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About Wobbie

  • Rank
    Member - 2,000+
  • Birthday 02/17/1953

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    FAYP Cape Town, South Africa
  • Interests
    Builder of simulators

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About Me

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    Mentor & instructor at our VA, Cape Virtual.
    Builder of simulators.
    Mentor of the "Young Falcons"

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  1. I'm not the one to fly Boeings & 'Busses, so FS9 still ticks all the boxes for me. It's the immersion factor that works. We have fun driving a Porsche, sailing a yacht or aircraft carrier, flying space ships and even driving a train in some unique 'worlds'. Garry Smith's Blackhawk scenery & all the other whimsical scenery he has given us, including circular runways & ramps. We can even fly the Red Arrows in formation. And 'Golden Wings' gives us a fascinating world wherein to play. FSX? Nope. I still find new stuff out there in the libraries. But our FS9 world is getting smaller, as so many sites have closed. I agree with our friend from Denver.. We can all relate to his story, as most of us have gone down that road. Niner's Rule!!
  2. Well, as I said before, I was running both FS9 & FSX on the same PC (i5, 8GB ram). Overall, FSX was laggy & very slow loading up & running, so I dumped it.
  3. 2nd that, Mark. When I still had my i5 laptop, FSX ran like a dog, so I stayed with FS9.
  4. Indeed, I so agree with Ray.. And our 20 year old sim is STILL getting add-ons. Just goes to show how popular it still is. Not forgetting that it will run, with very good results on almost anything. No continual updates (FS2004 had 1 update (I think), no fancy PC's needed, no time wasted in trying to download updates, no time wasted in complaining about those updates, and very important for a lot of us, the cost of the PC needed to get the thing running perfectly.
  5. And those are the best 'Words of Wisdom' so far... There is no Holy Grail of simming out there. FS9 with all it's add-ons, both unique & otherwise, is probably the most immersive sim out there, maybe not the most realistic, but as the late & very much missed add-on designer, Garry Smith, always said.. "Simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction!!' Like ViperPilot, I really respect & support the freeware developers, the backbone of our hobby.
  6. Maybe there is a bit of confusion out there, with high expectations from a meteorologist and RW GA pilot? I have not seen any mention that FS2024 is a meteorological site, that shows a proper simulation of genuine weather, and it should be very obvious, as posted above by lwt1971 that what we have seen is only a 2 minute trailer that showcased a video game, and not a meteorological program.
  7. Dunno about this.. My Window 11 laptop has been working perfectly for the last two years, without a crash. Most issues, I have found, care caused by hardware.. human fingers!
  8. A pity, There some great missions out there that I would have liked in P3D.
  9. 100% correct. In fact, I'm not using my task bar at all. I'm using something called Quick Access Popup that displays my user defined list of files, folders, etc whenever I press the middle button of my mouse. It saves me a lot of time especially when I want to access folders that I often use. & it's free & gets regular updates.
  10. I'm using Windows Defender for my anti-virus. For a while I used Bit Defender but changed back to Windows Defender, as Bit Defender kept on blocking sites that were actually fine. I also had the same Flightsim issue with Bit Defender. I'm so used to that issue now, only with Flightsim. I decided I'm not going to start fiddling with my anti virus program. I also used Avast for many years & started with Windows Defender when I moved on to Windows 10. I'm using Windows 11, and decided, after some research, that I might as well use the built in Defender, as I found that 3rd part anti-virus programs were using quite a bit of the computer's resources.
  11. Maybe try a different browser? I get that all the time whenever I download from Flightsim. I just OK it every time. Maybe I should just change the sensitivity setting in my Windows Defender.
  12. All working for me. I just saw the above, maybe it's sorted already? I'm using Edge.
  13. Thanks, It would have been great, as there are quite a lot of FSX flights I would have liked to try with P3D.
  14. I tried loading FSX Flights into P3Dv4.5. I loaded them into Docs & when I selected a Flight in P3D, I got a resource missing error. Any Ideas?
  15. Many years ago, I had a yellow Fiat 850 Sports Coupe... If only it did not burn out on me!
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