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Everything posted by Wobbie

  1. LOL, It seems that some Avsimmers here actually really need a real lady, not a virtual one.!
  2. Interesting to know your reason why you would go to the Pro version? For the majority of users, Windows 10 Home edition will suffice. If you use your PC strictly for gaming, there is no benefit to stepping up to Pro. The additional functionality of the Pro version is heavily focused on business and security, even for power users. For gaming I think you should go with the leanest, simple solution. While the Pro offers more advanced options, all those comes at the expense of extra services running on the background, consuming precious memory and CPU that could be used by games. In short, if you don't need any Pro features and want gaming, go Home.
  3. Mmm, could be an issue then, an old PC. I have no idea as to what your operating system is, Windows 10, 7, 8.1... I think that a current operating system is optimised for newish hardware, so if you are running Windows 10, for example, it will not be optimised for a 10 year old PC's hardware. Just my thoughts.. I could be mistaken, but it works for me.
  4. It seems quite novel in that the OP does no flying at all, only plane spotting.
  5. Just start experimenting, by deactivating a few, then see how it goes. How is your current performance?
  6. Nobody is starting to talk about real flying in the sim at all. Don't worry about that. Nobody does, anyway. Again, it about watching AI in a game, and for buying the game to do that. That seems to be more exciting that watching webcams of actual flying.
  7. No hate at all, just a sense of weirdness that someone buys a game, to watch it, instead of playing it. Only on Avsim!. Like watching a farm sim, or a train sim, or a fish screensaver.. 'shrug'
  8. But you did not buy the sim, to just watch AI!
  9. We had this in FS2004, with 'The Dude'.. a guy sitting on a chair, with a cooler next to him, watching AI.. We also had a 3 level control tower add-on, where you could select different hight levels & placements to watch from. I doubt if any bought FS2004 to watch AI though..
  10. This is probably a first! A guy that purchased MSFS, NOT to fly, but to watch virtual planes, instead of watching real planes via webcams. And others suggesting 3rd party AI systems.. Only on Avsim.. How on earth can we hate anyone that spots & does not fly!
  11. Maybe, as a spotter & not a flyer, why not watch airport webcams? That's more realistic for a lazy simmer?
  12. Should not be a problem, Chris, apart from maybe a delay in starting up & a slight wait after selecting an airport. How many sceneries do you have & are they all for the same region? Why I ask? I have a separate install for Alaska & Canadian scenery, with appropriate aircraft, just to keep my install a bit smaller & more manageable, without scenery clashes.
  13. It was originally planned to be a technology demonstrator for what Asobo had done for Hololens & is probably a tech demonstrator for Azure. WE actually have no idea as to how & in what form the Xbox version will be. From a psychological perspective, it has been fascinating watching how desperately folk have grabbed the sim, spending money on upgrading hardware, without a shred of due diligence & waiting a couple of weeks to read reviews. I want to be first attitude, with the resulting pity party, moans & refund requests. Does Microsoft know that the real long-term audience is on the PC? Do they care? It's about the numbers, & their Xbox audience market far exceeds that of PC. sales
  14. Do not forget that ALL the previous itterations of the sim had fun aspects added, such as cars, boats, parachutists, space ships and even a train. These have not made the people that enjoy these add-ons any lesser simmers/gamers that those that 'fly' complex aircraft only. As Michael above states. They're in the tradition of the old MSFS franchise being scalable over a huge field of users from the beginner to the ATPL pilot. This MUST include all users, even the sailers & space cadets, simple because simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction. We even have Godzilla & Star Wars add-ons now for MSFS. Is it an XBox game? Not yet, but it will be, as that market is huge, compared to our niche market. Yes, it was said that Asobo had 'serious'simmers in mind, & Microsoft has that plus their gaming market as well. Yes, I am very excited. MSFS is the Holy Grail for some, not all, & it cannot be, as we have such diverse views on what we want in a sim, & it just cannot be, there has to be compromise. There are the 'fly by numbers' guys, the 'just flying for the sake of fun', the guys that want to explore scenery just for fun, there's the vintage flyers, there's the gamers just having fun, there's the crash boys, the sailors, the drivers, to look at the scenery, and so on.. These are just as valid simmers as the press button complex plane flyers and have the same & every right to talk (or moan) about it as others do. So, chill out, enjoy & keep the popcorn coming!
  15. Rather the vast majority flying the multitude of Boeings with a stick! LOL, a stick simulating a yoke? Nah! Thats really a bit too much trying to justify calling it a simulator. That's 'as real as it gets!?'
  16. It's actually about immersion & procedures, not the eye candy! We rad an Academy, Young Falcons, here in Cape Town, a 2 year every 2nd Saturday morning session to mentor youngsters with a passion for flight, culminating with a flight with private pilots who let the kids do circuits, after taking off. We used freeware scenery & FS2004, & had most of the kids getting their PPL's, others going into other aviation fields. So, it's not the sim.. It's the will & immersion.
  17. Guys, call it what you will.. I love the 'study leve aircraft' nomenclature.. Just call it what it is.. Complex aircraft.. I suggest that MSFS is a game that simulates a simulator.. Like other Microsoft games previously, this latest in the franchise is developed by a Gaming Studio, as an entertainment product. Really guys.. how many of you use a joystick with aircraft that have yokes? Also, take out the trolls in the MSFS forums, then the true figures will pop up. ,
  18. Remember that us simmers are a small niche market, compared to the millions on Xbox. Asobo is obviously developing for ALL!
  19. True words indeed. Just because there are now more & more vloggers/gamers/Youtubers around, serious simmers are getting upset! (see the above 5 pages) Who are we to judge? Remember, Microsoft's biggest market for MSFS has not opened yet. Just because there are now more and more .... lets call them 'light hearted simmers' they are certainly NOT lessor players than you & me. RICHUS take note.. just because they play with game controllers.. & are not interested at the ridiculously named study level aircraft... Study level?? Call them Complex!! If your ego allows it.. Just remember that what we have is a licensed "For Entertainment 'product, from a gaming house, & I'm sure that most fly with a joystick, irrespective of yoke equipped aircraft!! Seriously guys, embrace the new faces/gamerz whoever.. they are here to stay!
  20. 1. It has been said that Asobo will be supporting MSFS for 10 years... I cannot see that Microsoft will change their contract details after a couple of months. 2. 2 months of random user voting do not a disaster make.
  21. You dont think that those votes are pretty much irrelevant & hardly of concern to Asobo, as they are the developers, NOT the marketers of the game, & in any case, nobody HAS to vote. Lets not worry about doom & gloom just because some random selection of gamers decided to tick boxes. Interesting to know how many bought from MS & how many from Steam, & how many asked for refunds. Actually, irrelevant really, .. Still..
  22. Seems like the impact of MSFS has now made this a girl's music forum ..
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