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Chief Cargo

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  1. Updating the BIOS on a Maximus board is easy as pie, litterally just put a file on a thumbdrive, name it properly, plug it in and press a button. It's so easy even I could do it. Love my Maximus VII hero, but I just want to make sure...Are you overclocking or not? Also make sure you are using the XMP memory profile. And lastly, these chips still use thermal paste, better than pre-resfresh Haswell but all the same. Sometimes Intel doesn't get enough paste in there (or it's not even centered on the die at all...) and sometimes they are so gooped up it's more like a blanket than a thermal transfer medium. If the chip runs hot or is not otherwise performing up to snuff send it back to Intel for a replacement. It's no different than RMAing anything else and some of these chips come from the factory in subpar fashion. All Intel chips come with a 3 year warranty for a reason. Generally besides faulty PSUs the only other reason I have seen for random shutdowns is MOBO or CPU related. Since you have an Asus board I'll rule that out. So that leaves the CPU itself. Just to be sure though, make sure you have V droop set to something bewteen maximum and off. I think Asus has like 8 steps IIRC, just pick a middleish one at any rate. If it still randomly shuts down, RMA the CPU for sure.
  2. Why buy a 4790K when you can have a Core i7-5775C or the Core i5-5675C? Both these chips will fit in a Z97 board and will be available within the next 30 days, if you are planning a build around current Haswell just wait until these hit the shelves. They are being stocked right now. These new "C" chips replace the previous "K" lineup/s and are the new "unlocked" parts. They are also faster clock for clock (higher IPC) for about the same money give or take.
  3. Get a SSD for FSX, or at the very least a 2nd drive for it. After that, a new not OEM crap power supply. Seasonic is the OEM for most of the "good" PSUs out there so I suggest just going straight to them and cutting the middle man. Start off in the 450-550 watt class. As long as you don't end up with one of the power hungry AMD GPUs on the market you'll be fine with that. One you have those then you'll have the basis to start building up the rest of the computer. One thing to note, my 4690K i5 at 4.6Ghz is much smoother than my previous 2600K i7 at 5Ghz.
  4. Hate to say it as a long time REX weather user, I recently picked up Active Sky Next on sale and well... It's faster to load, easier to use, has better wind managment, and more reliable. Plus it integrates with the PMDG 777 nicely. I still use the REX+OD textures and they are good but the actual weather is controlled by ASN now. ASN does have a fully functional trial product if you are really on the fence. I downloaded and tried it this past weekend and by Monday I had bought it...Had it 5 days now and it's been flawless just like the trial. I was able to get it on sale for 35 bucks and it was worth every penny.
  5. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head that doesn't work well with PMDG planes is Shockwave lights. This really isn't the fault of Shockwave in so much a limitation of how wing lighting on flexing wings is done in FSX. Which kind of sucks because shockwave lights are beautiful. You can still use them for the other non-moving lights though. The only other bug I encountered was with the original Accu-sim and the MD-11. It would "bug out" and the plane would "stutter" in flight. Was really weird to see but it wasn't something that happened often.
  6. The ones I posted are good for US east coast (Boston/New York/etc) to Asia (Hong Kong/Seoul/Narita) IIRC.
  7. I don't know where I found this but I saved it. They are actual polar routes though. --- Polar route 1 ABERI G489 THN G490 BRT A91W CS A91 SERNA (24 hours a day) Polar Route 2 DEVID B480 BRT A91W CZ A91 SERNA (24 hours a day) Polar Route 3 RAMEL G491 ASLAR G491 SULOK (0000-1200 UTC) Polar Route 4 ORVIT G494 UHBI R211 SOVIK B331 NINON B149 SIMLI (2100-1400 UTC) Use 3 or 4 to stay under 87N for FS purposees --- It says 87N but not if this was for FS9 or FSX...I haven't used FS9 since 2008 so I can't be sure what you could do with it anymore.
  8. I am very happy with REX4. The new airport textures in 4 (along w/ some other enhancements from other addons) almost make default airports usable now. I love the new "experimental lighting" as well. Pretty much everything is better than REX-E w/ OD IMHO. The cloud texture sets make sense where before just picking and choosing from the selection would often result in a less than desirable outcome and the texture swap took so long that unless it was really ugly you just "lived with it" for a while anyway. Now then you get a nice matching set that that you know will work which leaves more time for flying. I use the REX-E weather engine and no post effects stuff as they have never played well with my sim.
  9. Chief Cargo


    Dry lease in this sense means that whoever leases it has to supply the trainers. A wet lease means the trainers are provided by them and you just have to show up. They do have a "pilot for a day" program for those that might be interested in some real C/D level sim work.
  10. Chief Cargo


    http://www.panamacademy.com/boeing-777 "Pan Am provides 777 simulator training for Airlines and individuals including dry simulator leasing as well as 777 Initial Type Rating Courses and 777 Differences and Recurrent Training."
  11. I use REX as well, since I don't want to turn this into a "support" thread (for an aircraft that isn't even out yet at that) I'll just go ahead and leave this be. Obviously the issue is something on my end so it doesn't need to be addressed in this particular subforum anyway.
  12. How do you have FSUIPC setup? Mine stops the "S" turns but it disables all turbulence in the process.
  13. I know in the past PMDG aircraft haven't exaclty played nice with turbulence in FSX (the "S" turn issue). I am wondering if this has been resolved for the T7 or is there a work around that I am not aware of to make it play nice?
  14. Honestly, FSX still needs more clock speed than it does core count. At 5Ghz I can still max the primary core quite easily. And when it comes to IPC, the newer chips really aren't that much quicker either. I went head to head with a 3570K running at 5.5Ghz on Phase change (he was idling at -20°C and at load was peaking out around -10°C) and I was at 5.3Ghz that night and truth be told, yes he was faster but we are talking on the order of 0.001-0.003 seconds off on identicle bench runs most of the time and sometimes I could actually pull a win....and he was running faster memory as well. It was so utterly close we were both stunned. The real kick to the nuts came when I went head to head with a guy running a 2500K at just 5.1Ghz and he was keeping up with me...and he had slower memory than I do. I have HT turned off on my 2600K and pretty much always have ran it that way. The moral of the story is, well I don't know but I do know but I am willing to argue that a good SSD would be and is more benefit than just throwing "more cores" at the problem that is FSX.
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