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Everything posted by Humpty

  1. Yes , i was just mistaken about what your wrote but in a way was also correct and then someone pounces on saying prove your point well... I think given the way users have watched that video would'nt say much in terms of quality / lighting , basically a video playing on a computer shot on an external cam , that cause some problems with the lighting. Hopefully soon they release a direct source vid.
  2. Yes , for the other DCS / AC / DR / Arma windows needed 😞
  3. dude you just want to pick on users here , i said 'MY BAD: it was him mentioning the lighting from 15 years ago, i think you have a lot many posts of yours in that thread , check the Clouds thread
  4. My bad he wasn't shouting but saying lighting is from 15 years ago , watching a video of a video shot on a video camera well. give you the link and then you will start coming after me ? 😁
  5. Do not bother with W11 that thing is uglee , Oh , I meant in W10 you can switch the default browser. Installed only one W11 on a laptop , and it didn't take me long to format it.
  6. Ok. My bad , you were saying lighting is from 15 years ago.
  7. Hmm wasn't it just recently that you were shouting about how the video of an airliner flying in the clouds looks bad ? was it not you
  8. No. you can switch to any default browser in Win10 , click start and put in Default Apps, if the windows is activated it should allow you to switch . But since a few days i am way happier with Edge than Chrome. Also use Brave, The day they start controlling what you use that would be the end of it.
  9. @msparks get that R1 to Mumbai , no problem with speedz , that's if you can get out of the traffic 😁
  10. Blody awesome! Is the ECU flashed ? Stock exhaust ? Kawi and yamaha way to go. Yep get back to your topic sorry.
  11. Very nice. BTW do you own a R1 ? if yes which year ?
  12. Somehow to secure things a lot of unsecure things also happens , security is like an elephant. Personally do not like secure boot / uefi. I do not like my personal to be locked down by someone I do not know if Nvidia works with secure boot with Linux , AMD GPU is fine.
  13. Ya so ? there is not much of a difference. I am out of this discussion. Don't expect anymore replies . be happy with your 50% boost
  14. What software did I say I have installed ? huh You are not ready to show a similar windows comparison and you are asking me to post images Hahahaha You install or don't install Windows that's entirely upto you , so until you do till then don't say a 50% difference, you are showing a one side performance , remember i did say the day i see your 50% is real i will never use X-plane on Windows. prove it simple. Forget it dude , as I said no point in debating it with you. Ah you want to see the CPU time difference of Windows / Linux ? well I will post but only after you post a real windows / Linux comparison in performance for X-plane , then we take it from there , what say ?
  15. I am using a Ryzen 1600x now , i see no performance difference , maybe 10% , the governor is on performance. It may get upto 250 fps but unless it's proven against a similar config one can't say it's that faster than windows.
  16. Huh, what wrong did I say ? Only the Flight Model of XP is multi-threaded and not the Sim as a whole , you really don't know what you are reading and understanding. My 10 year old machine was an AMD FX 4300 / RX 550 2Gb / 12 GB and your 10 year old machine was a 2700k, which is faster ? 🤔 Just because you can't prove your point , you search the forum and link a post that clearly states that Austin did confirm to that only the flight model is multi-threaded. I have never said Linux is not multi-threaded as an OS 🙄 Dude either prove it and make me stick to Linux for X-plane or stop posting nonsense. BTW whatever the debate we have here should never go personal I hope. Like it does for some.
  17. Yes your load time is amazing no doubt , but as I said it's best to put up a similar Windows system and then compare. put me wrong and show me windows too SAME CONFIG / SAME EVERYTHING. If I see that difference I will never use XP on Windows
  18. Honestly speaking , you are jumping around different things. you can't compare a 2700k to a 5900x , I am not sure how fast the 5900x is from the 2700k in a single thread but I believe it would be much faster. Firstly , please post some vids / shots of scenery with your fps counter and then try the same in Windows
  19. Well there is nothing that needs testing , if it was real that Linux XP11 performance is 50% better than the one's using XP on Linux would have an orgasm 😁. And why would I test in the first place ? i have been using Xp on both since a few years now. @jarmstro did that test , there is whole thread for that. I suggest dual boot and try it yourself. Maybe msparks has a magic linux distro he can give ya 😁
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