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  1. Yes, it was wrong before and it was fixed in this update, that's the way it is in the real 737NG and the way it should be on the NGX
  2. Got any pics with the shadows anyone? It's a good 4 days for me, until I'll be able to get my hands on her.... :/
  3. Wait, so I can't get the SP1D unless I have bought the B777 or I'm not getting something?}} EDIT: Found it, sorry for the post, had forgotten you can actually login and get it from your account.
  4. Could you possibly upload a video with the shadows? As one user already mentioned, a picture doesn't show it to its full extent Would highly appreciate that...
  5. One thing I'd really wish for, would be more rubber tips on the light switches, atleast on the turnoffs and logo, so far I've been to atleast 200 B738 cockpits and most of them have the full set or only 2 or so missing. Also the fact that they are usually replaced every now and then, and if an a/c happens to lose them, they will be put back on soon enough... That would add a bit realism. On a side note, just wondering, any plans to include these additional lights in future updates? It is now a mandatory requirement to have all B737's fitted with these. All 737's that were made after 2008 already have them, and ones that dont, have to be retrofitted, it's a new regulation due to a couple of incidents where pilots mistakenly identified cabin altitude warning as t/o config. So I guess it would make sense to have it in the NGX, since it's not some kind of a rare airline option
  6. Well, the flight dynamics are good, and PMDG team has done a great job on them, and on the airplane itself, it's really my favourite thing to fly in the FS world! BUT, saying that, it's not perfect, and if you are implying it is, by saying "why would there be any changes" then I'm sorry but get back to reality. I understand very well that flying a 80$ software in a PC is never going to be as realistic as the real one, I'm not a lunatic. However, there are a few things that needs fixing, for example, even though the real 737NG is a high energy airplane and is indeed hard to slow down sometimes, it's twice harder to do the same in the NGX in same weather. Also, if you put the RWY fix in the fix page and draw a 3x cruising altitude circle around it, TOD point is always going to be right on the cirlcle or very close to it, in the NGX it's some 20miles out, meaning that the descend has to be started much earlier.
  7. Get a life... In the real 737NG they are displayed in 50's not in hundreds, and I believe thats how it is supposed to be in the sim too!
  8. Will there be a log published with all the fixes and changes in the upcomming SP1d for the NGX before it's relase?
  9. Is it possible to somehow edit the gamma for these textures? I mean, they are the best i've seen and I want to continue using them, but the gamma is too dark, and it makes EVERYTHING look so dark, which is not really realistic, so I was wondering if there's any tool or something to change it. Thanks a lot
  10. What the....? What copyrighted material? Are you serious? So technically ppl cant post videos on YouTube with them flying NGX as well, because there's sound, and make liveries freely available or even post pictures of them flying NGX... People are getting crazy with this "copyright" stuff nowdays, there's actually thing called "common sense", but unfourtunately its a problem for many people...
  11. What is your point? Why wouldn't you send a .cfg file?
  12. Come on, what copyright? Fully working PMDG 737NGX package is available on torrents since the first week it was relased, come on people. And now even 777, even though it has security protection with online activation etc. I don't like software pirates, I hate when someone's work is being stolen and uploaded on torrent websites, but let's get realistic, what harm could possibly be done by sending a .cfg file? Also, this online activation, protection stuff is just making life harder for legit and loyal customers. Piracy is same old as the internet itself, there were pirates 20 years ago, and there will be pirates 20 years up from now. All PMDG did with their new protection system, is they kept pirates from cracking the B777 for whole 3 months, now anyone who doesn't want to open their wallet can go and just take it from the torrent - It didnt work.
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