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Everything posted by twharrell

  1. OK, to update, RC4 is working in P3D. All keyboard commands are working and I can do a full flight problem-free. Hopefully this will be my last thread for a while. I noticed something strange during a flight yesterday. When talking to AI, RC4 calls "Embraer N23455 (or whatever N-number)", or "Boeing NXXxX", or "Airbus NXXX". It does not refer to the airline and flight number like it did in FS9 (i.e. United 4325). I'm using WoAI and some other freeware AI, ported over to P3D from FS9 (just copied and moved aircraft files, and converted flight plans to FSX format using AIFP). Thoughts? Todd
  2. Problem solved. I had forgotten to delete P3D default keyboard assignments. Thanks for reminding me of that gentlemen. Todd
  3. It was indeed a corrupt runway.xml file. I deleted the file then reconstructed by running Makerunways.exe. Everything works now. Todd
  4. Yes, I have the latest Makerunways.exe and run it after every new airport is installed. Maarten thinks I may have a corrupt runway.xml file. Going to test tonight. Todd
  5. Also don't forget to do 3 things before you start RC4: 1) Activate 'NOTAMs' by checking the box (as was already stated in an above post), 2) don't forget to set your minimum safe altitute at your destination airport. You can get this value from any approach chart (look for the MSA circle), and lastle 3) during approach, instead of following vectors, choose to fly the full approach by selecting 'IAP' in the RC4 menu, then the approach you want to fly. ATC will clear you for the full approach, then not interfere until you are on final and are asked to contact tower. Do those 3 things and approaches in hilly terrain are easy peasy. And lastly again, the old cliche, 'read the manual', because all of these guidelines are there. Todd
  6. I'll get back to you JD. It's definitely not the first scenario as P3D is running before I start RC. I didn't think about the second scenario - I'll have to check and see if those key commands are being used in P3D. Thanks. Todd
  7. Thanks, Eric. I sent Maarten an email and will post the outcome once these issues are sorted. Todd
  8. Just started using P3D a couple of weeks ago and love it. I'm running into a few problems with SimLauncher and am hoping I can get some explanations/answers. 1) Sim time is always set to Fall 2011 when I launch SimLauncher. I can easy change this by clicking the box next to the current date below the calendar, but is there a way to set it so every time I launch SimLauncher the date displayed is the current date and time? 2) Whenever I choose to start a flight at a gate, after clicking fly now, I always end up about 29 feet away from where I should be. 3) SimLaunchers appears to not recognize some 3rd part airport add-ons. I added a freeware airport and when I select that airport in SimLauncher, only one of the runways is displayed, and none of the gates are shown. It appears to be pulling info from the default airport AFCAD. By the way, when I choose the airport from within P3D, the correct gate choices are shown. 4) When I select a time I want to be flying, then click fly now, I notice the chronometer in my Feelthere ERJ is 1 hour off. If I go into P3D to correct it, I notice the sim time is 1 hour off from what I set with SimLauncher as well. Anyone else experiencing these problems? Any help is appreciated. Todd
  9. Finally able to do a full flight in P3D and RC4 working beautifully... except none of the keyboard commands work. I was unable to pass comms to the FO and couldn't hide the RC4 window. Any suggestions? Todd
  10. Ronzie, You are correct, it is the msstdfmt.dll file. My error. I downloaded the zip file, placed it in the appropriate folders according to the readme that came with the file, and then followed JD's instructions in the pinned topic. Everything works now. Thank you! Todd
  11. JD, I completely missed that pinned topic. My apologies. I'll give it a go tonight and drop you an email if I have any further issues. Thanks! Todd
  12. I tried to start RC4 yesterday for the first time with P3D and got this error message: Run Time Error '713': Class not registered...Need filtering file MTTDFMT.dll Thoughts? Todd
  13. Yea, it doesn't make sense that the supposed "best" NG cannot be used in P3D, yet the supposed "second best" NG has its own P3D version. Not to mention certain Airbuses can be use in P3D. Some developers are foreward thinking and it's not PMDG. Come on, guys, get with the program. Todd
  14. So, P3D is up and running, plus I have a few add-ons installed and I am absolutely blown away by just the default scenery! Anyone even thinking about switching to P3D needs to do it NOW. It also runs smooth on my new rig. I know once I get more sceneries installed I may have to make adjustments, but I am smiling big as I type this! The default Mooney Acclaim from Lionheart, by the way, is beautiful and fun to fly! I did notice a small issue installing the Feelthere ERJv2 package. I used the Estonia migration Tool and got an error installing that said sp4 could not be loaded,sp2 successfully installed. And, while the aircraft seems to work,I noticed the horizontal stabilizer/elevator is not positioned correctly. I'm guessing sp4 fixes that. Maybe try a reinstall? Todd
  15. Mr340, I have the MSI GTX660Ti Superclocked Twin Frozr in my new build (just last week) and have been using it with Prepared3D. I paired it with an i7 3770k OC at 4.5 GHz. So far, I really like it a lot. I set up my system using Word Not Allowed's guide (just Google Word Not Allowed's Blog) and P3D is smooth. I have all sliders to the right, although I'm sure the sliders will need to be adjusted as I add more scenery. So far, I'm very happy with my purchase. I don't know what MSI Nvidia GPU you are considering, but MSI makes a good product. EVGA is another brand to consider. I don't have any personal experience with EVGA but people who own their products like them too. Good luck with your purchase and don't overthink it too much. Todd
  16. I'm building my new computer this week and I do plan to overclock. I'm using an i7 3770k on an AsRock z77 Extreme4 Mobo. This is my first OC, so I don't plan to go crazy with it. I'm thinking 4.5 GHz is completely attainable after watching tutorials and reading various overclocking threads. A big question I have is when adjusting Vcore should I use fixed or offset mode? I'm leaning offset for the power saving benefits and protecting my CPU. Although the fixed mode you get consistent power input no matter the load on the CPU. I can see this being a plus in that you don't have to worry about power fluctuations especially when flying. Although I'm sure in the long term it affects the life of the CPU. Any thoughts? Also, does anyone mess with Turbo offset? How is this different from Vcore offset? How do these settings interact with/affect each other? Todd
  17. I appreciate your opinions, Jimmi. I agree with you about voting with your wallet. I'll do just that until this whole EULA stuff is finally put to rest. I was really hoping PMDG would support P3D, as I was eager to fly the NGX (not sure why they won't as their add-ons are "commercial" quality). However, since they won't allow their add-ons to be used in P3D I'll just support those developers that do support P3D. Todd
  18. Yea, well BMW is better than Mercedes, plus my Dad can beat up your Dad... sorry, couldn't resist. Todd
  19. Great to know, ronzie. I appreciate the detailed steps to get RC4 set up in P3D. Once again, your technical support is first class. Todd
  20. I'm upgrading to a new computer so I can move from FS9 to P3D. I really like RC4 and was wondering,1) if it works in P3D,2) does JD support its use in P3D. Is here any special procedures to take installing into P3D? Also, I'm guessing I'll probably need a new registration key to install on my new machine - do I just email that request to JD directly? What info will he need? Todd
  21. Wow, thanks for all the info guys. I've decided to go P3D after much reading. It just seems to be the logical choice as I am jumping in from FS9. I'll post an update when I get running. Oh, almost forgot. Does RC4 work in P3D? And... when moving WoAI and other freeware AI packages to FSX (read P3D) can I just copy the FS9 AI aircraft folders directly into P3D? I believe all AI textures work in FS9 and FSX if I am not mistaken. Also, I'll just take my traffic.bgl files from FS9, convert them to FSX with AIFP and then copy them into P3D. Does that sound right? I assume I can do the same with MWAI packages. Once again, everyone's opinions/input have been very helpful! Todd
  22. What about Blueprint Simulations sceneries or ImagineSim's sceneries?
  23. I know this is a loaded post, but here goes... I've been wanting to make the move to FSX for a few months now, but my investment in FS9, nice graphics (people still ask me if I'm using FS9 or FSX) have prevented me from making the jump. However, as more and more developers begin to abandon support for FS9, I think my switch has been inevitable. I need a computer upgrade anyway... I've been reading about P3D, watching some YouTube videos, and lurking in this forum to get a pulse on it's progress and it seems that right now P3D and FSX are pretty much the same except P3D is more stable in general. A lot of big name add-on developers also appear to be investing their resources in P3D as well as FSX. So, here's the big question - If you were about to upgrade from FS9, would you go FSX or P3D? And regarding P3D, I have a few questions: 1) Is it as easy to add AI aircraft to P3D as it is FS9 or FSX? Do WoAI packages work with P3D? Does AI Flight Planner work with P3D? 2) Do freeware airports/sceneries from the AVSIM libraries work with P3D? 3) Does the new FSX navaids update (http://www.aero.sors.fr/navaids3.html) also work for P3D. Also is Navigraph compatible with P3D? 4) Is setting up P3D the same as FSX or is it easier/harder? 5) Are there any popular (read almost necessary) add-ons for FSX that don't work in P3D? 6) Has anyone successfully used the Feelthere ERJv2 in P3D? I haven't read or seen anything about that. 7) Anyone having any problems using joysticks or other hardware with P3D? 8) For those who are using P3D exclusively, is there anything about it that you don't like,or that is missing from FSX that you did like? Any other insight that can be given is much appreciated. Todd
  24. Until recently I've been able to hide my RC4 window using the key combination or clicking the 'x' in the upper right hand corner of the RC4 window. Now when I push the key combo nothing happens and when I click the 'x' the window disapppears but then automatically reappears after a few seconds. The window won't stay hidden and I don't know why. Todd
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