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Everything posted by megs8888

  1. Can a trim wheel be used as a steering tiller by chance? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. Hi anyone bought one of these and willing to review it I'm keen on one although expensive it looks great and is motorized. Any info would be great thanks Wayne http://www.flightillusion.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=194&virtuemart_category_id=12 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. Thanks alot appreciate it. wow the orbx screens look nothing short of superb the wallets going to get as hiding again i see LOL. Awesome Job to the freeware guys on the forum to well done gents hats off to you all.
  4. I took off once with air stairs flapping of the rear exit not good lol Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. I have setup as instructed except wasn't quite sure where lighthouses etc goes would JVE or MAS look at my scenery file and advise if anything needs to be moved please. Also I have removed Aerosoft Vaernes x in favour of freeware as advised. Where would I put any further Norweigan airports in the list when i get them? Thanks everyone great job.
  6. Well done Jeroen good work. Just for info MAS stated that Vaernes x from Aerosoft will need to be removed if you have it, we'll be stated in his opinion the freeware vision was better. Just for everyone's info. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. Just another thing it puts you in a default view in the cockpit when the DHM is active can this be changed by the cameras? As it has me sitting a bit low in the seat. Wayne Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. Be nice if someone's used the to flight one or a review could be found? I haven't seen one anywhere. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  9. Glad I heard about this have to look elsewhere now anyone have a goflight yoke.? Or recommend a good 737 one? I'm into tube flying ngx and T777 when it's released. Thanks Wayne.
  10. He's trolling no one could be that naive surely.
  11. Reinstall FTX global again it happened to me, just install over the top of it and it will appear, when you installed FTX UK it installed old orbx libs.
  12. megs8888


    Thanks MAS ill get rid of ENVS by AS then, with the photo sceneries JVE linked they are all dead. Are these provided on 3.5 which I have? If not where can i get them, Awesome looking so far very happy. Wayne
  13. megs8888


    I have Trondheim Verne's x where should that be placed after placing all other files as per your post Jeroen? Thanks Wayne Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  14. megs8888


    Just a quick note the photo links on page 1 are media fire and are deleted where do we get them from now? Or are they included in the 3.5 package?
  15. Yes I,have it after nearly every flight, anyone know why this happens? One thought do you fly the same aircraft config all the time? Might try that other wise reset FMC how did you do that? Thanks. Ok ill try that
  16. You can get the charts from Navigraph, Simplates to name 2 or do,a google and you will find most Australia and NZ are also freely available. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  17. They are not beta testers so no. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  18. Navigraph is starting a web based subscription soon I think. So web based charts will accessible. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  19. Awesome wont be needing PFPX now Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  20. Hi it's Saitek rudder pedals. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  21. Hi guys nothing major, but whenever I'm taxiing after landing only my rudder seems to be overly sensitive, it is fine on takeoff etc, but when land and taxi it's left right left right etc, any help would be appreciated. Wayne Hart
  22. Hi guys nothing major, but whenever I'm taxiing after landing only my rudder seems to be overly sensitive, it is fine on takeoff etc, but when land and taxi it's left right left right etc, any help would be appreciated. Wayne Hart
  23. Hi guys nothing major, but whenever I'm taxiing after landing only my rudder seems to be overly sensitive, it is fine on takeoff etc, but when land and taxi it's left right left right etc, any help would be appreciated. Wayne Hart
  24. Well done Thanks a lot. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  25. Yes Saitek have to improve in my opinion there are better products on the market though yoke wise. Anyone bought the Go Flight 737 Yoke? Review? Would be nice
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