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Everything posted by Superpilotv2

  1. Congrats, you´re THE man for that jop! :smile:bot, how about making that topic sticky?
  2. All right. That is what I expected but I wasn´t sure anymore. Better to ask than mess up the perfectly working installation.
  3. The frames won´t be affected by using an SSD. It´ll load a lot faster but I think you won´t really find a difference in frames. It´ll reduce the texture loading time and the blurries (and maybe the shutters) but no real impact on the frames.I think the big advantage for FSX on its own disk or at least partitition is that you can gefragment it a lot easier than it would be without. The OS tends to fragment very fast and so this would prevent the whole disk from getting perferctly defargmented and this massivle affects the FPS. The more fragemented the data is, the longer it takes to load the data in FS and so the FPS will go down.
  4. Hi guys,I´ll get the -600/700 expansion in some minutes and wonder how to install them correctly. My -800/900 is Sp1b, so just install the expansion over it and everything all right or do I have to take care for something?
  5. Alaska Airlines had be the first who introduced the HUD in service.
  6. Hi guys,I´m upon a flight from Portland to Spokane. I´ll depart just minutes before sunrise and wonder what I have to set that light switcher. Night or day?
  7. That´s not an FS Screenshot, so I´ll shift that.
  8. I can definitely recommend the Corsair TX 750W PSU. I use it for some time now and everything is all right.
  9. You´re also saying that I´m an level 1 simmer in your oppinion just because I don´t have all these fancy hardware like multiple real panels?! That´s ... Have you thought that there are some guys out there who don´t wan´t to have everything like the real thing with real panels and enjoy their childish "keyboard"? or some others (like me) how simply don´t have the money to buy all these things? Are these ones not that experienced than these with all that fancy stuff?
  10. What´s with your old one?Btw. nice ones! :(
  11. I can´t wait to get my copy of the 600/700. The base package allready impressed my to death! .smile:
  12. Yeah, I´ve noticed this some time ago. Hopefully it can be fixed soon.
  13. Another thought raised in me: icould buy an not that expensive yoke at first to check out whether I can fly with a yoke at all and when I like if I can change to an more expensive one. How about that idea?!
  14. An hat switch is definitely a "must have".
  15. I think APU is turned on after vacating the runway. That's at least how I handle that. And at the gate I connect the generators and the air bleed prior to engine shut down.
  16. Well, this has been discussed a lot. I´ll post a little "How to use the Sceen Shots Forum" FAQ later the day.
  17. Well, a better grafic card won´t really help in here cause FSX is very CPU bound. What you could try if you get shutters is to disable the pagefile.
  18. Why want you change the grafic card, the one you got is more than suffice.And as some allready said, that Vcore is very high. I have 1,36V for 4,5 GHz.
  19. Hmm, I only hit the windows button to get it minimized. This happens allready twice and only with the NGX so far.
  20. Well, and I have to say that I'm a total novice in online flying and thus FSInn overwhelmed me a bit. I find Squakbox a lot easier to use.
  21. Well, I would if there were any. The event viewer hasn´t recorded anything.
  22. Thanks Tom, these are really interesting statistics. If you say, a couple of "hundred thousand views per month", that´s a lot! :smile:And probaply thousand are from me!
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