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Everything posted by Fsau

  1. I care Meshman, I CARE! mostly because I don't want to be flying into any invisible walls.
  2. Come on, who are you trying to fool shivers. We all know you will be lapping up Flight with the rest of us when it is released.
  3. As apposed to people who use new tractors??? WHAT????
  4. But of course Jim! I'm scoffing at my own reply as I type.
  5. In all honesty I scoff at these young whipper-snappers that speak anything but ye olde English.
  6. Mate what are you talking about? Flight 2012? coded for Xbox? PC port? By the way GTA 4 ran just as smoothly on a decent PC using the same settings as seen on the console version, not to mention that it still had frame rate issues on Xbox. The issues with poor comparable performance only came apparent when you cranked up the graphic, traffic and AI settings and even then it ran fairly well on high end hardware.The rest of your post I think has been done to death already.
  7. Hi Word Not Allowed, sorry my comment was not directed towards your question. It was in regard to the PC Pilot article. Without prior knowledge of what Flight is going to be is the very reason why Heaven is meaningless in this situation. All it will tell you is how well your current hardware can run heaven on X settings and even these results by themselves are trivial unless you are trying to find a bottleneck, switching out hardware or overclocking.
  8. Yes let us all test our hardware with Heaven to get arbitrary numbers and results which are meaningless when concerned with Flight. Great idea!
  9. X-plane 10 looks very much like a simulated environment, in none of the screenshots showing scenery (admittedly the aircraft modeling is superb) have I had the same suspension of disbelief as I do when looking at MS Flight. From a technical standpoint X-plane looks very barren and sparse, sure you get a few nice shots of street level suburbia in all it's detail but then in vast contrast you get the wasteland of the surrounding countryside. X-plane in my experience has always had this cold, dead simulated feel to it; no matter how many objects you throw into this world it still comes across as empty and void, many will probably disagree but this is how the experience of X-plane has come across to me. I suspect though, that it is this very element that is missing from X-plane which makes it appear old in comparison.
  10. When I said it's vague I was referring to the entire FAQ/News section as a whole rather than this one line, which incidentally has only recently been added.
  11. It was just a bunch of rumors started from a few unreliable sources.
  12. Yeah it's incredibly vague, I don't understand why either. Maybe someone in management has forbade them to write anything pertaining to the old and evil simulator and they are sneaking it in anyway they can.
  13. Indeed I had similar thoughts. No argument here, the detail, lighting and scale is simply incredible. It's interesting that there are no static cars in the car park though, possibly they haven't finished modeling ground vehicles or better yet maybe all traffic is going to be dynamic
  14. The only words I have read directly from developers is that they are not locked out or have anymore info than the rest of us. Going with what they are saying rather than what we think they are saying is a safe bet at this time.
  15. Indeed it does look a little apocalyptic. I'm sure they will reintroduce road traffic later in development.
  16. I wonder why they pulled the "leaked" battle ship screenshot earlier in the year only to include it this month.
  17. Great work as usual Brandon. These comparisons are the most contrasting so far IMO; the battleship, tower and runway shots especially showoff how beautiful Flight is looking. The detail is just so impressive and this is default, I can't even begin to imagine what (if) 3PD's will be able to bring to the table.I also note the change in the lighting system in these shots, looks as if they have added a little HDR to the post processing but not too much like some games, just the right amount IMO. Gives everything a nice realistic contrast. One thing I would like to see improved visually is the anti-aliasing; if you look at the battleship you can see a halo around objects, I've noticed this in FSX as well when you add transparent textures to objects (such as chain link fences). Here it seems reduced somewhat or maybe just a little less sharp but I'd love to see it eliminated if possible.There also appears to be a slight blur filter being used, certainly not to the strength seen in games like Grand Theft Auto 4 but it's still noticeable. This may be their attempt to smooth out the AA, or may be a deliberate depth of field, or maybe the shots are just low resolution. Not sure what to make of this until I see the finished product at 1080p. All in all good work MS keep it up and thanks again Brandon for you time.
  18. So right, we should all have better things to do in our lives, such as posting on a forum asking people if they have nothing better to do than post on said forum. Exactly.
  19. Was it? I wasn't around for the FSX development and picked it up after release, but I do remember all the demo videos being shown by the dev team were St. Maarten only.
  20. All valid points Jacoba, your guess is as good as anyone elses at this time, it's possible that Flight was just never given the same budget at bigger titles from the beginning. In other words it's not necessarily on it's last legs, maybe it only had half a leg to begin with. It still wouldn't explain why they have to be so indirect with their info, would it be so hard to just say: Flight will be a Hawaiian based game. I don't think so, this makes me lean towards it being global, but who knows.
  21. It's possible they just haven't had the time or the manpower to give the PR what it really needs, the fact that they are advertising on the site for someone to fill that very position makes me think that PR has been an afterthought. This months update has a lot of old screenshots, and shots of nothing but sky, they certainly aren't addressing the fundamental questions such as ATC or global coverage but they are also not doing a good job at promoting the gaming aspect ie. the screenshots are not something a casual gamer would get hyped about. This leads me to come to the above presumption of there not being a well formed PR department.
  22. Nothing here to really get excited about... the screenshots of the clouds were amusing.
  23. This is not, I repeat NOT a yoke
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