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Everything posted by Fsau

  1. Completely agree Mike, just pointing out that realistic physical simulation should go hand in hand with realistic visuals.
  2. We will all love Flight because it will give us something else to talk about other than tea.
  3. LOL! Tea indeed.My question is; if it's such a big problem then why are only a couple of people complaining out of the hundreds that read through each thread? Maybe they are so disgusted, they won't even dignify it with a response.
  4. Don't know if you noticed but there isn't much else to talk about right now. I for one hold Avsim in higher regard for allowing open discussions. Nobody is demanding you read these threads! Would you prefer a completely void and dead forum about Flight? You can simulate that experience by not reading or replying to these nonsensical posts.
  5. Could be that too. It's funny, I've experienced many bugs just with the FLIGHT website, had to reinstall Silverlight twice now and had the scroll bar and formatting disappear from the news section. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
  6. So does the problem lie with those speculating or with those who are taking those speculations as fact? I'd say the latter.
  7. Wouldn't you agree that visuals play a MAJOR role in weather simulation? You could have up to the second data each time a bird flutters it's wings in your direction and it still wouldn't suffice if you are flying through a sky full of square boxes in place of clouds.
  8. Sure, I mentioned in an earlier post that the FLIGHT shots looked a little blurry, this may be a deliberate blur effect or (more likely) the FLIGHT shots are just low resolution. Look at them at the native size on the FLIGHT webpage and they look amazingly good IMO.
  9. Depends in what way you mean better, it looks sharper in FSX, but I think much more realistic in FLIGHT.
  10. LOL 270 already? I'm only up to 138!
  11. I think alain is pointing out that these two statements are contradictory, one states that he has no more info than anyone else and the other implies that he does.The way I see it is rampant speculation about a product that may or may not be a platform for the sales of new scenery can't be good for business, it makes people hold onto their money or hesitate to buy products that could be outdated in the near future. You will notice he went on to push P3D for which they are actively developing and gives customers a tangible alternative and reaffirmed FSX as the "serious sim". All just good business sense from my point of view.
  12. There is a large possibility that they just don't have anything along those lines to show yet, I doubt the first thing they began work on was the Space shuttle OR maybe your suspicions are dead-on, who knows.
  13. Then riddle me this: why do they mention cargo missions? unless they mean small hops around the islands. We are just seeing development shots, pre-beta, possibly pre-alpha, don't expect too much just yet.
  14. It should have just been moved to the FSX forum or better yet the X-plane forums, there was nothing wrong with the thread itself... but why did you post it here in the first place since it had nothing to do with Flight? To me that seemed like you were just baiting or you have some form of internet forum dyslexia
  15. LOL Yes I've seen those new shots, do you really find them impressive? the roads and autogen are nothing more than what we have had in previous versions, biggest difference is there is more of them, still doesn't hide the fact they they look like cardboard cut-outs. If you can get excited about how many textured boxes can be fitted into one scene then more power to you. To me it looks basic, unpolished and dated. Of course if you enjoyed X-plane 9 your views will be different. I'm not being unrealistic; Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm not trying to bash the talents of the X-plane devs, standing by itself it is a great product, it's just when you put it next to other current generation titles you see how far behind it is visually. Just my opinion.
  16. Yes Jim I am! Just taking a moment to be a little more critical that's all. Both X-plane 10 and Flight look a lot like their respective predecessors with shadows and a few other bits and pieces at this stage, I think we will see much more impressive changes closer to release, at least for Flight. X-plane I'm not so sure about, it's so close to release and still looks so unfinished, which brings me back to my original comment to alain.
  17. Sacrilege! How can you speaketh of the majesty that is Flight in such ordinary terms, it is truly gods gift to flight simmers! In all seriousness I don't want to go comparing the two but I have to agree there is nothing truly impressive from either party just yet.
  18. It's just not that impressive alain... I try to get excited about X-plane but it just looks terrible (only my opinion!!). The exception being the night lighting which looks simply amazing!
  19. Yes please anywhere else besides Hawaii, and by that I don't mean pictures of the sky! A little more detail in the news section wouldn't go astray either.
  20. If MS decide to release their own add-ons I hope they don't lock out third parties, main reason being that with a whole world to cover + aircraft + weather enhancements + nav aids + etc. and only one small team of devs trying to do it all, we will be waiting a long time for each piece to be delivered. This also wouldn't be feasible unless they build the platform for a much longer lifetime than previous generations. The more you think about it the less likely it seems.The idea of them sitting back and taking a piece of the pie by letting 3PD's sell through their portal makes a lot more sense.
  21. Hey Benorg, I am trying to figure out what simulators you use, is there some way you could let me know?
  22. The world of Flight will ride on the back of a giant turtle.
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