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Everything posted by Bottle

  1. Well, it's a screenshot of a player. Have you ever disobeyed airport taxing rule?
  2. Some who are more informed than me could probably correct me if I'm wrong, but wake turbulence has nothing or little to do with the jet blast. I think it's the vortices that come off the wing tips and descend. Part of the reason for ground effect.
  3. Thank you for the update. Keep safe. Remember, “if you can walk away from a landing, it’s a good landing”
  4. Being informed is vital to making good decisions and making justified conclusions. I'm a molecular microbiologist with about 30 years research experience and run a biomedical sciences course at a top UK university, and even I've had to do careful research and give a lot of thought on what are the best approaches to this. Some of the best sources of information I've found are; https://www.jhsph.edu/podcasts/public-health-on-call/ - quite accesible to the non-specialist quite technical but the first couple of talks are fairly accessible. https://www.abundance.org/coronavirus-faqs-by-dr-megan-murray-harvard-infectious-disease-specialist/?fbclid=IwAR1QlA6oMJQmoPzAJ_p97tVf0zUj49Hai1lM_tAbiFJ89K4iXKzI05FJ7nM https://samharris.org/podcasts/191-early-thoughts-pandemic/ - Sam's usually a bit alarmist, but his interviewee has some good information. Take the evening off from forum surfing, listen and read, then digest.
  5. Female pilot and are those flowers in Japan? Nice.
  6. Make hay while the sun shines. This could be a real boon for the satellite imagery the game is based on. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/06/before-and-after-coronavirus-empties-worlds-busiest-spaces?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  7. The shot by JonasAlexander2. What amazing clouds. Truly realistic.
  8. Mid April will be way before the release of the sim. No one seriously thinks this will be released this side of Christmas, not if they know anything about big software development.
  9. In his latest video, Stevo starts with how excited he is for MSFS and then flies off to pick up his new PC and at then end there's about 8 minutes of him at Jetline systems looking at PCs, sim accessories and flying a TBM on a PC
  10. Yes, I see that now. Previously I was looking at the picture on a tablet and I hadn't noticed. Now on my full-size PC, it's not so great. Oddly, some of those buildings have some lights but are mostly dark. Hmmmm.
  11. The dark ICC building at the bottom left is typically lit up with an animated light show on all sides (also a common spectacle in many Chinese cities). The fact that it’s the only building that’s completely dark makes me wonder if it will be animated and they simply haven’t implemented that yet. Asobo, have I discovered a future surprise feature for the sim? I’ll echo the other posts about Hong Kong. I’m lucky enough to spend a week there on business every year and absolutely love it. Can’t get enough.
  12. Ooops, I didn't read the OP fully. I need another coffee. But I agree, the most intimidating thing about flying to me (real and virtual) is the learning curve to understand the comms and navigation. MS says it wants MSFS to be the most accessible it can be, so having this "solved" by AI and letting the humans have the fun of just flying and sightseeing will surely be something they try to address. As an aside, the videos of ATC interaction I've seen, it's not so much the content that's bamboozling, but the speed at which everything is spoken.
  13. The Soundscape Feature Discovery video hinted at this when one of the settings files was shown and it has entries for "shared cockpit". I suspect we'll find out more in the next Feature Discovery video when multiplayer will be the topic.
  14. I'm not saying he's wrong, but do consider that this guy is not, in fact, a doctor but a nurse. There is no evidence (at least via the Internet) that he has a PhD let alone an MD. So to call himself a "doctor" would at face value appear to be a lie, bringing his authority into some question. He's unaffiliated (doesn't appear to be at the Uni of Cumbria any more. A quite low ranked institution in the UK in any case) and self-serving in that he appears to run his own business teaching on health matters, which brings into question conflict of interest (does "click-bait" ring a bell?). Not the best appeal to authority argument. As I said above, he might be right or wrong but I point out the above out of professional interest in promoting scientific literacy with the general public. When one is trying to form an opinion based on information only obtained from the Internet it is becoming increasingly difficult by the day to evaluate the sources of information because there is so much disinformation and outright intentional misleading out there. For something that is extremely complex, deep and sophisticated (epidemiology and viral evolution), it's quite a challenge for the general public to get a reasoned and balanced view. Even something that looks balanced can be quite wrong. It really is best to rely on dedicated professional organisations and institutions such as the CDC.
  15. Watch the 747 take off video again (can’t remember which video it is) and you’ll see the light from the windows on the other side of the cabin plus chair backs through the windows.
  16. The up coming MSFS looks to be ground breaking in many ways and quite possibly in retrospect will be seen as a seminal moment. It would be great if they eventually made a documentary (even a short one) on the day in the life of the development team, deep dive into the technology, etc. If they did, I’d buy it and I suspect many here would also. But that needs footage and photos as it’s happening. I hope they’ve thought about that and have roaming photographers and film crews in the Asobo offices randomly sampling and attending formative meetings, etc. If they haven’t, I hope they read this and seriously consider it before it’s too late. History can’t be revisited in hindsight.
  17. Unless you get a ton of snow, there is usually differential snow accumulation on roofs due to different levels of roof insulation and heating within the buildings. It can indeed end up being some roofs with no or little snow whilst others are covered. Can even be different accumulations in different areas of the same roof as well. I would argue that differential snow accumulation on roofs in MSFS is a feature, not a bug, and testament to their level of accuracy in modelling.
  18. Aspen: Nice realistic snow effects with residuals after clearing. However, someone should clear the snow from the entrance before one of those rich passengers slips over and sues. Still no annual trees yet. The mobile stairs on the far right have clipped into the ground a bit. Juancho: Perfect for a Tracy Island mod. Who will be the fist with a Thunderbird 2 addon?! KLX: Nothing to report. Lovely view distance. Courchevel: Nothing to report. Lovely clouds. Mount Hawley: You wouldn't get me driving over that bridge (left foreground) or off to the right (has there been a recent earthquake?). Donegal: Is that cherry picker to the left for de-icing I wonder? Anyone up for some windsurfing? Nice flash of lightning in the clouds, but a little slow? Queenstown: Where are the sheep on the hills?! Is that a very late rotation? St Barthelemy: The grass looks correctly proportioned here and is that mixed in with some sort of bracken? Chiquitos: Thank god for GPS because I'll never find that otherwise. Marrakesh: I wonder if there'll be heat distortion from the ground? Kadhdhoo: Nice place for a picnic. Alice Springs: It's so hot there some of the planes hover 10 feet above the ground. Strewth. KLAX: Do they have Tesla autonomously driving busses there? Punta Cana: Is golf sim back? Gatwick: Why is it not raining? It's always raining when I go there. Ambient life: We need Object: Tarmak_Worker_Boogey, Tarmak_Worker_Groove
  19. I hope someone makes a campfire and BBQ mod so bush flyers in multiplayer can have a fly-in and a chinwag over a beer and burger.
  20. If the editing tools they are providing are as user friendly as one would expect from Asobo, I suggest AVSIM starts looking at significantly increasing its file storage capacity. There's likely to be a renaissance in member created mods.
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