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Everything posted by roi1862

  1. I agree. Jumping from time to time to people streaming MSFS, almost always i find myself watching the wings from the cabin… passenger simulator…
  2. I had the same. But be aware in my case the sim was still running normally. Just dont press OK, move the error window aside and continue landing. If you press OK the sim will close.
  3. One of the worst things of low Terrain LOD is the night lights. If you fly airliners you gonna really want to push it to 300 and above otherwise you gonna have that ugly orange sepia from very low altitude.
  4. Not something we didnt already know... very nice addon with some issues and horrible performance as the reviewer mentioned.
  5. If you try to import a flt pln from Simbrief when there is a mismatch in the cycle and there is some wpt mismatch you get an invalid flt pln uplink error. It wont load the flt pln.
  6. Just be aware if the Simbrief cycle dosnt match the plane one it wont work 90% of the times. Meaning you need to pay to Navigraph. In the PMDG import file option its not an issue as it will just remove the conflict wpt and insert the rest so you can just make a small adjustment. Sadly in Fenix you cant.
  7. 10% for you maybe... for me its more like 100%. And I mean 100%, double FPS.
  8. The best i can advice you is to wait till they release the new version which supposed to improve performance and see what people are saying.
  9. Some guy at Fenix Discord complained today he have a lot of performance issues. He has 3090 and 12900K. So to your question, maybe yes maybe no. On a side note, i saw Fenix is working on version 1.0.2 that might improve performance.
  10. I was amazed as well. Who thought a complex airliner addon will get 60 FPS in MSFS right ? But PMDG indeed did it.... Note i am running at 1080p with rtx2070 and 10700K so not exactly a Nasa PC...
  11. I would let it go I were you... its like having a discussion with very religious people, you cant reason with them. Ive been on Avsim long enough to know it... 🤣
  12. Why would you assume i am on 4K at all Ultra ? i am actually on 1080p with a mix of high ultra and medium.
  13. Airline pilot don't go to this sims for fun. They go cause they need to do every so often. They will practice some scenarios and call it a day. I and i guess lots of other doing it for fun. And i think its safe to say our payware airports sceneries are much more detailed than whatever they got in the Level-D sim.
  14. I totally agree. 30 FPS is not 60 FPS no matter how you turn it, how much you want to believe it, its simply a different experience. Its a shame people have made the "30FPS Vsync locked meta" into the the gold standard of flight sims...
  15. Me too. The Fenix is anything but smooth. The PMDG is smooth for me even heavy payware airports. However i did checked the FPS and in default airports in the PMDG i am well over 60 fps. In the Fenix around 40. Payware airports are showstopper in the Fenix.
  16. This brings me back to my Fslabs experience in FSX. In short, when the Fslabs first released it was veryyyy bad, it was so bad i went to PayPal and asked for a refund and got it. I kept on following the project development and at after a year of so, it seems it was getting much much better. I gave them another chance and purchased it. I didn't regrated it this time. I might not go the refund route this time as some part of me want to believe it will get better and ill be happy with it one day... for now ill simply fly other things.
  17. FBW experimental running twice better than the Fenix for me.
  18. 10700K@5.0, RTX 2070, 32gb, SSD's and running at 1080p. Yes i did played around with all the provided options. Had mixed results with GPU but sadly the displays are super laggy so its unflyable.
  19. So i bought the Fenix today and this my conclusion: I am not a Boeing man, i much prefer and love the Airbus. But after experiencing the Fenix performance i am for PMDG Boeing all the way ! Its just night and day differences for me. I really hope Fenix can bring the performance to the same level as PMDG.
  20. One of their devs said in the Discord its cause at fullscreen Windows give priority to MSFS and not to the Displays app the Fenix uses...
  21. If we can solve why the MFD's lagging at full screen while using GPU we might have a great preforming plane !
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