into a flow. Go to <Script Commands> panel, and click <Command> button. You'll find a list box (which is BVI friendly) showing many commands that apply for the loaded plane. Just a matter of selecting one and adding it to the flow, even if you were to build one from scratch. No need to read documentation.
  20. To check whether dll is loading, change <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> to <ManualLoad>True</ManualLoad> in "dll.xml" file related to V6. Restart V6 and it should then prompt for permission to load it. If it doesn't, the dll.xml hasn't been edited properly. If it prompts and you agree, then nothing appears in menu, it's no go for now, until a new dll comes out. MCE will typically look for "aircraft.cfg" files in P3D folder first, then \My documents\Prepar3D v5\ folder for those planes that install outside P3D. What is the path to <SimObjects> folder in A320 by Project Airbus? I don't know of any issue connecting to V5.4 (dll was updated recently) to planes like iFly737 MAX or default?
  21. fsInsider64.dll being in the folder isn't enough. the "dll.xml" file for V6 needs to be edited to include references to the dll so V6 can load it. Only then will it appear in add-ons menu and MCE will be able to connect to it. To edit the file automatically, just run the app wizard briefly, without going through speech training and other bits. Just exit the wizard after the UI appears. if all goes well, it is expected to add the following lines to "dll.xml" found in C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v6\ folder <Launch.Addon> <Name>Multi Crew Experience</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>fsInsider64.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> If missing, manually add them right before the last line showing </SimBase.Document> Would appreciate some feedback.. See what I wrote in previous post on this thread. Just need a heads up. It will be eventually looked at very soon.
  22. Should only happen once every 10 hours or so, not every time you start MCE. If it does, it would mean it's not keeping track of the last time it ran it "mce.ini" as it should (maybe denied writing the time to the file for some reason). Worst case scenario, can be disabled in mce.ini, but curious if it's actually happening on every MCE start.
  23. Now updated to fully support Asobo ATR. Those who bought via Simmarket, please download from your account. Thos who want to explore the Demo can do so here: http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html It appeared late that there is a glitch with taxi light control. It will be sorted via a single replacement file the coming Monday.
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