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Everything posted by Superpilotv2

  1. Hey guys,I´m currently hoping arround the whole Southwest network on the west coast. today I wanted to change the livery into the "Nevada One" livery but its winglets are unpainted, no Southwest logo on it. I´ve checked in the net and it appears that all logojets have their winglets unpainted. Has that any deeper logic?
  2. Sorry Aharon, but videos aren´t allowed in here. Otherwise a very nice idea! :(
  3. That´s really amazing, Ed! Soooo crispy!!! :(
  4. Post deleted! :smile:New Zealand looks absolutely stunning, I might get it one day.
  5. Hi guys,I´ve got a very anoying "problem" with the NGX HUD: I most turns, the HUD will shift slightly to the side to which the turn was made and I have to shift my eyepoint a notch towards this side to get it back. It occurs in the air and on ground. Has someone an idea how to prevent that?Btw, I shifted my eyepoint a bit back, could this be the problem in here?
  6. I like the NGX, I like the NGX, I like the NGX... :(
  7. Well, I´m not Zach but I own both. The boxed DF727 and the CS 727 X. Back in FS9 I made a lot of flights with RW schedules up and down the west coast for FDX. I memeber the LDA approach in San Diego very well, it was allways nice to get that old "fuel to noise converter" down there. The DF flew by the numbers and I never had any quirk with the systems which seemd pretty accurate. I got the CS one on their 10€ sale and haven´t really flown it till now. All I can say without a deeper look into is that the outside and VC look pretty nice, all textures reasonably sharp and good looking. I had problems with no sound in VC but after checking their forums I got that fixed. If you guys want it, I can take adeeper look into the CS 727 and try to make an comparison.
  8. I highly second that!!! It´s a masterpeice of addon! In my eyes better than the FS9 737 by PMDG, maybe the best one for FS9 ever made. This one seems also to be no brainer for me. I´m currently flying the NGX all arround but with such nice old school planes arround, it´s allways nice to get a plane with a bit more "handwork" and start flying by yourselfe and not by the FMC. :(
  9. Nevertheless it reminds me of that masterpiece. :(
  10. That´s what I allready did. On the website it is stated that there shouldn´t be any problem with installing another scenery over it.
  11. Hey guys,I just wanted to check out my new KSNA scenery made by MK sceneries (in the library). I put that together with some high resloution photoscenery by Blue Sky Scenery. The raiport looks absoultely awesome (he´s for free!) but I have the problem that the runway textures from the photo scenery bleed through the airport scenery. When I come nearer, they´ll disapprear but soon reappear behind the plane. that´s very annoying. Has someone an idea how to fix this cause I don´t wanna fly without the photo scenery. the area arround the airport looks much better with it.PS: The order is correct with the airport scenery above the photo scenery.
  12. You can do that but not in a subsequent post in this topic.
  13. Hi Simon, you´ve exceded the maximum numnber of picture. 10 are maximum. I beg you to adhere this rule the next time you post something. Thanks. :(
  14. I think SSD's are too expensive for me now. My FSX has now arround 70 GB of data but I suppose it'll gonna be more. These big SSD's are that expensive. I once thought about a 300GB WD Raptor but 180€ for that drive is simply out of my range (my parents would go crazy if I bought that!). Or would a 80GB SSD make sense?!
  15. You will have lots of fun with your new system. But 16GB RAM?! Isn't that an overkill?!
  16. With that HDD shortage in mind, it seems not really smart to me to buy a new HDD yet. I also think of getting a new HDD for FSX cause my old one is to unsave for me (FSX has its own partition on my 1000GB.). So can you guys advice me a fast and reasonable cheap HDD?
  17. But when you put that system together, be careful and take an P67 or Z68 boad. Anything else won't let you oc. Just in case you will do that in future (you will, FSX makes twice fun if you don't have to care that much about FPS!).
  18. How about a Northern Air Cargo paint for the -600? I know they have 200-ers but it would be really nice for some alaskan cargo flights.
  19. The same to me. Every other plane I have looks somehow poor against it. It totaly makes you addict to it.
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