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  1. I've had my heart set on this one since the day I heard about it. I was going to buy it on day-one but held off to avoid a potential mad dash/server crash situation and to get a read from the community/streamers. Nothing that I read or saw kept me from buying it, because for me, I don't feel there are any show stoppers. Nothing serious enough to wait any longer than I already have. I have confidence that the issues will be corrected. Whether that confidence is misguided or not will play out over time as the updates come. In the mean time, I'm enjoying it a great deal.
  2. I'll leave this here until P_7878 has a chance to see my update/status. Thank you again P_7878!
  3. Hi P_7878, thank you for the reply. I'm linking to my Google Drive. They deprecated the Hosting function years ago but I read some articles re: how to use Google Drive to host pics for posting on public forums. I must've got something wrong... (my Dad used to say "you've got a firm grasp of the obvious)😁 I'll need to do some more digging. If you have any tips, please point me in the right direction. Thanks again!
  4. Will delete after test. Thank you. Test image
  5. This post and picture sum it up nicely. I know that it'll be ready when it's ready. And that developing updates for a program this complex takes time, especially one this massive. And that it can NOT be rushed because that will just result in bugs, problems, frustration and pain. But what I can't understand is jumping the gun THIS bad. Shouting from the rooftops on February 23rd, 2024??? What’s new in X-Plane 12.1.0 – oh boy… | X-Plane
  6. Thank you, that did the trick. Autostart is working well.
  7. Hi again, While trying to get Autostart setup (MS Store version), I see that I do not have an EXE.xml file at: C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\ I guess I never had an add-on that needed to create one. I'd like to create one and see if that will clear the way for the Autostart feature to work. I have Notepad++ (encoding set to ANSI with the Character Set "Windows-1252". I just need the text to copy and paste. If you would post it here I'd surely appreciate it. Thank you!
  8. Sorry, I posted in wrong thread by accident.
  9. YES! That's exactly what it was. I renamed it per your guidance and Auto_FPS now shows DX12 as it should. I think I caused that when I was running another installer (for the Stripr app) and accidently clicked on the Steam option. I think the installer choked (rightfully so) and I ended up having to kill it with Task Manager. That's the only thing I can come up with. Just did another test flight and Auto_FPS is running great. Thanks again for the awesome app, and the help!
  10. I apologize! That's my old age showing... the comment had nothing to do with Auto_FPS. It was from a totally different app and I probably didn't even get THAT right🙄 Sometimes I really surprise myself🙂
  11. Thank you for the reply and info. Just a quick note to answer the questions you asked because I need to spend more time on this (hopefully over the next few days). The display shows DX11 every time I run the app. And I have not changed the setting in MSFS at all. I checked usercfg.opt and it shows this: FSRModeVR PERFORMANCE PrimaryScalingVR 0.800000 SecondaryScalingVR 1.000000 SharpenAmountVR 1.000000 VSync 0 HDR10 1 Raytracing 0 PreferD3D12 1 Also, here's a portion of the log- it mentions Steam but I'm on MSFS Store version and don't have Steam on my PC. I may have caused the problem when I first ran the Installer and chose to use Autostart (accidentally clicking Steam). But I've deleted the app and reinstalled it but the problem persists. 2024-02-26 22:02:11.110 [INF] [ App:InitSystray ] Creating SysTray Icon ... 2024-02-26 22:02:11.204 [INF] [ ServiceController:Run ] Service starting ... 2024-02-26 22:02:11.206 [INF] [ IPCManager:WaitForSimulator ] Simulator not started - waiting 30s between Retries 2024-02-26 22:03:41.279 [INF] [ MobiSimConnect:Connect ] SimConnect Connection open 2024-02-26 22:03:41.279 [INF] [ IPCManager:WaitForConnection ] Connection not established - waiting 30s between Retries 2024-02-26 22:03:43.250 [INF] [ MobiSimConnect:SimConnect_OnOpen ] SimConnect OnOpen received 2024-02-26 22:03:46.749 [DBG] [ MobiSimConnect:SimConnect_Receiv ] Sending Ping to MobiFlight WASM Module 2024-02-26 22:03:46.858 [INF] [ MobiSimConnect:SimConnect_OnClie ] MobiFlight WASM Ping acknowledged - opening Client Connection 2024-02-26 22:03:46.966 [INF] [ MobiSimConnect:SimConnect_OnClie ] MobiFlight WASM Client Connection opened 2024-02-26 22:03:56.550 [INF] [ IPCManager:WaitForSessionReady ] Session not ready - waiting 5s between Retries 2024-02-26 22:05:06.665 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:GetActiveDXVersion ] Steam MSFS version detected - DX11 2024-02-26 22:05:06.665 [DBG] [ MemoryManager:MemoryManager ] Trying offsetModuleBase: 0x004B2368 I'll check back soon. Thanks again!
  12. Reset, thank you for this major contribution to the community! Amazing that you took the concept and brought it to life. Elegant simplicity (from the users point of view) while incredibly useful, I've got it installed and running well (except for auto start, working on that tonight). I did notice that it shows DX11 although I'm running DX12. Checking to see if anyone else has seen that, or if it's of any consequence. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into developing Auto_FPS, greatly appreciated! Michael Roberts
  13. Thank you! I'm just glad it wasn't me overlooking something simple. Good to know that there's an Issue Report function built-in. Very cool Thanks again, I sure do appreciate it! Michael Roberts Baltimore, MD. USA
  14. Thank you for the latest version! I'd like to run the beta version side-by-side with the stable version (in Portable mode). Tried to follow the steps from the Release screen and link. Just can't get it right. I'm on Windows 11 and want to install/run from my main SSD (not from a USB, etc). Can you point me towards some detailed instructions? Thank you, greatly appreciated! EDIT: I made progress... now I have an error message from LNM. Caught exception in file ..\littlenavmap\src\main.cpp line 422. Tried to upload a screenshot but no go. I'll try again shortly.
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