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Everything posted by Aamir

  1. Hey! You can head over to MCDU MENU > CONFIG > CONTROL CONFIG and increase the deadzone - that basically "widens" the detent out.
  2. Hey! It is available - the reason it is saying unavailable for you is likely because you don't have a flightplan input, or your weights input, so the aircraft hasn't calculated a vertical pathing profile for you. Without the profile, it has no idea where top of descent is - and thus, Pause at TOD is unavailable. Should change once you get all the good stuff thrown into the MCDU 🙂
  3. Hi there, this should have been solved in the latest update - could you confirm you have version number
  4. If you adjust the deadzone on the calibration page, that's for the detents. You can't do them individually, it applies to the detents overall, but I find it helps with fiddly throttles.
  5. That would be because you are attempting to modify the flight plan from the waypoint you're flying toward on the active leg, so the aircraft is uncomfortable with that - and will request being downgraded to HDG mode before modifying the the active leg - then it will let you insert the modification. Thereafter just push it back into managed and it'll happily carry on.
  6. Hi all, Thanks for the feedback, I've reprioritized this given how many users are affected by it's removal. Will look into a solution and bring it back ASAP! Aamir
  7. Our installers are code signed as is best practice, but because we are such a new company, my assumption is that the installer hasn't been installed on enough PCs for us to no longer be flagged a threat. Or, at least that's my understanding of it from the team that set this up.
  8. Failures are disabled by default 🙂
  9. Hey all - we've found and fixed the issue, I've rolled the build out into testing now. The main install works now, livery manager to be looked at next - but this should get you guys up and flying.
  10. Hi there GreenBaron, A user with a similar issue dropped in a ticket last night, we'll be doing a quick screenshare session with them in around 30 minutes to observe the behaviour on their PC and run through some debugging - so we're looking into it, hang tight and sorry for the inconvenience on your first time experience! Aamir
  11. We're tracking something here that may be affecting some users, standby, you're not doing anything wrong, I think this is us.
  12. If you are attempting to uplink a FPLN whilst the engines are running, it will land in SEC FPLN - as is the scenario in the real aircraft. A "gotcha" to look out for.
  13. For those with i5s, i7s, i9s etc - you have integrated GPUs on your chips that are never utilized, and it's worth turning them on in the BIOS and using this to render your displays, it's a huge performance gain. Alternatively, just switch it to your GPU. MSFS uses system resources differently across different systems, and you'll do better on FPS selecting a render method that suits your system better.
  14. You can close it and just get on with launching your sim 🙂
  15. PayPal was deselected as a launch payment option due to the fact that despite we are verified with them - they could not assure us the account would not be completely locked from receiving any further payments due to a sudden influx of income - this would subsequently present a risk to our activation servers, so we are simply being proactive to keep this launch as comfortable as possible.
  16. Hey - sorry if this has put you off! We ran through a bunch of different approaches, and this was the one people liked best. If it turns out our testing group doesn't represent the majority and users aren't happy with it, you can be sure we'll look at alternatives!
  17. Hi Bob, The A320 can boil down to "ready to go" in around 10 steps if you discount flight planning. Plan your flight via SimBrief. Load the aircraft on the runway of your choice. It will load with engines running. Look over to the EFB, hit the Fenix App, and import your SimBrief plan. Click on weights and balance, hit import, then instant. Look down at the MCDU - INIT - then INIT FPLN UPLINK - put in your planned cruise altitude and CI Next page, input the weights and fuel you're using on your plan Next page, over to the FPLN page, click your departure, and then simply select the runway and desired departure procedure (or just use none!) Over to the PERF page, use the app in the EFB to get your numbers in 3 clicks, and stick em in the PERF page. Set the flap as requested in the EFB, set the trim, hit the TO CONFIG button. Kick the bright and flashy bits on. Hit the happy levers. It'll handle the entire departure for you, maintaining speeds, altitude constraints, the lot. All you need to do is set the altitude knob to your cruise level, and push once. She'll get there respecting all the required legalities. (or you could fly all of that yourself, aided by the awesome fly by wire system - but either way, you've got the help if you want it!) Yeah, the A320 is an incredibly complex airplane, and there's a lot of it available for you to dive into in the Fenix, if you want to - but one of the core characteristics of this airplane is it's sheer friendliness and usability, which is what the several dozen computers behind the scenes are working so hard for! 🙂 (Of course... there are quirks..)
  18. Hey, thanks for this bit of feedback. The first time load for the apps do take a moment longer before the render completes, but subsequently, we've reduced the time between transitions thereafter. So, moving from one app to the other should be a little speedier!
  19. We will not be charging for the sharklets. It will cost us money to build as we'd want to do it properly, including some small avionics changes and a new flight model to represent the minutely different drag characteristics - but very simply put, as a consumer, I personally can't justify spending money on what essentially boils down to different pointy bits on the end of the wings.
  20. I made a comment in an attempt to be fully transparent that ended up being received wrong. To be clear, we have not just copy/pasted a default engine model and gone "yep, that's good". We started from scratch using every inch of the SDK available to us to make an engine simulation that represents the CFM56 as accurately as possible within the confines of MSFS. Further, we've created an external simulation for spool logic, starts, EGT, and a few other details. We started to investigate pushing everything 'engine' outside the sim and into our own code, but the reality is it'll potentially take months. None of this is to say the current engine model is bad by any means - we're actually really happy with the numbers we're hitting, and apart from a few edge-cases where the FF etc might read a little higher/lower than you'd expect, performance of the aircraft is will within margin. We'll put some more information about our plans regarding the engine model soon, it's a small weakness but a weakness we want to address, and address right. Masking the issue is not an option, we're going for the full monty.
  21. Yes, the soundscape dynamically changes depending on which apertures are open on the the aircraft. We have simulated the change in soundscape when you have the L1 door open, for example. But the cockpit door muffles it still. But if you have both the L1 door and the cockpit door open, it gets loud - because the sound isn't being muffled by anything, it has a pretty direct path to you. Same with if the windows are open.
  22. We've built automatic affinity masking in the apps. You shouldn't need to mess with it. But, hey, if you want to, be my guest!
  23. The IAEs will be added free of cost after release 🙂
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