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Everything posted by Lowflyer

  1. I'm playing WT as well but I like WoWP better so far.
  2. At least there's not gonna be any debate over this one on whether it's a sim or a game.
  3. No, it's what you get when something costs 75 cents and you hand over a one dollar bill...
  4. Got into the beta a couple of weeks ago. Good fun! Edit: This may be in the wrong subforum.
  5. Format your c: drive and do a clean reinstall of W7 and FSX. Do that at least once a year. That way your harddrive will be less messy and it won't feel so horrible every time.
  6. Not sure how limited it is but yes, it's a Mille R -02.
  7. That's not about gravity. It's about aerodynamic drag which increases exponentially with speed.
  8. You know what I meant,smart@rse! :-P
  9. It's because cars don't have to constantly fight gravity.
  10. Nice to see someone doing it the right way and not in a 747 on autopilot while they're sleeping. :Applause:
  11. They're not, and FSX looks so much better out of the box than FS9. And all the talk about requiring hardware that doesn't yet exist, it's BS. No wonder these threads always turns into flame wars when they immediately gets filled with claims that perhaps was true in 2006 but are almost complete lies today. Your system will run FSX just fine if you get a good graphics card. (Some say nVidia is better for FSX but don't take my word for it.) Sure FS9 will run even better but then again so will any old game compared to new(er) ones, they just don't look as good. That said, the price of the actual games is probably the smallest expense you'll ever have in this hobby so get both and see for yourself which one you want to go with.
  12. I'll just have to take your word for that. While I do like maths and physics I've never bothered to learn how to calculate that stuff because what I like even more (much more actually) is experimenting and building (to my eyes at least) good looking stuff, even if it means sacrificing a lot of efficiency and any chance to get a call from NASA's chief engineers.
  13. Thanks. No mission is a complete success unless the DEMV5 can come along, which is one of the reasons why I didn't make it easy for myself and went with Scott Manley's single Mainsail design. (The other being that I find it incredibly ugly, albeit more efficient than mine.) I never bother with delta-v calculations but it sure took a lot of fuel when adding up all those launches. Goes to show what difference a bit of atmosphere (and oxygen) does as I made the Laythe trip with a single launch.
  14. Finally some progress! After weeks of sitting around doing nothing I decided to make a final attempt at putting a crew on Tylo, and bring them home again. It took five launches in total. The lander and transport modules were launched separately and docked in Kerbin orbit. The transport module had to be refuelled before burning for Jool and I also sent two unmanned fuel trucks to Tylo to top up the lander and what was left of the transport module before it was time for the actual landing. As it turned out I greatly overestimated fuel consumption for the lander because even though I jettisoned about 1500 units of fuel on the descent I still had 400 units left after docking with the transport module. First launch: The lander. Most of the ship except the outer mainsail rockets and the lower large tank went all the way to Tylo. Second launch: The transporter. Lander and transporter docked and I also sent a fueltruck up to top up with transit fuel. Passing Jool on the way to Tylo. Two of these unmanned fuel trucks were sent to Tylo with fuel for the landing and return trip. Lander separated form the transporter and preparing to de-orbit. First stage released after running out of fuel. At 30000m the second stage is released and all eight engines of the actual lander fires. The big orange tank stays on until about 1000m. The final stage of the landing. The fuel I have on board here has to be enough for the ascent to orbit so this is not the time to be picky about landing spots. Fortunately it was reasonably flat. Our three brave and very patient souls finally get to stretch their legs. Looking up we see Jool, Laythe and Vall. Just in case some conspiracy theorists would suspect that we went to Mun instead... There wasn't too much to see on Tylo though so we quickly decided to go home again. Docking with the transporter. And we're almost home again!
  15. Well, that makes at least one sensible person in the household then. :wink: I'm merely jesting of course. I congratulate you, sir on, after all these years, finally receiving this most coveted title. :im Not Worthy:
  16. Boooring! This is all you need for IFR: And for VFR:
  17. Always as fun watching people trying to reason with the unreasonable. At least someone had the good sense to put the foot down.
  18. You don't say... Anyway, nice buggys!
  19. Always something. Did a bit of testing myself. Didn't go well...
  20. Well, that's a wee bit silly I think but a couple of barrel rolls on the tedious en-route segment between St. Maarten and Juancho E. Yrausquin always livens things up a bit.
  21. And in what way is graphics, sound and gameplay in SC5 so bad that the whole game deserves the minimum score? The only complaint I've ever heard as far as gameplay is concerned is that the area available for each city is rather small compared to previous games, and that you can't mod it. I'll stick to my belief that people are just giving low scores out of spite without giving any thought to how good the actual game is. And by the way, Maxis hardly knew this was gonna happen when they signed with EA years ago.
  22. As I stated in a previous post those people are not rating the game, they're just venting their frustration with EA by giving the game the minimum score which in my opinion is rather disrespectful towards the people at Maxis. Also, when people set low scores out of spite it defeats the purpose of Metacritics.
  23. That's a bit like saying that banks are encouraging robberies by locking up the money and that it's their own fault when it happens. And you don't believe DRM helps? It does. It's a huge difference between having a game on torrent sites a week after release and having it there the day after release. Publishers do their research and if they had reason to believe that DRM hurts sales more than piracy they wouldn't have it. Just goes to show how utterly childish the gaming community is. No wonder gamers doesn't really get any respect from the publishers.
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