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Everything posted by Cool

  1. Hi Scott I was wondering the same and did not get it. I am interested too for some feedback from somebody who got it :wink: cheers Pascal
  2. I use the EFB (Electronic flight bag) from Aivlasoft in order to prepare and manage the navigation for the LJ35A. It works worldwide in the "Jeppesen" format, but, yes it is a payware withe 30 days free trial... SID/STAR and approaches are up to date thanks to Navigraph, (which is useful for me as I only fly online on IVAO) The EFB manage in real time the LJ35 GPS meaning that any modification done on EFB is effective in realtime in the plane. for instance before the TOD, adding a STAR and an approach procedure in the EFB is a piece of cake just like in RW :wink:
  3. I have never flew a LJ35 in RW but I would say "yes" as it is the way it works even in a liner... :wink: Oh yes!!! so do I :smile:
  4. I use SPD for the climb as long as there is no low level alt constraint by ATC. Why? because the pitch is then manage via the autopilote which decrease the workload during the climb phase and more important maintain the speed to make sure there is no risk of stall. During the descent I use VS in order to maintain a targeted VS which is more convinient to manage compare to SPD which make the VS depend then only from where we adjust the throttle... (hope I am clear enough) With AL's LUA scripts for the climb select AlLT SEL when align on rwy and SPD when the climb speed is set and maintened to your targeted one (250KTS for me) For the descent I select VS to something around 3000ft/mn at TOD and then reselect ALT SEL to get the oral alert at 300ft berfore the targeted altitude. You need to define the targeted Altitude before selecting SPD or VS :wink:
  5. I did it with Al's LUA scripts and I added the LINDA action file for the other functions hereafter http://www.avsim.com/topic/495831-flysimware-learjet-35a-module-10/ Thanks for that some infos there: https://contentzone.eurocontrol.int/aircraftperformance/details.aspx?ICAO=LJ35&ICAOFilter=lj35 Cheers Pascal
  6. Yes Scott, I do prefer an aircraft that you have to make it fly and with which you can go on small or big airports. If we add a nice hand flying model, the Learjet 35 from Flysimware is then a must have :wub:
  7. Thank you for your prompt reply :smile: Pascal
  8. Well, I did not find this kind of video on youtube for the LJ35. Does anyone have one? Pascal
  9. The version is indicated thanks to the installer name as exemple: "Flysimware_LEARJET_35A_FSX_P3D_V2.7.exe"
  10. Oh yes! By the way if you are interested, I could get a cargo version of a passenger version. For instance, I downloaded this repaint form the repaint page of flysimware http://www.flysimware.com/website/Repaints/FSW_LEAR_N1TW.zip its aircraft.cfg parameters are: [fltsim.xx] title=Learjet 35A N1TW GNS sim=Learjet35A model=GNS panel=GNS sound= texture=N1TW-Clean kb_checklists=Learjet35A_check kb_reference=Learjet35A_ref atc_id=N1TW atc_airline=Lear ui_manufacturer="Gates Learjet" ui_type="Learjet 35A RDR/GNS" ui_variation="N1TW Clean" ui_typerole="Twin Engine Jet" ui_createdby="Flysimware" description="Learjet 35A" and here is the same in cargo version: its aircraft.cfg parameters are: (modifications in red) [fltsim.YY] title=Learjet 35A N1TW CARGO GNS sim=Learjet35A model=CARGO_GNS panel=GNS sound= texture=N1TW-Clean kb_checklists=Learjet35A_check kb_reference=Learjet35A_ref atc_id=N1TW atc_airline=Lear ui_manufacturer="Gates Learjet" ui_type="Learjet 35A CARGO RDR/GNS" ui_variation="N1TW Clean" ui_typerole="Twin Engine Jet" ui_createdby="Flysimware" description="Learjet 35A" :wink:
  11. Yes I have got the same problem with the Linda version after 2.6.4 So I did come back to this version 2.6.4 which I still use today. I have a "range error" but click "ok" then click on FSX sync button on Linda windows and everything works as it should. If you want to test it, just PM me your Email adress. Pascal
  12. Thank you Thomas, very good to know that it is possible to do it :smile:
  13. Hi Bob Any improvement here?
  14. Another workaround I do in fact, is to put headset with mic myself. Then I selected the headset sound device for the ATC (IVAO on line network). Bu the way It reduce the external sound like engine etc.... just like in real thing :smile: May be you can configure that way with Pilotedge? :wink:
  15. Hi Bob Yes this would be a nice touch. I do not have Pilotedge But I fly online on IVAO, this feature would be nice. Another nice to have feature would be the animated drag chute and its effect, just in case the reversers do not work of if we have forgot to arm them... Pascal
  16. Hi Robert, You are right, nothing against the deployment of the spoilers after the touch down of the main gear. Pascal
  17. It is not a problem with the LJ35A. I would try 2 things: 1/ use the maintenance and repair the aircraft. May be it will be ok after. 2/ If not try to load a default ULM aircraft with engine not runing. Save the situation. Select it as the starter situation for the next FSX start. Quit FSX, start FSX again, load the starter situation with ULM aircraft, check that engine is not running, load the LJ35A. Hope it will be ok after that. Let us know :wink: Pascal
  18. Hi If you are interested with a Linda module the Learjet 35A, here is my contribution http://www.avsim.com/topic/495831-flysimware-learjet-35a-module-10/ By the way all functions of the Saitek multi panel and multi switch are fully operational For the autopilot controls on the Saitek multi panel please refer to Al Klayton Lua files http://www.avsim.com/topic/491894-replacing-lear35a-mouse-clicks-with-keys-or-buttons/ Pascal
  19. Here is my first LINDA module, it is for Flysimware Learjet 35A. I made it for my hardware Saitek multi switch and Saitek Multi Panel . Installation: 1. Download and unzip 2. Copy the 'FLYSIM Learjet 35A' folder into your FSX/P3D Modules/Linda/aircrafts folder Download from: FLYSIM Learjet 35A Module features: Most of controls are accessible for assignment Most of controls have ON/OFF/TOGGLE actions available In addition some controls have been grouped in order to fit the Saitek Multi switch I do not have the VRi MCP so nothing done especially for it. Pascal Paillart
  20. I have tested tonight a climb up to FL310 in IAS mode = no problem anymore passing FL290. The IAS mode switch to Mach mode at FL290 but the climb remain smooth as it should. Thanks :smile: Pascal
  21. yes http://www.flysimware.com/website/LEARJET_35A_UPDATES.html
  22. Great I 'll install it today. Thank you so much :smile: Pascal
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