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About hawkeye52

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  1. I implore anyone wanting to learn more about memory allocation, to go read anywhere else but here. Do your own googling and research on your own. The amount of misinformation in this thread alone is astounding and what is scary many of the incorrect statements are made with more certainty than those who are actually correct. Scary... Please do your own research, or you can even find some basic programming tutorials that explain/demonstrate memory usage and allocation.
  2. Another thread beautifully derailed and off-topic...there's goes my daily checks for the latest in P3D 3.0 rumors/news.
  3. I'm pretty crazy about my meshes. I own both FS Global 2010 and FSGenesis (I use FS Global 2010 right now). In any event, don't delete what you're currently using. Just disable the scenery entry and enable the new one and see how you like it, then you can decide to delete fully if you are or aren't happy with the new mesh.
  4. I've used both, and as for someone that flies mainly civil and military MT6 hands down is my go to option since for airliners I don't care much what they do but love the well done GA and Military traffic in MT6. The other thing I like is that MT6 is much better at laying out the aircraft correctly at the airports (cargo in cargo section, ga, airliners, mil, etc...) UT2 just seems to throw them wherever, many times putting airliners on the GA ramp and such. I own Traffic360, MyTraffic6, and Ultimate Traffic 2 and MyTraffic 6 is the one I come back to every time. Oh and I can't stand that for UT2 when entering a menu resets all object injection...very immersion killing. Also now that I have VRS F-18 it has given me a ton of fun test targets with MT6
  5. I love how this thread is 90% discussion about Affinity Mask between 2 or 3 people completely derailing the subject of the thread, which is OPTIMIZE_PARTS...there are plenty of other AffinityMask threads, why do the mods let this one get hijacked? I have to spend more time filtering out the AM junk to read actual reports related to OPTIMIZE_PARTS. Awesome job guys.
  6. Thank you so much FSGlobal 2010 was the ONLY install I had with P3D 2.5 since it is always the first thing that gets installed. I asked this before and will ask again, are there detailed notes on what configuration files changed and locations of moved files that exists anywhere or are we in a whack-a-mole situation where we fix issues as they arise? EDIT: Also, has there been any consensus on the use global view variable within P3D? I understand the goal of it but was wondering why it would affect performance either way as long as you're panning around within the cockpit...
  7. Thanks goodness I'm not the only one! I got the same thing. After exiting it wiped my entire scenery.cfg except for a single entry completely ruining the installation. I had to repair the installation to get it back to it's original state, I'm certainly not looking at the scenery library again... Anyone else get this too? It's a pretty huge flaw since for me it destroyed the entire cfg file for no good reason.
  8. Thanks, that is good to know. Do you know if a detailed list exists anywhere that details the file/directory structure changes for 2.5?
  9. Any word on FSGlobal Mesh?
  10. Yeah I'd really like to hear a developer's opinion on why they use so many thousands of registry entries or from anyone on a possible good design decision to do that. It's really only intended to save off configuration and program option information, primarily at the point of installation. No reason for all that junk.
  11. What I've definitely learned from this and the recent Earth Simulations interview that the really good guys have it pretty hard when it comes to Flight Sim 3rd party development. I bought a large series of your products just before your original site went down and you were extremely responsive and helpful in any request I had. It's unfortunate that someone took your name and tarnished it to what it is now. Personally, I've tried to get into flight simulation 3rd party development and could not see, as an individual, how it could ever be sustainable as a full time job. Your FSGenesis product was always the first thing that got installed after a fresh reinstall but i could not get the new guys to honor my purchases so I had to switch over to FSGlobal Probably like you, developers like myself are not the best businessmen and just love what we do and I've wasted a fair share on my time on deals that were never met on the other end and am now skeptical about doing any development work outside of my career day job. I guess what I'm trying to say is to avoid falling into the trap Justin did, those of you without business savvy that start to see some success in third party development, it might be wise to spend a few extra bucks ahead of time asking a financial planner/expert before making decision on how to sell your product (lifetime memberships, etc...). We might still see Justin running the show. This is just one of those stories that has no winners...I hope word spreads about how the current operators of FSGenesis have treated the original owner and its customers. I implore users to not support practices, this community is too small for that. EDIT: I just checked out your new site (TopoSim) and your commisioning of an airport idea is amazing. So you are saying you will create a relatively good airport for 29.95 to develop it and the user who commisions it gets 5% off of it when it is released? I actually love this idea!
  12. Guys, if you do a little research you will find it is a commercial level image generation solution for an already developed simulation. The purchaser has their developed simulations (environment, flight model, sensors, etc...) and just pipes the configuration and position information to the image generator. In this case, Diamond Visionics. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but we have used this tool (as well as other commercial level image generators) and this is not a flight simulator and definitely not a tool intended for the consumer level. Unless of course you want to code up your own simulation environment and need an application that will generate the visual environment for you...if that case it might actually be for you As far as I understand it, there are absolutely no plans to have a fully integrated flight simulation along side their image generation products.
  13. I would agree my library is slowly getting out of control and I wish there was a product management tool that could manage all my orbx purchases and add/remove as needed...that would be really nice!
  14. uhh... they do have full installers for each of their products? Or else how would you first install said product? Sorry it isn't working out for you but I would not be so quick to blame Orbx or thousands of other users would be up in arms when that is simply not the case.
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