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Everything posted by MM7

  1. Shocking how disrespectful these kids are... Anyway, thanks for reposting the image. It's awesome. Pitty I am leaving for Dubai, France and UK tomorrow :( Hope to see it when I get back on 30th July!
  2. I hope the T7 is only released after 29 July as I will be away on holiday
  3. PMDG have suddenly gone quiet..I don't think before the end of month anymore..
  4. Still coming back to earth
  5. I really hope not due to a technical fault but for release
  6. Quoting PMDG the other day.."Every plane that takes off, must eventually land"
  7. MM7

    PMDG 777 - Emirates

    I think that livery is awesome..now if they can stop playing games and release it
  8. MM7

    The Next 777F!

    Also hoping for a major update (*release date* )
  9. MM7

    777 Preview 6

    Would be cool if they released it this weekend
  10. MM7

    777 # 4 preview.

    I really hope we are right within literally, weeks
  11. MM7

    Official 777 Price?

    I really hope so mate! In according to the price regards economics...Higher price = less demand..Lower price = more demand
  12. Would be nice to get paintkit a bit before hand...
  13. I also think we may see it on Wednesday cause Delta in Greek, represented by the Triangle is the 4 letter in the alphabet...Hope I am right
  14. So does that mean they are close close?
  15. True haha was just wondering thinking it is a more complex plane
  16. Well, compare the NGX and the 744 paintkits and you will understand where I am coming from..
  17. Hello Just wanted to ask a quick and small question so please, to all those who want to rip or chirp me for it seeing as it isn't out yet, please refrain. When the T7 comes out and the paint kits released, will they be as friendly and easy-to-use as the NGX? Tnx!
  18. MM7

    PMDG 777 liveries

    Where is Emirates?
  19. I'm crying it's so beautiful PLEASE RELEASE hehe Awesome! Tnx for update
  20. MM7

    Weeks Away!

    I now get the feeling that Rob meant that the release isn't only "weeks away" but instead it is "weekksss away" (ie: long time) so for me, and this is my opinion, but the hype is dead now...now it just becomes a product that, when released, is released..I will buy it of course but I think the anticipation as been killed... (JUST MY OPINION SO NO SHOOTING ME DOWN)
  21. So, you want us to do you a favor by not talking about the PMDG 777...in a PMDG forum...with one of their most anticipated products so close away and you don't bother to read the rules and sign your name? mmmm!
  22. Sorry Tom, but what view is this? I didn't mean to be offensive with my comment but that's all I saw? Appreciate the thought.
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