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  1. I for one love Alaska for bush flying. Trouble is the weather is quite often minimal. As in real life up there. Which is probably why so many accidents occur up there. Also the A2A C182 is probably one of the very best plane simulations available, and the 182 is regularly used in and out of short strips up there AFAIK. I'd also recommend the A2a piper cub for some low and slow short flights into lakes on floats and sand banks along the shore. In this video they demonstrate the tundra wheel "brake using the water surface and then come to rest on the shoreline" technique: Also the floats version has the very best water dynamics ever made for FS. Too bad the Cub isn't really a heavy lifter or a fast cruiser. For that you'd need the Aerosoft Twin Otter, a completely different beast but it's also available on floats. Also, have a look here for tons of fun additional bush stuff, but read carefully on the frontpage that some payware scenery is required for their stuff to work properly. That said, this is probably the very best bush flying resource for FS ever made: http://return.mistymoorings.com/
  2. Remember to change cabin altitude/ cruise level on the overhead to your real cruise altitude, or the warnings will go off at 10000ft(the default altitude) when the plane climbs up to above what the cabin pressure is set to. You can fix it after the alarm's gone off, by overriding it manually.
  3. And I thought their CEO. Mr. V had strictly forbidden sales? Oh well, they're quality products, run and get 'em!
  4. Tom, what horrible news to read! A feeble consolation it might be in such a stressful time, but I hope you know that your life's work is immensely appreciated around the world, and that what you made has become something as rare as a real legacy. Very few people have the honor of being able to claim that. It'll probably carry on long after any of us here are gone. You can take great pride in having made something that impacts people in a real way around the world.
  5. A VERY good place to start is to download the free australian OZx airfield package, you can find it here: http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/1825-ozx-au-complete-ozx-na-complete-ozx-libraries/ Read the manual, it's pretty well explained. Also, the ORBX scenery looks amazing for Australia, but it costs a bit. Product page: https://www.fullterrain.com/product/australia Webstore, it's at 49 australian dollars: http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?products_id=1314
  6. That's so kind of you Ebs :wink: Anyway it seems to be a pretty useless comparison so long as the B200 really isn't P3D compatible as per Mr. Graham's test. I checked out the B200 forums but they don't seem to mention it as a potential update at all. While the Duke V2 is going to be updated to P3D sometime soon. So I'd say the choice has already been made for the OP for a fast and light turbine twin.
  7. Oh, I'm sorry I misread your post. I didn't misread the OP or thread title though. Which is precisely why I stated that I compare it to V1 in my very first sentence of my first post, which I encourage you to read again. It's a pretty clear disclaimer. I wrote it to ensure that the OP reads my post in light of the fact that I don't own V2, just the older version. I wanted to contribute in good faith, and I did so with what I could.
  8. Mr. Young, I did make it clear in my very first sentence that the my opinion is based on the old Turbine Duke version and the B200. I did check the upgrade features when it came out, and I've watched various youtube videos on it and read the feedback, which seems positive, but I've chosen not to upgrade. The OP wanted opinions, and I've given mine. There's no way i'd add a complete V2 update features list to my post, and frankly I think you're being unfair if that's what you're expecting me to do. If it makes you happy I can always add that yes, the V2 has G750 integration as well. To me it sounds like a fine thing to do, but I don't have or plan on getting the G750. That would add quite a lot to the update price. If I didn't already own the RXP 430 and 530, I might consider the G750. Again, that's a subjective opinion. The Civil P-51 is great too, if you want a good challenge, try hand-flying it through one of the LAX north-south VFR corridors when ATC is busy and fully staffed on Vatsim or IVAO. Another extremely well made turboprop option is the Majestic Dash, but that's an airliner and I don't suppose that's what you're after?
  9. I have the old Turbine Duke v1 and the Flight 1 King Air. For me the F1 B200 wins by a landslide. Great hands on flying feel, reminds me of the old Aeroworx B200 for FS9. Same turboprop spool up times, same control heaviness in slow flight, great balance and general "feel". I do have a lot of stick time with both, but I seem to handle the B200 better, nailing the flare a lot more often and keeping her smooth more. FDE is at least equal to or slightly better than the Duke v1 I think, without ever having flown either in real life. I have however flown a C172 with a G1000 in real life a few times, which is the same as in the B200 but without the same advanced autopilot capabilities. The F1 G1000 version impresses me, it's probably the closest you can get to a real G1000 in FSX, perhaps save for the pure panel sim called Mindstar, that's supposedly very accurate too. It's great for IFR flights on VATSIM or IVAO, with navigation procedure updates available from Navigraph and Aerosoft probably also supplies navigation updates for it (you'll have to double check that). The only thing I really miss is VNAV, but with the old "rule of 3" you can plan your descent very easily the old fashioned way. Also, when you're online ATC usually helps you by clearing your descent when it's about time to reach this or that VNAV constraint. The Duke only has the option of fitting the Reality XP GPS systems, which I do have and use in it. I love that they added it, but they're not updateable like the G1000, and their database is kind of thin outdated outside of the US on IFR procedures. Unless something dramatic has changed from the Duke V1 to V2, and frankly it doesn't look like it from the specs, I'd really really go for the B200. I fly it a lot more.
  10. The title says "DC9 vs A320", but it might as well have read "Boeing vs Airbus" That said, I for some reason like the older Airbus "computerized" or "synthetic" voice callouts.
  11. For gliding, and since I see you're in the UK, try this: http://www.ukvga.org/
  12. Here's a link to current flights with the 772, ordered by length, shortest first: http://flightaware.com/live/aircrafttype/B772?;offset=0;sort=ASC;order=filed_ete And the same for the 77W (-300): http://flightaware.com/live/aircrafttype/B77W?;offset=0;sort=ASC;order=filed_ete It changes all the time since it's live, but bet on finding a japanese domestic flight as the shortest 772 flight, probably around 45 mins - 1 hour.
  13. Just log on and sit and listen. Best thing for the nerves. Register, install the client, and load up on the GA Apron in the default C172 on a manned airport (check traffic via http://www.vattastic.com/ ) You could even do a radio check just to see if everything works. "Tower, Cessna N12345 on the GA Apron, radio check." Even that is a real rush the first time. I still remember my first voice call. Perhaps you could even file a flight plan and ask for a VFR circuit or "departure to the north" and fly out of there and land somewhere without traffic. The rush of having successfully done an online flight is fantastic. Remember to write "newbie" in the comments section of the flight plan, that way the controllers will be extra gentle, but they usually are very very very patient anyway.
  14. There's no problem with Sim Outhouse itself. I think a more precise question would be why is the package only available there and not, say, on Avsim?
  15. Too bad it's only on Sim Outhouse. Oh well, I think I'll stick to the Uiver. It's fantastic. Excited about the upcoming VC though, that looks amazing. Hope he'll make some progress.
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