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Everything posted by roi1862

  1. I cant blame you for getting bored after 4000+ hours flying the same airliner in a simulator. I would assume you will say the same thing after 4000+ hours in the Fenix. Its natural getting bored doing same thing for so long. And lets be honest, flying routes for 2 to 5 hours, in an airliner, 98% on autopilot isn't the most exciting thing in the world either 🙂 I also think that if you used it for 4000+ hours, means you really liked it. To me, flying the 737 in P3D and MSFS its completely different things. P3D was flying on rails, MSFS is the opposite and i was quite surprised how much differently I needed to do things to land this thing.
  2. There was not once such an issue during beta. Its their servers, API’s etc…
  3. In general, I more enjoy the actual flying of the Airbus than Boeing. But, as an addon, I must say that currently I use mostly PMDG. Besides the much much better performance, I also think its a more refined product at this time. I am also sure that Fenix will improve the product at some point...
  4. @DAD @Rockliffe I think i found the issue here. Watch your PFD. Its in 'FAC' and 'G/P' mode. Meaning, the glidepath data and "localizer" coming from the FMC and not from the actual ILS. Now, if while on approach you start messing with baro qnh, you will notice how it changes the glideslope location. In ILS it does not relay on the QNH but intercept the ILS glideslope radio signal to determine the plane position in the glideslope. One thing I did not figured out yet is how to make the plane follow the 'real' ILS signal and not the FMC path. Update- i think i figured it. you need to make sure you set both nav radios to the ILS frequency. it will than change from 'FAC' 'G/P' to 'VOR/LOC' 'G/S'
  5. I think something is really wrong in the way PMDG despite the glideslopes due to some conflict with MSFS QNH data
  6. Its much improved at clouds/winds interpolation. However, seems like the baro data is a bit out of control. Metar reporting qnh 1010 in sim is 948
  7. Just to add to this, i think i dont have that constant twitching wind speed/direction at high altitude anymore. My 737 wing was flexing constantly cause of it. now its rock solid.
  8. That's really interesting ! I wonder it the baro settings has to do with the PMDG presenting wrong ILS path....
  9. The update seemed to relax the excessive "flapping wings" wing flex effect ? or is it just me again ?
  10. I am actually. But i was in the beta for a while... seeing the difference just today...
  11. Anyone else seeing an improved live weather today ? Much more detailed weather system outside metars areas ? i dont think ive seen such a diverse live weather before...
  12. Does ILS glide slopes accuracy in 3rd party airports is something the developer is in charge of ? or is it something to with some MSFS/FSX database which could be updated ? Almost all the 3rd party airports i got (different developers) ILS glide path brining me in too high and well above the correct glide path. even PAPI showing 4 white.
  13. I actually think it made things worse for me. Until Nvidia will officially support MSFS and optimize a driver for using this tech I would say no.
  14. I tend to believe Microsoft part in MSFS is pretty much the infrastructure and PR. All the reset is on Asobo and the other vendors.
  15. Holly molly... what Asobo could have done in a simple update query... Good job regardless
  16. I even checked on HWmonitor, its showing around 0.5% utilization…? Really confused about the effect of DX12 🙂
  17. I really dont think the dev mode is working correctly in DX12. It showing i am GPU limited, but no matter what i do it remains GPU limited with the same latency timings. I can put render scale to 10 and it will remain GPU limited with the same latency timings. Am i missing something about how DX12 works or is it really broken in DX12 ?
  18. The weird thing is that according to Windows task manager, its now using 98% of my GPU (3080ti). But it doesn't make sense whatsoever as i dont hear my fans going all over the place. Usually in scenarios where my GPU is even 70% i would hear the fans roaring.
  19. Yes it seems more about the low % FPS than actual higher FPS. Very important for smooth panning.
  20. So i downloaded, i usually dont like to speak too soon but i think we got a winner here. DX12 finally works better than DX11 for me. But we'll see...
  21. I was getting the impression that this one is in Asobo queue actually...
  22. Just released. This Game Ready Driver also includes significant DirectX 12 performance optimizations which can dramatically improve performance for GeForce 30 Series GPUs.
  23. So pretty much only a handful of people will be able to enjoy it anytime soon😁 Well... good job Nvidia
  24. Well i think that's partially true. I think you can make an airport with interior better and worse. But take the same airport from same developer, one with interior and one without and i am 99% sure the one without will have better performance. Its a logical thing, you cant add things (be it textures or line of codes) and expect to have no impact.
  25. I am not sure really... just jumped between few streams under "MSFS" category. I never remember the names... 😞 But could have been
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