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  1. The pop up screen behaved the same way, could not close it down. So I just ignored it, and after a few minutes it dissapeared by itself, haven't seen it since.
  2. Check that the master switch is on, it's off by default. It's located on the right overhead panel between (and a little below, big T-switch) BATT1 and BATT2 switches.
  3. I usually press the downward button to make sure the plane is sitting on the ground after slewing, otherwise, if there's elevation changes slewing from A to B you can bounce a bit because the plane is off the ground, even if only by a few feet.
  4. There's a slew plugin which I use, cant paste the link but it's in the .org library. Just do a google search.
  5. Well that's strange, one thing comes to mind. Btw: do you see any indication of the axis in the MCDU calibration page. You should see a green line when moving the throttle from idle to full throttle? I know, I know, I just have to ask anyway. Anyway, there could be some interference if you have assigned axis in both FS options and FSUIPC. You could try and remove the throttle axis within FS and assign the axis through FSUIPC instead, and obviously calibrate it as well (within FSUIPC). If all that is set and it still doesnt work, you can try and reverse the axis within the FSUIPC interface. See if that helps. Actually, I think I have the same joystick lying around somewhere, but it's very late night here now, so I wont be able to test it until tomorrow (if I can find it).
  6. FSGRW has a demo too, I think. For me it is the best because it no-B simple interface without fancy graphics and billions of buttons for everything (that probably has a performance impact). And it also creates weather on par with the rest, no doubt. I have it configured so that it loads in the background when I start the sim and it does everything automatically and I dont have to do a thing. Getting weather info from other airports is as simple as typing in the ICAO code. And to top it iff, once Xplane 10.40 is released, it will also work in x-plane, in addition to P3D, FSX and if my memory serves me, also FS9/fs2004. But it is purely a weather generator, so no new cloud textures or anything, in my case, I use REX for texture replacements and FSGRW for the weather part.
  7. FSGRW for my part, very happy with it. Saying that as a previous user of most of the other programs.
  8. Without knowing anything about what hardware you use or how you tried to calibrate, I can only run over the calibration process in general and under the assumption that your joystick is correctly configured and calibrated in both OS and in your FS. First off, there is no zone to calibrate the reverse axis, only the position from idle to TOGA. Meaning, you set your throttle lever at idle, then press the button on the left side of the MCDU/FMC next to where it reads idle/set. Then move your throttle to lightspeed (aka full throttle) and press the button on the right side of the MCDU/FMC next to where it says TOGA/set, and you should be done. If you have reverse thrust on your throttle hardware, it should automatically work now. If you don't have a reverse axis on your joystick/throttle console, you might be able to fake one. If the latter is the case, when calibrating the idle/set position, move your throttle to somewhere of your liking but above the physical idle (of your joystick) and press the left button on the MCDU/FMC in order to tell the airbus that this is the new idle position. I dont know if it'll actually work, but in theory it should
  9. Sorry man, that was my bad, didn't see that this was in the fs9 section until now. I just followed one of the links from the front page. My suggestion is for fsx. :Whistle:
  10. Look in the aircraft.cfg file, look for [CameraDefinition.***], find the camera definition you want to change and look for a the InitialZoom= line and put in the numbers you need, in your case it would be InitialZoom=0.6
  11. Yes, you can dial in the speed manually using the FMC/MCDU, go to the decent page and put in numbers there. There's supposed to be a update for the A320 package soon which addresses that, but for now, just type in the speed in the performance/decent page. Mind you, put in not only knots but also mach numbers. As far as I know, it doesnt have managed decent (vertical profile) yet, although it should hold altitude restrictions if there's any.
  12. No problem my friend, I'm glad you got it sorted out.
  13. First off, yeah, the PIT indicates that the pitch hold is engaged, and the green HDG should normaly indicate that it is activated. And when you hit the NAV it should correctly show a white LNAV which indicates that the LNAV is armed. Normaly it would turn green when you intercept the programed flightpath. Same goes if you were flying to intercept a VOR radial. But if nothing works, a reinstall could be the solution. Obviously something's missing if all indicators tell you that they are activated, but nothing happens. Just remember to run the installer as admin since win7 is notorious in the f-it-up department when it comes to it's build-in "safety measures". I have personally turned it all off and taken ownership of all folders + I run the whole shebang as admin lol. So my win7 runs more like the good ol XP in that regard. Never had a file secretly arrested by win7 since then.
  14. No problem. As far as the heading function goes, it should work regardless. In fact you can even arm the heading control on the AP before you turn on your AP, it will then automaticaly engage hdg mode once you activate the AP itself. So I must admit, it does sound kinda strange that it doesn't engage. You should pay notice to your left PFD because all AP functions you arm or engage will be displayed in green letters along the top edge of the display. First of all you should confirm that when you turn on the AP that the green light on the AP button itself is lit, then check you left PFD where it should be a green AP present. Same thing with i.e when engaging hdg mode, the light near the button should be lit green and the PDF should say AP and HDG with green letters.
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