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About camrad1983

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    Blue Sky Star Simulations

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  1. It's not the beeping, program hangs and loads with no transmissions. COnstant beeping indicates that something is wrong. I guarantee that I'm not the only one that has it. If you don't have it - great. I do. 2nd flight 3 disconnects. In the fiurst one I was able to reconnect simply because I kne the frequency of the approach
  2. Actually for this mement I really want money back since the HUGE problem is that every flight it disconnects (loading constantly) and when pressing PTT it beeps. After the restart of the program it asks you what the flight stage, you selected and then nothing. If you are at cruise level and you don't know the center freq - your flight is over. This is really big one.Huge turnoff.
  3. SO for now I get the picture: SI for VFR, BATC for IFR. Even though I'm still testing it, I also found that it uses almost 12% GPU for some reason. THe fact that you can't change the runway is also an immersion killer.
  4. Traffic injection is at 0.5 stage, not clear what it means by it. It says it can acess communication and make callouts in the roadmap page of the software itself. Does it cover VFR? Because I see that it always connects to simbrief
  5. So far it is much better than SI (actively tested it for 2 month). Only troubles I've encountered so far is: 1. Admin rights installation issue. 2. Traffic not fully working wth it (perhaps wrong vbersion of FSLTL, will test some more) 3. And the biggest one so far (all in one 20 minute flight) - disconnection with radio silence. (only beep of contact, all radios quiet. After restart of the program it picked up in descend, but again disconnected on the ground and I couldn't reconnect it to the actual phase (it thought I am in need of pusback, while in reality I just cleared the runway
  6. It's basically a VFR only. IFR doesn't work, also there is a 1 minute delay after each transmission, I will not pay for this. Instead of releasing raw alpha version with half of things not working, just finish your product and then sell it.
  7. You don't even need high idle for takeoff, unless short runway, heavy load etc.
  8. Free update, topic changed, the current version is 2.0 Promo video is here:
  9. It just gives external the internal sounds. Its limitation of FSX or model.
  10. The IAE version has an option of Wing/engine views internal sound. The cfm version will have that in next update, hopefully this month. The wind will silence the engines at high alt (depending on your sound slider settings)
  11. Aerosoft A318-319-320-321 CFM - Blue Sky Star FSX/P3D ASC and Engines Updated current version - 2.0 This pack features all sounds that are present in real aircraft - inside and outside. All sounds are recorded from real aircraft with the help of our real time pilots and ground personnel. Then the sounds are digitally mastered as to remove unneeded ambient noise. CFM56-5 series turbofan engines: - Pre-recorded from real aircraft and modeled according to the real phases of CFM56 turbine. - Tested by pilots and by musicians of course. Only music ears can hear the true difference in pitch and volume change. N1 and N2 modeled separate, you will hear fan sounds (N1) when needed, and you will hear much faster responder - N2 (the compressor). - All external engine sounds are different depending on location - front, mid, back, inside and outside all 360, everything has its own corresponding sounds. - Real vibration brought to you by lows and highs, feel yourself inside real aircraft! Places to get it: http://blueskystar.net/catalog/p3d_fsx/aerosoft-a320/aerosoft_a320_21_asc_cfm/ http://secure.simmarket.com/blue-sky-star-airbus-a320a321-custom-soundpack-extension-(cfm56-5-).phtml
  12. Aerosoft A319-320-321 IAE - Blue Sky Star FSX/P3D features optional internal sounds for wing/engine passenger views current version - 1.0 This pack features all sounds that are present in real aircraft - inside and outside. All sounds are recorded from real aircraft with the help of our real time pilots and ground personnel. Then the sounds are digitally mastered as to remove unneeded ambient noise. IAE V2500 series turbofan engines: - Pre-recorded from real aircraft and modeled according to the real phases of V2500 turbine. - Tested by pilots and by musicians of course. Only music ears can hear the true difference in pitch and volume change. N1 and N2 modeled separate, you will hear fan sounds (N1) when needed, and you will hear much faster responder - N2 (the compressor). - All external engine sounds are different depending on location - front, mid, back, inside and outside all 360, everything has its own corresponding sounds. - Real vibration brought to you by lows and highs, feel yourself inside real aircraft! Places to get it: http://www.blueskystar.net/aerosoft-iaev2500.html http://secure.simmarket.com/blue-sky-star-aerosoft-a319-320-321-(iae)-fsx-p3d.phtml
  13. The sound pack for Aerosoft A319-A320-A321 from Blue Sky Star Simulations is out! This pack features all sounds that are present in real aircraft - inside and outside. All sounds are recorded from real aircraft with the help of our real time pilots and ground personnel. Then the sounds are digitally mastered as to remove unneeded ambient noise. IAE V2500 series turbofan engines: - Pre-recorded from real aircraft and modeled according to the real phases of V2500 turbine. - Tested by pilots and by musicians of course. Only music ears can hear the true difference in pitch and volume change. N1 and N2 modeled separate, you will hear fan sounds (N1) when needed, and you will hear much faster responder - N2 (the compressor). - All external engine sounds are different depending on location - front, mid, back, inside and outside all 360, everything has its own corresponding sounds. - Real vibration brought to you by lows and highs, feel yourself inside real aircraft! http://www.blueskystar.net/aerosoft-iaev2500.html https://www.facebook.com/BlueSkyStarSimulations/
  14. Yes pilots, the A330 is going to be updated soon. The update is pretty much done, just minor stuff and all. Also the General Electric CF6 engine package will be soon available for A330 to finish off the "airbus story" for now. On the other hand, we've started to work on Aerosoft's A320 (IAE,CFM) sounds.
  15. Hello everybody, for some of you who might not heard: The New IAE V2500 for JArdesign A320 from BSS http://www.blueskystar.net/a320-iae-v2500-x-plane-jar.html Those are expansion pack to new CFM Full Pack: http://www.blueskystar.net/a320-cfm-full.html
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