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About Lordblowtorch

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  1. That is actually a really good post with some very good questions, and one I think a lot of us would be interested in hearing the answers for.
  2. Thanks for the feedback, When I first got the offer of ground photos for Bowerman I was sold on developing it, its also good fun for short-field practice in the 737 Heres a couple of pictures of the real place if your interested:
  3. Crackers, all of them, glad you're enjoying Bowerman ;)
  4. Ripper shots Leel, glad you're enjoying Murray, dont go taking any bannaahhs out with you now kk ;)
  5. I dont have it installed atm, but I was the same as you - I need my hat-switch. fullstop. From what I can remember its a small option in the control settings for EZCA (Ezdok), selecting this will make your hatswitch work again like it did Dont give up, EZCA is a awkward program but if you ignore most of the settings and just use it for the shakes its great Providing you followed the setup steps correctly, the Number 2 on the keypad is the button to turn on and off the edit-cam function
  6. Hi mate, if you want real help from real devs, head over here: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=111 :Nerd:
  7. The only one worth having is the UVIER DC2. its made with love and is for a good cause, and its fun to fly Vertigosims was making a DC3, but after their public-relations skills, and release timing, and product track-record, I'm not so excited anymore, in fact I highly doubt we will ever see one from them I'm not even going to mention the other ones, as its not worth the finger tapping
  8. What Joystick are you using?, I have no issues whatsoever with the throttle my AirbusX, I'm using a Logitech Extreme3Dpro
  9. Perhaps the Orbx support forum http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/index would be better place to ask than a 3rd party forum release announcement thread?
  10. Dont worry I gave you some to make up for it :LMAO:
  11. I nominate Holger Sandmann for changing the face of the world with his GIS skills, and for breaking the cycle of crap scenery being created and generally raising the bar for everyone
  12. Agree 100%, what Stephen said and did above was very very irresponsible/immature for a senior Admin/Staff member, when you wear the 'Staff' badge or 'Admin' badge you should only give your opinon when you have carefully assesed the product. Shooting your mouth off while wearing 'tags' can have quite a dramatic (commercial) effect I hope Stephen learns from this and changes his ways, the footnotes added are not enough, those posts should be removed completely and an apology offered to Aerosoft.
  13. In my opinion, after Orbx, the next best thing is photoreal http://www.sim-savvy.com/ Mesh: FSglobal/genisis something
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