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Everything posted by sleightflight

  1. Hi all, I took off from Glasgow airport yesterday & flew up loch lomond & followed the direction the loch points in, to the west coast, somewhere in the Ben nevis area a bit to the north I saw a really bad join line. Has my install not done a very good job or is it poor scenery blending. Thanks to all who investigate this.
  2. Thanks firehawk, I just put that file in & tried flying in earth simulations Alderney & its made a big difference, the stutters I was getting have gone. Im really pleased.
  3. Yes getting a nvidia card is on my wish list, I'm now wanting a gtx 780, but im going to wait for the prices to drop as I cant afford one at the moment, thanks for doing some testing, onetinsoldier & reporting back, its certainly saved me wasting my time on it. I'm currently solving a earth simulations/orbx auto gen issue on my new install before I start installing all my horizon gen x for all uk & Ireland, then treescapes & uk2000 airfields. Joy.
  4. Yes I un installed the old driver first, although I have been doing a fresh install that I started around 4 weeks back & still have a lot to install, but I had only ever installed 12.4 as that was a good driver. My card is a msi 6970 twin frozr. I might try un installing 13.4 & trying again, although I like the way 13.4 looks & behaves, how are you finding the latest driver ?
  5. I just posted as a heads up to other ati card users, I didn't expect any improvements nor was I seeking any as my sim was good anyway, I just tried it to see if it did give any visual improvement.
  6. Hi all, I installed the 13.9 drivers last night, I launched fsx & the home screen comes up as normal, I select aircraft, airport, time & date etc, click fly now & the loading screen comes up but not blacked out, I still see my desktop behind the centeal box loading bar. Loading takes twice as long & when it finally gets there I get the aircraft sounds but the screen shows my desk top. Put 13.4 in & all is back to normal. Weird., I've never known this with a driver before.
  7. I love the vrs superbug. I also have vrs tac pack.there are loads of you tube videos using vrs superbug & tac pack that you could take a look at.
  8. Windows update screwed up my system last month. I am now doing yet another full install & I had auto update off. From now on I am onky going to install 1 update at a time.
  9. Everybody has a different opinion on how they like there weather to look , it really is trial & error. You could try installing a user profile from the rex console , assuming you are using essentials . If you don't like it , try another.
  10. Pressing Q mutes the sound then un mutes it on the next press but once surround sound has dropped out it doesn't come back. Starts in cockpit surround sound is there , change view it goes & doesn't come back.
  11. I have all the levels balanced really well now , when I first launch fsx & I'm in the cockpit the surround sound is there , sometimes it drops out without changing views , but I have no surround sound in any other view.
  12. Rex essentials is well worth a look , I personally like horizon gen x photo scenery with tree scapes & uk 2000 airfields for uk , earth simulations give photo real scenery with auto gen to match orbx scenery , orbx scenery is also very good with pnw, Pacific fjords & new Zealand South being my favourites , vox atc is brilliant as you talk to atc through your headset . Pc pilot magazine is full of reviews hints & tips on all things flight sim & since I discovered it have not missed an issue & I generally buy anything they give a platinum award to.
  13. Thanks for the reply .I have a creative xfi titanium pro powering my 5.1 surround sound speakers for aircraft sounds & the on board asus mobo sound for my atc which goes to my rokat kave 5.1 headset , which i use for vox atc uk .Windows is set to 5.1 surround sound.
  14. Hi all , I noticed last night that when fsx has first finished loading & im in cockpit view I have surround sound , when I go to outside view it isnt & the rear speakers seem un active , is this how it should be or is something not right , I thought on my last install I did have sound from the rear speakers in outside view but now I'm questioning my sanity.
  15. Hi all , I'm trying to install aicarriers 2 & its saying java runtime isn't on my pc& cancel the installer until java is present , problem is that java is on my pc which is win 7 64 bit , I tried installing java runtime again & got the same message from the installer. Any clues anyone please , ps I have never installed this software before so any tips appreciated .Thanks.
  16. Ok , thanks , I have a 1 tb external drive now so I am saving all my important stuff there now . Thanks.
  17. Just in case you are un aware there is a dedicated vox atc forum on the avsim forums & I think the developer sometimes has a look on there , might be worth pisting your problem on there as well.
  18. Hi all , I have finally started my fresh install & am well on the way with my aircraft , so I am getting close to starting on my scenery installs. I would like to backup my default scenery cfg & bgl files in case I need to fix them in the future , so can someone tell me which ones I need to backup & where they are , thanks.
  19. Its in the win 7 settings for sound in the control panel , set the main 5.1 surround sound speakers to default sound device , then set your headset to default communication device . Be aware you need 2 sound devices on your system to do this. I have a creative xfi titanium powering my surround sound speakers & my on board mobo sound device powering my headset.
  20. Thanks for the reply , the bios is a professional paid for over clock , the xmp profile is active & all the volrs are set & not on auto , it is either some obscure bios setting that is lowering the performance or some component . I would of expected this sytem which has had some parts upgraded that have failed to of performed a bit better than before. Heaven bench test on maxed out settings at 1980 x 1280 settings scored in the mid 500 range.
  21. Well after running some test specified by my supplier it turned out my 9 month old ssd was shot , they couldn't give me a replacement so gave me a full refund , I now have a Samsung 840 pro 256 gig ssd , I have done a fresh install , updated win 7 , put all the latest mobo drivers in , set everything to high performance that I could & it still seems laggy to me , im now wondering if the new ram , which has a higher frequency is not as good as the ram I had before or wether the new bios settings put in by ocuk to get a stable 4.5 ghz is not as good as it was before .
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