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Everything posted by trainplane3

  1. Because that's all it really is meant for. It's to talk about the hot subject of that moment and move on, not replace the MSFS forum.
  2. You'll need to go to the "welcome-read-first" channel and read what's there. They added an agreement there you have to click or else you won't see any channels.
  3. Yep. The one of mine they used is the same exact file name and file size as the original I have on my PC and uploaded to the forums. They definitely don't mess with them at all. What you see is what we see.
  4. Probably because the individuals that care about systems in the alpha don't go wasting their time leaking stuff and are actually testing things extremely in depth. This too. Test things how they should be and then test them in unusual situations.
  5. Look, someone finally figured out why there isn't much content being released and why the alpha program is so limited. You get one internet heart from me.
  6. Like someone else said, exactly this. 7. Pure confusion because they don't understand how something works. There, perfect!
  7. Benefits of early SDK access? The ability to build addons and prep them for release when the sim releases. Or at the very least, get a head start instead of needing to wait for the sim to release and then getting the SDK.
  8. According to the update from January 16: If you are a 3rd party developer and have not been in contact with the team, please send an email to msfsim@microsoft.com for more information. https://www.flightsimulator.com/january-16th-2020-development-update/
  9. It's official. A forum moderator from the alpha forum brought it to everyones attention on the MSFS Discord yesterday. They are tied to the same NDA that I and every other tester are:
  10. Let me direct you to bullet point 3: Do not describe any part of the Game on any venue unless we’ve instructed you to. https://www.flightsimulator.com/guidelines-nda/ And they admit to not having Asobo's permission right in the description: "Due to NDA, no images of the apha insider will be shown! " Your point doesn't stand and it still isn't fine.
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