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About oldbear

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    London, UK
  • Interests
    Planes, motorbikes, military history, wine, avoiding paperwork

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  1. Good grief, are you still here?
  2. Yawn... So you keep saying. So why don't you actually do it? Edit: Just seen Fr. Bill's post above. Thank you. I hope he gets the message.
  3. Good post. But you're wasting your time. The naysayers will huff and puff about why they don't like it, or keep asking the same questions that have been answered hundreds of times by DTG. Many have missed the point of Flight School entirely. It's not that this lot can't see the wood for the trees. They're peering at the bark...
  4. You're right there. This is where I did my real flying lessons! I could never fly over my house because it was the wrong side of the line. Anyway, I think it's a brilliant video and can't wait to try the game. And good on those who are taking a positive attitude over this. Makes a change from the endless moaning and griping from some quarters. As if it mattered....
  5. Isn't that one of the classic faux pas comments about the `bus? :-) I've always found that there's just as much (or as little...) to do as in any other modern automated aircraft. And don't forget you've got to manage the slide out tables! The FSL A320 should be the definitive airbus, if it ever gets finished... Ian
  6. Andreas I know what you mean about 'wrong immersion factor'. I can quote a more sedate example. I recently flew from Heathrow to Milan Malpensa. Up there in the real plane, looking down as we climbed out, the world seemed miles away at 6000 ft. I recreated the flight in FSX and flew the same SID and route. This time the ground seemed much, much closer - I felt I could touch the little FSX houses and trees below. If I didn't know I'd have guessed we were no more than 2000 ft. FSX is a bit like that I find. It's ok for technically getting from A to B by pressing buttons in the right order, but the actual view of the world can seem strangely distorted. Ian
  7. Spot on mate! Nick - glad you're happy with P3D. Not tried it myself. Although I did sell my boxed edition FSX because I moved to Steam. Not that anyone will care... B) Ian
  8. My low-spec (but soon to be replaced) PC definitely sees benefits. Flying around EGLL and over London with sliders up and even some traffic it's a lot better than before. I'm introducing add-ons one by one to gauge the effects. I'd say go for it.
  9. Thanks to the Steam edition I got back into FSX and am really enjoying it. It seems much smoother than before, and I'm sure I'm getting better FPS! At the moment I've not reloaded many add-ons. I've just installed REX Essentials Plus, and I'm planning on installing FTX England and a few of my UK2000 airports to see how they perform. As I've re-discovered my FS mojo I may take the opportunity to leave the old aircraft in their hangar and try out something new - I've given up waiting for the FSLabs Bus so maybe the PMDG T7. Anyway, another vote from me for FSX-SE. Well worth a flutter, I'd say.. Ian
  10. I've done a few FSX 'detoxes' in the past. Got rid of everything but one or two favorites. Currently, I'm just running a default Steam version and am waiting for the FS Labs A320. Please tell me the new bus will work on FSX-SE... ^_^ Ian
  11. I agree with you. That thread was just making me reach for the wine. I've been enjoying a much improved FSX with the Steam addition, so I'm happy. But I don't waste as much of my life on this game these days anyway. Life's too short. B)
  12. I'm surprised you have time to actually fly, Dave - almost 2,000 posts in less than 8 months! :lol: To the OP, I'm with you mate. I've more or less knocked FS on the head. Not only because of the frustrations you highlight, but also because after twelve years I'm bored stiff with it. I used to waste many a happy hour happily tweaking my system, and doing a bit of flying. Ditching most of the payware and running a very simple set up helped things a lot, but try as I might I just can't get the enthusiasm going anymore for flying - or tweaking - a desk. I'd rather spend my limited time on other, less solitary, activities. Thanks for the memories MSFS B) Ian
  13. Thanks for resurrecting this old post Hank. I'd just about given up with FSX, and had forgotten about this. Only problem now is persuading the old grey cells to cope with the increased complexity. :lol:
  14. Too true. I have to say I was surprised that already we're up to ten pages of useless speculation. Such tragedies always bring out the bar stool experts and rubberneckers...
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