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Everything posted by GeorgeLKMT

  1. So.... just select the part that's on the stabilizer or the rudder and move it accordingly until it aligns? :wink: edit. By the way, just to be precise, this is not the paintkit's fault but rather a little miskate done by a modeller when unwrapping the model's UV. There is absolutely nothing else you can do. Just like when you're placing a graphic that spans across two textures and you have to cut it in half and align, you're doing the same here. It's not a rocket science, it just requires a little bit of patience :smile:
  2. Violent games have negative effects on brain.... Flightsims have positive effects on brain... But what if I play combat sims? Or fly with airplane in GTA? 100% people who drink water and are exposed to oxygen, die!
  3. Hello. I'm glad you like it! It's been 2,5 years since and I'm actually starting to hate it I was thinking about redoing it (or more like making another version). Although limited options and color palette kinda puts me off from doing it... and I don't even have FSX anymore. What do you mean by drop down menus though? Like on the upper bar when you're already flying? There are some elements that just couldn't be changed.
  4. That's old and it's from the commercial version of EDGE for actual training purposes. Based on what we saw, the EDGE that's coming to DCS will be looking much better than this :wink:
  5. Su-25 too has advanced flight model! Even hydraulics and engine simulation as far as I remember. It's just not clickable and has some systems simplified. TF-51D is full featured clickfest, basically payware P-51D without the guns :smile: And you don't have to fly missions and shoot stuff, you can just create an empty mission and fly around. :smile:
  6. And the best thing... IT'S FREE!!! When the L-39 comes out, I'll probably won't leave my room for another month Thanks everyone!
  7. License discussions are banned so buy the cheapest, academic one, but don't say anything about it! Don't even think about it! Actually, read my post through the mirror with one eye closed!!! Seriously, the cheapest one is the one for you, you're not going to miss anything :wink: As for the SSD... what does it mean "external". SSDs are lighting fast (just bought one!!!), but if it's external, it'll be as fast as the connection you're using.
  8. I don't post here like I used to anymore so I guess I just share some screenies from DCS I made. They're edited, in one way or another, just so you know. But nothing major ^_^
  9. Scheduled maintenance. People were even saying that this is because of Mig-21 release but the fact is, they really don't need to bring the whole site down just because of an update or module release. They never did and it doesn't even make sense to me. So it's just make-believe from unpatient fans, I'm sorry Before the 2.0 release, we'll probably see a changelog first. If I'm wrong, I'll livestream eating of my own socks.
  10. Just to clarify, that's not really a video from DCS World (or even last month). It came out a few monnths ago as a showcase of EDGE for commercial sim purposes. There are more videos like that and neither of them represents the final product.
  11. What is inflight toolbar? That top menu with Flights, Aircraft, World.......? This has nothing to do with that.
  12. No. It's the same thing. Those standalone releases are for people who don't want to pay full price for FC3 when they want to fly only one particular plane.
  13. If you mean that it wobbles back and forth a little bit when you're on deck, it's normal, unfortunately.
  14. I never used anything else than Javier's, so I don't know about anything better. There's an oldschool USS Enterprise payware that looks quite nice, but it's 25 bucks. For carrier ops, you'll need aicarriers. It's an application that will let you place your carriers wherever and control them afterwards. It's controlled either by drop down menu or Shift+J in FSX. http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=112008&Name=&FileName=&Author=&CatID=root And obviously the ships, links are up there as well (part 1 and part 2). If you wish to spice up your carrier ops even more, there's a convenient application called vLSO (virtual landing signal officer). It'll comunicate with you on final (you can even get waved off) and it also has greenie board. http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=unslbi27di8i91uhl21t52s231&topic=4915.0 As for the airplanes, all the free stuff I linked before is carrier-based. Including T-45C, so you can do it just like in real life with trainer aircraft first :wink:
  15. If you're into military flying, I would strogly suggest you looking into DCS. When it comes to FSX, why don't you have a look at some nice freeware that is available? For example, Dino Cattaneo has amazing F-14D, F-35A/B/C and T-45C on his blog here: http://indiafoxtecho.blogspot.com/ He's also constantly updating those aircraft and they're getting better and better. In fact, F-14D was just updated today. Or maybe you can have a look at FSXBA Hornet here: http://fsxblueangels.com/hornet%20dowload%20template.html It's based on the default F/A-18 in FSX (which is quite horrendous on its own), but adds new and way better flight dynamics, sounds, effects, liveries and many other functions. By the way, I hope you have FSX:Acceleration. All those birds require it and there's really no point in getting into fighters without it.
  16. There is no good Gripen worth money on the market at the moment. And since the Gripen is still largely classified aircraft, I don't think we're going to see one anytime soon. Looking at that link you posted, they would have to torture me to get me paying for this. It looks like a joke from FS2002 done by 15yr old dude who just discovered modeling and I don't even want to talk about flight dynamics and avionics. I'd rather flush those 20€ down the toilet. By the way, isn't the Alphasim one freeware now? I thought it was...
  17. I think you're doing it all totally wrong! You're not supposed to save the master fuselage texture as dds at all! You just do your paint there and then cut every 4096x4096 bit of texture (those blue vertical guides are boundaries) and move it to its respective place in pmdg_737NGX_fuselage_1, 2 and 3 file. Then you save those as dds. And no need for DXTBmp. So, do your paint, flatten the image (don't save!), select the desired portion of the texture with the selection tool, right click, layer via copy. Then move that layer to where it belongs and do the same thing to the next part of the texture. After you're done, undo all that layer flattening so you won't ruin your paintkit. Flattening is only there so you can copy the whole structure of all the layers at once. Looking at the PMDG paintkit (I don't own PMDG planes, I downloaded it just so I can help you), all the other things like wings, engines and tail are in separate textures. Oh and turn off that tail in master file, it's probably there only so you can align your graphics. By the way if you need to explain some things in that DDS plugin as well, don't be afraid to ask, as it's quite complex with all its settings.
  18. You have to flip your textures vertically upon saving. I guess you're using nVidia DDS plugin for photoshop (what else...) so just click the "Save Flipped Vertically" checkbox.
  19. You're right and I never said otherwise :smile: I just wanted to clear things up for some folks who might be confused about this whole Outerra thing as it's apparently not so clear for everyone. But maybe I'm just converting into a fanb0y :lol: (<- this word is censored on Avsim, huh, why?) On the other note, after seeing how well outerra looks from the space (and even better on surface of course), I wouldn't mind seeing some space game (or sandbox) based on this in the future. Kerbal Space Program with outerra-like planets? Yes please! ^_^
  20. If I select an aircraft menu in demo mode, it automaticaly tells me to buy it, so I guess I'm out of luck with trying airplanes :smile: At least that Basler is in FSX. Outerra is not a flightsim. And development of complex engines could take many years even with large dev team and multimilion funding. Outerra is developed by two guys if I'm correct. Every single one of you commenting about how Outerra is lacking and how it has nothing solid is just because you don't understand what Outerra is. And I said that a few pages back. It's an engine (more specifically, planetary engine with procedural terrain generation). It's just the framework, core, software environment... whatever you want to call it. Google "what is a game engine" if you still don't understand, but stop comparing apples and oranges, please :wink: Outerra is great as it is and I believe it has a bright future. If you're annoyed by the slow progress, just stop following it.
  21. BT-67 looks amazing, but things like this are only available for people who bought outerra, right? Not demo.
  22. File -> Open? :biggrin: Or you can drag your file into the window, that works too! But it's really good only for viewing "as is", don't expect any magic.
  23. Yeah, they probably don't care too much. But it's still importnant to know this because I can imagine some people installing it on company's computers thiking it's free and business + non-licenced software = big trouble At home, you're usually going to get away with it.
  24. I think you misunderstood. I was talking to tvieno about photoshop licencing (CS2 = Creative Suite 2) I figured out why this particular paintkit is white for you. It's because all layers are hidden by default, so those crappy programs can't see it. But, that still doesn't matter. Get a painting program that supports PSD right away. If you were converting your PSD to BMP before, you were doing it wrong while defeating the whole purpose of PSD!!!
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