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Everything posted by Humpty

  1. just try it and then tell us. You are word not allowed of the fact that i am dual booting both and using Xp11 on both. Over and Out.
  2. Please try it yourself first before you claim a 50% until then it's nonsense, i guarantee a 10% And that fps counter should be on full scenery not in the airplane, if I pan the camera to the sky i get a 100 and on scenery 45 hahahah, I think this is where your 50% claim is 😁
  3. I think he is trying to tell users that using Linux for XP is better and smoother that I do agree on.
  4. Haha Ya ! don't think that 172 shot is even yours 😁 , you yourself haven't tried the performance but you still insist about a 50% , going with Phoronix test results you claim it is what it is , where I am in real using XP on both and I know what I am doing 😁. Before you claim the performance difference , please try it yourself first. Given that the XP experience in Linux is much smoother , that's about it. I can guarantee and believe a 10-15% gain. And from past debate experience with you , I know you will not stop even when you know you are wrong . 😁 Please do the test yourself and then claim . Also post the link of the Phonorix test suite rather than the shots. Over and Out.
  5. Then don't get your blood pressure running high 😁 , just because someone here talks about bad lighting watching a video shot on a camera and talks about it's very low fps , when there is an alpha / beta release all would probably know what are the minimum requirements, I can bet that it will not run well on my system considering the GPU that I have
  6. @jarmstro is one says "yes' that it won't work on your current hardware , would that help ?
  7. No point in debating with you . Over and out.
  8. it's on full power mode. no bios / ubuntu on power saving. It's a Ryzen 1600x , yes gpu is limited , the point it performs the same It's nonsense
  9. I have Windows and Ubuntu dual boot , I try it all the time that 50% is not real.
  10. I am using it on both and I see no 50% difference , anything in linux will use 100% hardware that the world knows, I should see your 50% difference even on my systems. you need to show 250 fps with with MAX OBJECTS and stuff and than compare that same thing under Windows on a similar setup.
  11. Lol again that 50% difference , chart , dude I run XP11 on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20 , the performance is more or less similar , just that under Linux its a bit smoother , but a 50% difference in your dreams.
  12. All I care is for those clouds they showed and the lighting , rest is good , just give me a great looking / feeling wx
  13. Having tried the demo , it's excellent but not excellent for my tiny GPU :(.
  14. Firstly one should understand that Linux was never designed to be used as a desktop , hence it's power management was always on full throttle , the whole hardware was full throttle and still is and yes it performs much faster , though there is a power management one can use for linux , my tests were Blender / Gimp / XP11 , XP11 is just smooth , it's not a fps gain but it's miuch smoother and the system reposnse is much better , even blender / gimp just load faster . Any server will use full throttle , yeah there is a difference between windows server / Linux server in performance , to me the usefulness of a windows server is only till AD. Windows based software developement is entirely different, Windows Desktop OS otoh was designed with power management in mind , hence expect some difference even if used of FUll performance mode.
  15. You don't require a MS account to use w10, what happens is if you have fresh installed w10 and if it's connected to the internet during the initial setup / configuration it will push you to use a MS account, but if disconnect that machine from the internet you can create a local account. The day local accounts are not allowed them some free space on my ssd.
  16. LOL then what's the use of having an internet HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  17. that's probably his gpu / ram issue , if those are artifacts Are those folders over folders , hmm can't make out
  18. Home version would not be avaible for a domain network. There are no issues of popup or anything in W10 and no it does not auto sign in to skype ./ Onedrive , what I think has happened is when you installed W10 or started it the first time you probably had the net connected and you signed in with your outlook / Ms account, so it's not a local account hence its autosigning to skype / onedrive , if that is the case what i can suggest is switch off the net from that laptop and create a local account
  19. Yeah good point ! no point when it runs fine. Just wanted to retry Pop after a couple of years that's about.
  20. Pop OS working on both : Mid 2010 Macbook Pro 2018 (secure boot is disabled ) nice nice nice
  21. ABout to install Pop on the Mid-2010 Macbook , i have used Pop a couple of years ago , found it a bit too heavy on my Toshiba , let's see whats changed
  22. Yeah LR is probably hard at work to get it fixed , Greazer will be testing it.
  23. It should work even with secure boot. My B350 Gaming Plus works perfect with UEFI / TPM for Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20, POP OS is using the Ubuntu repo I believe , i really don't think it should have a problem. Is this a branded system ?
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