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Everything posted by sleightflight

  1. Thanks , I'm not sure I need it though , the 3 tb drive us solely for storing downloads , photos , videos & Windows back UPS & I'm able to do that now without isues , unless I need it for other potential problems , op system win 7 on 240 gig ssd & fsx will go back on my 600 gig vrap drive , I'm just not confident my fresh windows install is a good clean install as it went in on ram that was on its way out.
  2. Ok , got my pc back , is installing Windows with 1 out of 2 RAM modules faulty going to cause a bad windows 7 install & require me to start again or shall I start installing fsx , thanks for any replies.
  3. Your CPU is quite slow for fsx , did you try dx9 mode ? , dx 10 can be glitchy ,there is a forum on here about setting dx 10 up , try dx9 first though .
  4. yes I really enjoyed watching your video , I cant wait till I've got my fsx install back in , I want to try this aircraft again.
  5. rma is a return number for faulty goods , it is one of my two , 8 gig strips that has failed , I was instructed to pull the battery on my mobo for 10 mins clearing the proffesional overclock , my pc runs with both in & passes the windows memory test but fails memtest v 4.2 outside of windows , so it could no longer cope with the overclock, the system is warrantied for a year & is still well within the warranty only problem now is the whole pc has got to be stripped so I can send the bundle deal back to them , thats the mobo , the cpu , the cooler , & the 2 ram strips , they can then get a relacement ram & then go about putting the 4.5 ghz overclock back in. Im just glad it happened before I got to far into the re install , I'm tempted to re format my ssd & start again a fresh once the system faults have been fixed , I'm not sure if installing windows with a faulty ram will cause me some problems later down the line.
  6. Oh dear oh dear , my super duper 6 month old pc has died , so much for fresh install , rma here I come.
  7. Had to format in exfat with 512 sectors , win 7 backups now working. But I cannot do a system image as its not a ntfs file system. Burning a system image to dvd discs. Thanks for your help , once this is done I can start my fsx install.
  8. Thanks ever so much for your help , I went through the seagate tutorials , used the seagate disc wizard. I've now got the full size partition . I just ran the back up software but unfortunately I'm still getting a failed win 7 backup due to io error.
  9. Checked out the YouTube link , thanks . When I click on the extended drive tab in the seagate software it comes back & says there is no extended drive attached to this pc & to use a different tool. I think I do have intel rapid storage installed , I will check , I've done so much installing of late with the op system & updates I can't remember . The BIOS is the one that shipped with my mobo overclocked bundle & devoid the warranty if I do a BIOS upgrade , I'm not sure which one it is but its at least 6 months old. I think maybe if I haf done the extended drive thing first I probably wouldn't be having the isues I'm now having. Thanks.
  10. Yes it was on there help forum & said if you didn't need to ever plug it into an xp op system then reformat the drive , western digital also say so on thee forum/help , wd tool doesn't even find the disc. Seagate software I set it to delete the data in the smaller partition , it said 2 hours , I left it for 3 , went back to it the green progress bar was half way across & it still said 2 hours. Why can't I just format the damm drive & get 3tb.
  11. Well , I got myself a 3 tb external drive , seagate backup + , Windows will not do a back up to it stating io fault . Having done a little research windows can't unless you re format the drive , I deleted the drive in the computers drive manager & got a partition. One of 726 gig the other the remainder of the 3 tb , I cannot for all my attempts get it back to a single 3 tb partition. So I still haven't backed up Windows & I still haven't started my fsx re install , I'm getting very frustrated. Any one else had this & got round it , thanks.
  12. Ok , I've never heard that its best to not install acceleration before . I've always put acceleration on. Mmm.
  13. Still haven't started on fsx re install yet , just done 53 hours of work in 4 days , I'm hoping to get a 1tb external drive this weekend & start on the backups. Thanks everyone for the help & advice.
  14. Ok , thanks I will try changing my settings & see what happens.
  15. My box set is the fsx gold edition , fsx + acceleration , are you suggesting I would be better buying the deluxe edition ? I thought I had the best box set but if not I will go and get it. Thanks. So what is the difference between the gold set & the deluxe set please ?
  16. I've never got it to work properly , its supposed to communicate with its own software sure outside of fsx , & I have installed this on 2 different pc & got exact same problem , it also doesn't like my site pro rudder peddles , I can't get the brakes off , I would live to get my teeth into this aircraft it is amazing but I sadly gave up a long time ago , its also one of the hardest fps hittters I have got.
  17. I have been using system mechanic for a few years now , it was recommended to me from somewhere within the fsx community of developers , can't remember who though , never had a problem with it before though . I did ask on the vox atc forum about trying to get the program working again but got no replies.& yes I'm going to get an external 1tb drive & start doing regular backups now . I haven't started my fsx install yet just done all my windows install + updates on my ssd drive , need to format my vrap drive now for new fsx install. Thanks everyone.
  18. I was advised by the vox atc help team that a registry cleaner had taken some vital conponents out & that I would never get vox atc working again unless I did a new windows install. Hence here I am , rather upset to be honest as only a month back my fsx was the best I've ever had it & I did some great vids with frapps that I have on my YouTube account , my Kaspersky labs has not once found any virus or malware , but something was glitchy as sometimes my creative sound card drivers kept having to be re installed , I recently found my site x 52 pro settings had changed themselves , sometimes is launch fsx & the cfg file had gone , I had a backup so just put it back in . Hopefully this time I can get it stable , I am thinning my install a little & I will take the advice & do the complex ones first , thanks.
  19. Hi all., after having some issues , thanks to a registry cleaner , & a full repair not correcting the problems I have now re installed win 7 ultimate 64 bit back on my ssd , I'm now ready to re install fsx & all my add ons onto my vrap drive , I know its important to install as administrator & anti virus had to be off , I also know to install fsx & run it , do the default flight , close it , restart pc , install acceleration , run it do default flight , close it then restart . Then , now here's the question , is it best to install all my add on aircraft first or all my add on scenery or does it not matter which order it goes in , I will be doing 1 install at a time , running the sim with that add on then closing & restarting the pc. Thanks in advance for any help.
  20. I'm a bhpa powered hang glider pilot license holder also have pilot rating for free flight hang gliding & the tow endorsement . I spend far more time simming than real flying , I would love to be a commercial pilot but unless I win big on the lottery a dream it will forever be.
  21. Hi all. I recently did a pc restore & now my vox atc fails to enable stating that the voice recognition is set wrong & to see the help file , the voice settings are correct , English Mary us , I have tried running a ms download for voice recognition., it didn't help . The voice recognition in win 7 works fine , it hears my commands & acts on them , the vox POP voices work . I contacted vox atc people for help & got very fast responses which I was pleased about , but he feels registry cleaner has damaged the interface & the only solution is s complete new install , With my work & family commitments will take around 2 months to do , so if I can find another way that would be great . Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  22. I am really hoping this project comes to fruition , I am now on my 3 rd pc built for fsx & although I've finally got it quite good I am still a bit dissatisfied with how it performs , trees & other autogen just popping up when your already there , photo textures sometimes blurring a little before it catches up . I would love a flightsim that can perform seamlessly so your immersion never gets distracted. Good look in all your endeavours.
  23. Is like photo realistic scenery like horizon gen x with auto gen of orbx , like earth simulations , Guernsey , alderney , isle of scilley , vox atc type atc which also powers ai aircraft with real world flight plans , more realistic aircraft graphics like photo real. As much current fsx payware add ons compatibility , how's that for a tall order.
  24. I don't seem to be able to get this working , I thought it was but tried sepia the other day & no difference , so now I know its not. Running msi 6970 card on 12.1 drivers.
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