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About Cristi_Neagu

  • Birthday 07/05/1988

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    Coventry, UK

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  1. I think it's safe to expect some updates to the FMC. I remember there were some functions not modeled. All in due time.
  2. Go get FS2Crew and tell your copilot to change the frequency for you ^_^
  3. I would really recommend people use LiveATC + Flightradar24 to track a flight, especially in the terminal area. You'll hear when pilots get informed of the runway in use (cause even if they know the winds, the airport might have more than one runway on that direction, some landing, some departing). You'll also hear how sometimes they ask for the approach they wanted and get it, or sometimes, get turned down. Also, you'll really understand what the vectors portion of a STAR is all about. It's a real eye opener.
  4. To me, the NGX is like Al Bundy's ol' Dodge. There's nothing else like it. It may not have outdated technology (both the real life kind, and the FSX kind), it may not have the range, or the automation of the triple 7, but you know every quirk of it, you learned to sit in the chair in such a way that that lump in your back isn't so annoying anymore. It just fits like a glove. I didn't buy the triple 7. I am still considering it, but i don't think i'll buy it any time soon. I just like short flights more, and my computer doesn't have stellar specs, and from looking at videos of other people, while impressive, the triple 7 cockpit looks so... well... it's not quaint enough for me
  5. Ah, so when that happens, we will be able to use it for our NGX too. Thanks for the answer, Kyle!
  6. I just hope this doesn't start some sort of flame war... So i haven't had much time lately to look over all the new info related to the release of the 777 SP1, but i did notice in the thread started by Ryan that he says: Is the OC available to people who don't have the 777? If so, where do i get it? If it isn't available, will it? Or we'll have to wait for SP2 for the NGX? Thanks. Edit: I got an error while posting this. Glad i refreshed the page so i didn't post this a gazillion times mwahahaha!
  7. You could try vRoute. It suggests routes, scenery and charts.
  8. Does having those files also fix that problem with the lights reverting back to the original FSX ones when visibility is under 10sm?
  9. I have the x52 from Saitek and i'm probably the only person on the planet to have it programmed via Saitek's software. That also means i have 3 times more buttons than everyone else. Never had an issue. I do have one complaint regarding Saitek joysticks. They're all made for right hand on stick, so using a mouse and flying is really hard. And i know it has a little mouse joystick, but that's just as hard to use. I was thinking about getting a yoke, but i don't think i could live without all the buttons.
  10. There's a bug (i think FSX related) that will revert the lights to default FSX lights if visibility is anything under unlimited.
  11. People are really studying about PMDG? Wow... that's amazing.
  12. i think it would help if you share the code of the STAR you're working on. If it's from navigraph, i'm not sure if they'd like that, though...
  13. Maybe you installed the limiter that Ryan recommended in the post about tweaking FSX and just forgot about it?
  14. Where are you looking to see if the fix is in the correct location?
  15. Interior cockpit design, feng shui style, with Kyle Rodgers. Coming soon on the family channel.
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