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  1. See if you have CLIP CURSOR on and if not turn it on. If it is try turning it off and see.
  2. Question to all, are you running XP in Windowed or Full Screen Mode?
  3. Yes, it must be clicked and ON. The only issue I have with the Tobii is when you pause the tracking it auto centers in MSFS. In XP it will pause in position. Not enough to stop using since it is pretty stable when looking at the avionics.
  4. Try this one from the Tobii Site.. https://gaming.tobii.com/getstarted/
  5. I use UV Cheaters with my Tobii and it seems to work fine.
  6. Best way on these updates is shelve it for a week, then all is back to normal with Downloads and other networking quirks.
  7. I use blue light / UV cheaters and seems fine. I do use the eye tracking on several games, including MSFS. Though I keep ET to 5 in MSFS settings.
  8. I have a question for those currently using. Can you create specific profiles for each product you are using it with? (ie MSFS, XP, DCS, etc.)
  9. Well I currently have Tobii 5 and just purchased the BEAM software and ordered a webcam. Looking forward to doing some testing myself... 🤠👍
  10. I'm in, cleaning a space in the Hangar for the new addition.. 🤠👍
  11. lwt you are correct in your assumption regarding the original video released but I also see the bumps in the road with 2020 too like how the water masks just disappeared recently due to an update. Thank you very much on the link as that was a VERY inspiring read 👍👍.. I will reiterate a previous comment to another forum patron, this will have a permanent hangar in my system, just want to see how it goes first..
  12. Yes that is pretty amazing, though I still want to see the responses once it comes out. I am sure things and kinks will be worked out as they usually are, but with all the new bells and whistles I just feel there will be plenty of kinks happening. Rest assured, it will have a placement in my hangar whether early or late and I do like the new weather effects big time. 😎👍
  13. I guess I am a little more reserve on this version. I will watch these forums before making the jump. Usually software & games come out and there's tons of screaming then things settle down after the first few months. Though, having said this, I have been a day one on almost all flight sims back to the commodore period (aging engaged). I just don't feel this one will be much different than 2020 with the advent of some direct, and possibly forced, mission activities. One thing is for sure, I will be watching the launch day one. Guess it's a Wait & See for me, but good luck to Asobo & the crowds for sure..
  14. A2A Comanche ! I think it's available in the market too now.
  15. I beg to differ Bjoern, I find using that Cinema Verite is just as good as two shots of Tequila.. 🤪🤪🤪
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