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Hello Everyone, I trying to use FreeTrack V2.2 lastest version with Prepar3d V2, without success so far. I have "log" P3D simconnect, which shows no connection : _________________________________________________________ 0.00000 SimConnect version 0.04641 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=60500, MaxClients=256 0.07365 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v2\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.09884 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.12397 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft ESP\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.15788 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D™\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.19010 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v2\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.22349 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv6, Address=::1, Port=10596, MaxClients=64 0.25513 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=10597, MaxClients=64 _________________________________________________________ Here is a simconnect log of working FSX with FreeTrack _________________________________________________________ 0.00000 SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0 0.02441 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=60500, MaxClients=256 0.05035 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimConnect, MaxClients=64 0.06509 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv6, Address=::1, Port=11431, MaxClients=64 0.07523 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=11432, MaxClients=64 0.15271 Exe Launched: Path="C:\Program Files (x86)\AICarriers\aicarriers.exe" CommandLine="-nogui" Version="<Unknown>" _________________________________________________________ > 33.09625 [383, 1]Open: Version=0x00000002 Name="Set Data" > 33.09635 [383, 2]CameraSetRelative6DOF:fDeltaX=0.027193, fDeltaY=-0.005697, fDeltaZ=-0.728215, fPitchDeg=63.536755, fBankDeg=0.050098, fHeadingDeg=-65.701195 > 33.09639 [383, 3]CameraSetRelative6DOF:fDeltaX=0.027193, fDeltaY=-0.005697, fDeltaZ=-0.728215, fPitchDeg=63.536755, fBankDeg=0.050098, fHeadingDeg=-65.701195 > 33.09642 [383, 4]CameraSetRelative6DOF:fDeltaX=0.027193, fDeltaY=-0.005697, fDeltaZ=-0.728215, fPitchDeg=63.536755, fBankDeg=0.050098, fHeadingDeg=-65.701195 > 33.09644 [383, 5]CameraSetRelative6DOF:fDeltaX=0.027193, fDeltaY=-0.005697, fDeltaZ=-0.728215, fPitchDeg=63.536755, fBankDeg=0.050098, fHeadingDeg=-65.701195 > 33.09646 [383, 6]CameraSetRelative6DOF:fDeltaX=0.027193, fDeltaY=-0.005697, fDeltaZ=-0.728215, fPitchDeg=63.536755, fBankDeg=0.050098, fHeadingDeg=-65.701195 > 33.09649 [383, 7]CameraSetRelative6DOF:fDeltaX=0.027193, fDeltaY=-0.005697, fDeltaZ=-0.728215, fPitchDeg=63.536755, fBankDeg=0.050098, fHeadingDeg=-65.701195 > 33.09651 [383, 8]CameraSetRelative6DOF:fDeltaX=0.027193, fDeltaY=-0.005697, fDeltaZ=-0.728215, fPitchDeg=63.536755, fBankDeg=0.050098, fHeadingDeg=-65.701195 > 33.09654 [383, 9]CameraSetRelative6DOF:fDeltaX=0.027193, fDeltaY=-0.005697, fDeltaZ=-0.728215, fPitchDeg=63.536755, fBankDeg=0.050098, fHeadingDeg=-65.701195 > 33.09656 [383, 10]CameraSetRelative6DOF:fDeltaX=0.027193, fDeltaY=-0.005697, fDeltaZ=-0.728215, fPitchDeg=63.536755, fBankDeg=0.050098, fHeadingDeg=-65.701195 _________________________________________________________ For that I have used a simconnect.ini _________________________________________________________ [simConnect] level=Verbose console=Yes file=C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\SimConnect%01u.Log file_max_index=9 _________________________________________________________ I have the same simconnect.xml in both FSX and P3D _________________________________________________________ ?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0"> <Descr>SimConnect</Descr> <Filename>SimConnect.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <SimConnect.Comm> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Protocol>IPv4</Protocol> <Scope>local</Scope> <Address></Address> <MaxClients>256</MaxClients> <Port>60500</Port> <MaxRecvSize>4096</MaxRecvSize> <DisableNagle>False</DisableNagle> </SimConnect.Comm> </SimBase.Document> _________________________________________________________ I use this simconnect.cfg for FreeTrack : _________________________________________________________ [simConnect.0] Protocol=IPv4 Address= Port=60500 MaxReceiveSize=4096 DisableNagle=0 _________________________________________________________ Any idea or comment are welcome. Thank you for your time, Looking forward to read you, Rallye
Shaders are compiled for a specific video card. Whenever you change video cards, the shaders must be compiled for the new card. You need to delete the files in this folder and allow P3Dv2 to compile new shader files the next time it is run: x:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\Shaders
Original Posting by: styckx and copy/pasted from the main Prepar3D forum for posterity. You can follow and comment on this in the thread found here: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/428473-resize-those-hd-textures-warning-pictures-in-post/ Full disclosure - These screenshots are in FSX but I prepared this with using it as a suggestion for you v2 users who are seeming to suffer from OOM's more often than FSX due to the added overhead that comes w/ P3Dv2 features. A common topic lately is the obsession with HD textures. Lots of times 4096 textures are completely unnecessary for a lot of people. So I want to show you.. With some work what losing your "HD" actually results in image quality wise. Let's take the Carenado 182T as our example.. One of these is using resize 2048 textures, and the other default 4096.. The difference is very negligible.. And this is most zoom in an average simmer will actually use. Is the 4096 worth it? Answer for those who can't tell It isn't until you really zoom in on it do the real differences stand out... 4096 2048 Difference in file size... Now the difference in file size is where the real dramatic differences play out.. Textures with the "Copy" suffix are the originals. That's a reduction of nearly 75% in file size.. So, is what you're gaining in less overhead for the game to deal with worth the minor reduction in image quality? Now let's take this further.. I now attack the texture.common directory and resample all the 4096 textures down to 2048. These mainly consist of the interior 4096 interior 2048 interior And this time we reduced total file size of the folder by nearly 50%.. For one plane we just reduced the overhead FSX/P3D has to deal with by 60MB with minimal reduction of image quality. If you comb through your hanger (and even scenery) and trial error your way by trimming the fat on some of these planes it might be the difference between a successful flight, or an OMM.
Just thought I'd post a few pics. Nothing special in terms of a set but just to show performance in familiar locations. So far, I'm finding P3D2 so much better than FSX in terms of performance. Visually there isn't much in it but I think there will be even more performance to come once we find the right settings and cfg tweaks. These are completely unedited, just resized. Hopefully you can make out CPU/GPU. 1440p, tesselation high, FXAA off, HDR enabled, shadows low, MSAA 8, Ansio 8X, triple buffering enabled, frame rate unlimited, v-sync on. City flying 20-30fps (Aerosoft NYC, San Francisco), complex airports 20-25fps, UTX+FTX Global 45-60fps!
Hi guys, I know there is a mammoth amount of discussion going on the latest version of P3D, it's pros and cons etc. and I am a bit late to join the party, but I have got a problem of my own and I want your suggestions... I have got a moderate machine with 3.0 GhZ Quad core (2 processors), Windows 7 Pro. 64 bit, 8 GB RAM, Nvidia Geforce 2GB DDR5 Graphics card. It was working fine with PMDG 737 and FS2Crew until I download REX essential + Overdrive. With REX my FSX frame rate took a hard hit but now with FTX England and Active Sky Next on top of it I can barely finish a full flight. System either crashes or everything blacks out. I am wondering if migrating to P3D will offer any improvement keeping in mind that I want to use a migration software to use my fsx add ons. I can compromise FTX but I really want to use Active sky's weather engine and REX's texture. So should I transfer to P3D or do I need to upgrade my machine? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Ronnie
Does this version works with Prepar 3D ?
Hello everybody, I m a new AVSIM member. I was reading a lot of your posts in the past, now I decided finally to be part of it. Going straight to the point I found a way to avoid installing EZDOK to use TrackIR under P3D. Maybe I'm coming a little bit late but if there are simmers out there needing this I can post a small instruction. Don't hit me if there is already something in this forum (I am very bad in search engines, especially forums one!).
Bonjour, A la suite de ma "veille technologique" hebdomadaire, je suis tombé sur un post intéressant sur le forum de Lockheed Martin. LM ne désires pas faire un écran de démarrage façon FSX car leurs clients sont variés et ils ne veulent pas avoir à supporter un développement supplémentaire pour une variété conséquente de matériels car n'oublions pas l'objectif principal de LM est d'adresser les simulateurs professionnels ou grand public pas les simmers. Ce faisant, un utilisateur de P3D, keithb77 pour ne pas le nommer a développé un petit utilitaire permettant de lancer plus aisément notre simu P3D en se basant sur les fichiers flights pré-enregistrés. L'interface se présente de la façon suivante : Flight : permet de sélectionner un fichier FLT déjà enregistré lors d'un vol précédent A/C : permet de choisir l'avion désiré Weather : est censé choisir des conditions météo (actuellement, cette option n'est pas opérationnelle dans la v0r1) Season / Time : pas besoin d'un dessin Title /Description: vous aviez compris par vous-même Il ne reste plus qu'à cliquer sur Launch et hop le simu se lance avec vos choix sélectionné. Où le récupérer: Le site de ce développeur est ici : http://www.keithb77....me/P3D/P3D.html il suffit de cliquer sur Download en bas pour récupérer un ZIP contenant 2 fichiers. Comment l'installer: On dézippe ces 2 fichiers dans le répertoire où est installé Prepar3D. Sur Windows Seven 64 ou sur tout système où sont installé les outils de développement de Microsoft (Visual Studio par exemple), il n'y a rien à rajouter. Si vous êtes sur XP ou que vous n'avez pas ces outils, il vous manquera peut-être la librairie comdlg32.ocx qui est disponible chez Microsoft (http://www.microsoft...ad … x?id=10019). La raison est que cet utilitaire a été écrit en Visual Basic 6 et que les librairies nécessaires ne sont pas fournies avec le zip. Comment le configurer: Vous disposez dans l'archive de l'utilitaire d'un exécutable P3DLauncher et d'un fichier de configuration P3DLaunch.ini. Ce dernier est un fichier texte qu'il vous faut adapter à votre configuration. Voici tel qu'il se présente de base : [Program] Folder=C:\FS\Prep3D Exe=Prepar3D.exe Flights=D:\Documents and Settings\keith bedford\Application Data\LM Folder: est l'endroit où votre exécutable Prepar3D.exe se situe Exe: le nom est Prepar3D.exe à moins que vous n'ayez changer le nom pour X ou Y raison Flights: c'est le répertoire où sont stockés vos fichiers FLT. Faites une recherche à partir de C:\ pour trouver ces FLT et recopier le répertoire trouvé en lieu et place dans ce fichier. Voilà, c'est fini ... il n'y a plus qu'à lancer l'interface, choisir son vol et Prepar3D se lance comme un grand. Elle n'est pas belle, la vie ? Si, il reste une chose: bookmarkez le site de Keith pour les mises à jour futures et changer l'icône de base du programme, celle de Prepar3D.exe est beaucoup mieux.
Lockheed today issued a statement to AVSIM regarding P3D which we think all simmers will find interesting. You can find the article on the front page.
Here is the discussion topic for the interview with Lockheed Martin.
I have been trying to use VoxATC with P3D. It does run and is functional but whenever I run the Indexer it picks up the FSX directory rather than P3D and I cannot find a way to change it. As a result, where I have addon scenery I seem to get planes parked half in buildings etc. I use FSXtoP3D to install into P3D and everything else works fine. Any thoughts appreciated. Cheers
A very hot weekend here in "SoCal" so we decided to cool off by flying out to Catalina Island for lunch. Catalina is known for having wild Bison out on the island. Didn't see any as we landed. Must be too hot... hiding in the shades. Good grub, though. Clutch (Prepar3D with new Aerosoft US Cities X - Los Angeles)
PMDG Releases Statement Regarding EULAs for P3D
Tom Allensworth posted a topic in The Prepar3d Forum
As reported on the front page this morning: [imgleft]http://static.avsim.net/forum/uploads/62c6ab8e56ab122439a9de6687a84c6e.gif[/imgleft]Rob Randazzo of PMDG, in response to AVSIM's query regarding their position on their End User License Agreements (EULAs) for their products and use within Lockheed's P3D, provided AVSIM the following statement; "PMDG’s position is that the EULA is an industry established process designed to clearly define any limitations of a customer’s rights to use the license that they have purchased. The limitations placed inside PMDG’s EULAs are reached after careful review with our corporate counsel and take into consideration such things as: Microsoft’s EULA for FSX and/or FS2002. Lockheed Martin’s EULA for Prepar3d. Limitations as required by PMDG’s contract with Boeing. Limitations as required by PMDG’s contracts with other licensors. Limitations as required by PMDG’s agreements with contributing airlines, MROs and support centers. Limitations as required by PMDG’s corporate liability insurer. Limitations as required by PMDG’s business model. Given the subtext of the discussion, I think your broader question is: “Why does PMDG specifically disallow use of our products on the Prepar3d platform?” The decision to limit the EULA on PMDG’s products to prevent their use in Prepar3d has everything to do with our contract with Boeing, our insurance carrier and our business model. In the context of the first two items, the decision involves the process of limiting PMDG’s liability in the face of legal action related to an accident outcome, or a violation of our contracts with the described parties who support the development of our products. Those things can be changed however and I suspect that they will change once we have had a chance to adequately evaluate that outcome. The third item is of larger concern to PMDG however as it relates to our basic concern to protect the investment our customers make in our products. We have not seen a commitment by Lockheed Martin to support the “casual simmer” beyond providing methods for users to obtain a license for Prepar3d through “wink and nudge” means. Lockheed Martin has been very careful not to enter the retail entertainment market with Prepar3d and has some very good reasons for not doing so. Without taking a step to enter the retail entertainment simulator market, Lockheed Martin has (in the opinion of PMDG and our counsel) left the door open so that they could, at any time change direction and enforce the terms of the EULA on Prepar3d thus requiring all Prepar3d users to prove compliance with their EULA. When this happens, the vast majority of simmers currently exploring Prepar3d as an alternative platform will be left without a valid license or usage rights because they do not meet the very limited band of allowable users as defined by the Lockheed Martin EULA. We prefer that our customers not be left having made an investment in a PMDG product only to lose the ability to use that product because they are using it on a platform for which they don’t have clear usage rights for Prepar3d. This is a mess that we are hoping to see sorted out, but when we pointed this topic out, Lockheed Martin made it very clear that they were not interested in having a discussion with us regarding customer rights. If we are to market our products to the entertainment simulation community as being compatible with Prepar3d, I feel that PMDG has a responsibility to make sure users are not asked to compromise their integrity in order to use the product we sell them. Again, in the opinion of PMDG and our counsel’s office, we still see a number of avenues in which Lockheed Martin has itself painted into a corner from which it cannot clearly support the non-commercial/non-education consumer. When these very important questions are cleared up, we will be happy to provide our customers with the flexibility to use Prepar3d as a simming platform." You can also see the comparision table of vendors and EULA's here. -
please read Lockheed P3D and EULA's for Add-On's
Tom Allensworth posted a topic in The Prepar3d Forum
With the continuing advancement of P3D by Lockheed Martin, more flight simulation enthusiasts are experimenting with, if not adopting entirely, this flight simulator. However, there is considerable confusion over which third party products currently available can be used, without violating your EULA or other restrictions, within P3D. Questions such as: Does my existing End User License Agreement (EULA) allow me to use my add-on in P3D? If not, do I need to purchase another license to install it in P3D? Assuming my EULA allows me to, will my current product work in P3D? And there are many more. We recently have had some incidents within the forums that arose from lack of knowledge concerning products, EULA's and use within the P3D simulator. As a result, we have undertaken a survey of commercial providers about their EULA's and products for P3D. You can find the beginnnings of this here: http://forum.avsim.net/page/AVSIM%20Pages/p3d_.html -
Would the wise men please take a moment or two to advise me what my next upgrade should include. I use the machine exclusively for Prepar3D. After twelve months and about 3,000 mostly P3D hours and the bugs are starting to appear such as taking longer to load scenery, occasional black patches and slower response times from the cockpit. No stutters or stammers and the only scenery that brings my current computer to its knees is ORBX at YBBN. I have most settings on maximum. I have not overclocked because I do not know how to. Cost is not a consideration. Also posted at P3D Forum. Many thanks. Gigabyte GA-X79-UD5 | EVGA GTX580 | Intel Core i7 3960X | Corsair 16GB Kit (4x4GB) | Vertex-3 480GB SSD | VRaptor 930GB | Thermaltake 1200w PSU | Corsair H100 Cooler | Win 7 64bit | Prepar3D v1.4 | MS FSX | AS2012 | My Traffic 2012 | Plan-G |
Hi, When flying around in P3D everything lookes more brillant, less blurry and colorfull then FSX. That is: in the distance. A closer look at the (global)ground textures shows something different! P3D is in close-up view more blurry than FSX. All my setting are the same in FSX and P3D. Sliders Max. and 'texture load 4096'. I am using FTX-Orbx sceneries via the 'Migrator 1.30' including the Aero-tool for the ground (course)texture overlay. Do I something wrong? Is their something to do about it? Or is P3D with de ground textures in close-up view the more inferior one? Thanks in advance, Noki
Excuse me while I say this, People are going insane over Prepar3d like it has been the greatest gift to flight sim, which is fine everyone has a right to be excited. However I have been following the forums closely for the past couple of days to see what people are saying and there is one thing I need clarification on. Simmers have been trying to find a way to get past the OOM's, Stutters, low FPS, and the horrible night flying in FSX forever, and to me it seems like they have missed what has always been right infront of their faces. I fly both FSX and Xplane and also have Prepar3d and people refuse to see the potential (much more potential if you ask me) Xplane offers for reasons I simply just don't understand. It seems to me X-Plane has never recieved the open arms this verson of Prepar3d has, and if people were half as excited about the future of x-plane as they are about Prepar3d we would be lightyears ahead of where we currently are. I love FSX don't get me wrong, but we need to realize that X-plane is a simulation that with a little more backing would surpass all of its competitors. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I have 2 SSDs on my dedicated flight sim PC. One for Win7/FSX, and the other for the photo scenery. I originally set it up this way without any prior research. It just seemed "right" to me to do it that way. This time around, I'd like to draw on everyone's experience... Is it better to install P3D on the same drive with the OS, or the scenery? - Gavin
Ok, here goes I have Prepar3d v2 Academic ver installed on a Windows 8.1 64 machine (i5 4430, 8GB ram, NV GTX770) with addons REX OD plus, Carenado C90, Carenado Jetprop, and a registered copy of FSUIPC Everything works fine until I add LINDA 1.13 over to the modules folder, then I get the error "Prepar3D has stopped working". See attached image and below event logs. I have tried this at least 5 times using no copied files from FSX modules, as well as using the FSX files copied over. If I delete everything out of the modules folder, then reinstall FSUIPC 4..9.1.2 f clean, by itself, it works fine...but when I try to install LINDA, all hell breaks loose. lol I will post this over at Prepar3d forums as well. Thoughts? Thanks in advance, Bruce Leehan, USA
Hi all, I've been trying to get the PA A319 working in P3D but am having some issues with the AP and AT. I need to investigate a little further but the issues seem to be as follows: Standard P3D flight planner not loading plan into the GPS. Autothrottle doing something but not operating correctly - it seems to throttle back but not back up again. Any ideas? I'm thinking it may be to do with something referencing the default FSX A321 (which is in P3D but unflyable as 'Commercial Airliner' right?) but am unsure how to fix. The A319 came from a large multi-livery download from SimViation.
Hello everyone! Just so everyone knows, I am aware that if im using all those addons ill be getting bad fps but not as bad as i thought. So i just got accepted into Qantas Virtual so ill be doing my flying in Australia, and who better for scenery than ORBX?! So I load up P3D, select YBBN (Brisbane, with all patches and I have taken out all the major FPS killers in the control panel except for PeopleFlow.) and I load up my 737. My FPS during the day time is only at 20 at the gate with the plane systems on! Now ill give you a series of tweaks that i did to my CFG file and system specs, also, should I turn the the resolution on the 737? Will it look really bad? Used Bojotes tweak tool for fsx, For the bufferpools i replaced their number with 0, and i also added the Fiber frame fraction tweak and set it at 0.33. Other than that I set the ORBX effects to Day mode. System specs: Intel core i5 2500K 4.5ghz AMD Radeon 6870 1GB 8GB RAM 750 Watts PSU ASROCK P67 MOBO FSX is on a 1TB hard drive And numerous addons. Is there maybe something i missed or can do to improve my frames when flying in australia? Because in Europe I get great frames, i dont check the number but get between 25 (lowest) to 40 with the pmdg. Thanks!
I've recently done a re-install of Windows 7 and P3D, everything works well. I installed my BAE 146 from Just Flight, selected the P3D option from the install menu, and when I loaded the plane it was incredibly slow and stuttering, to the point where it's just not possible to fly, also the icon menu that's usually on the bottom left of the screen is missing. All other planes work perfectly fine as before. I e-mailed Just Flight support and two days later got the following reply: "Unfortunately this product is not compatible with P3D, it is only compatible with FSX." I must say I'm quite dissapointed as I got this addon specifically because it was advertised as being compatible with P3D, has any one else experienced this?
If you are thinking of adding a really great chopper to your P3D sim it would be very hard to go past the payware Virtavia Seaking. Virtavia do not certify for P3D but it flies very well and is at least as good an aircraft as the UKMIL Chinook. Cheers, Mac
Hey, guys. I've been a FS9 simmer for a while and I just moved to P3D. The only PMDG products I own are the 1900C and D, so I admittedly don't have any first hand knowledge or experience with the newer, more advanced PMDG products. The question I posed in my subject has been, I am sure, hotly debated, and I assure you I do not come here with any agenda or any intention of flaming anyone. I am just curious why PMDG has decided not to support use of its aircraft in P3D? I ask that because PMDG is recognized as one of the leading developers of commercial aircraft add-ons. Many of PMDG's competitors, like iFly, Quality Wings, Aerosoft, LevelD, and FSLabs do allow the use of their products in P3D. So, I don't understand what legally, economically, whatever it is, makes PMDG reluctant to enter the P3D marketplace. I really hope this is something you are discussing seriously within your company. As a P3D user, and as an admirer of what PMDG has accomplished in both FS9 and FSX, I hope you change your policy soon. Todd Harrell
With Prepar3D V2 coming out, i imagine a large number of FSX users will switch. What will you do? Personally, I will go from X-Plane to P3D V2 just for the addons and increased performance (Using Airbus X at an ORBX airport while using REX and various addons and getting an acceptable FPS is my dream! ). However, PMDG currently doesn't support P3D, so will that effect your decision? Will you stay with FSX? Or go to X-Plane since PMDG announced a project for it?
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