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About mmcwill1

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  • Birthday 01/05/1963

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    Atlanta, GA

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  • About Me
    I've loved Flight Simulator from the very first days of the PC. Loved it so much, I decided to get my private pilots license in the mid 90s. I'm not sure why, maybe it's the availability of such great add-ons, but much to my wife's dismay, I've found myself spending a lot more time lately in the virtual cockpit!

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  1. FSLabs, GSX, Pilot2ATC all working fine on my system with all current updates.
  2. Yea, such and obscure solution. I hope Microsoft addresses this when Windows 10 Anniversary comes out!
  3. Problem Solved. Wish I would have checked on this earlier but found the solution over at simforums.com. I can validate that the fix worked for me. http://www.simforums.com/Forums/workaround-win10-insider-ezdok-fix_topic55813.html
  4. I've got FS disks that go back to FS98! When I built my new computer a month or two back, I went with FSX SE and have no regrets and no issues with any of my addons, and I've got a ton of those. I've got one SSD devoted to FSX and it does fill up fast. When I get around to it, I'll probably put in a couple of 2TB hard drives in Raid 1, but I don't really do any other gaming so my FSX SE devoted SSD is working out fine. BTW, there is a forum here devoted totally to hardware; you'll pick up lots of good tips there!
  5. :smile: Well the good news is that we'll know how well the next "official" version of Windows 10 works! I'm hoping that this issue gets fixed during the next couple of "Insider" builds. If anyone is interested in how the Insider program works, you can read about it here: https://insider.windows.com/. My experience has been that short of the issue with EZCA, each build improves the Windows experience. But if someone would have told me that one of the builds would break EZCA, I would have just stuck with the "final" version of Windows. I'll keep everyone posted...
  6. Hey Neal! Are you installing Insider builds on the fast ring?
  7. I bought my first PC in 1987 or so, and flight simulator was one of the first programs I installed. I'm sure many of you remember the "graphics" were nothing more than simple recreations of flight instruments, runways looked like rectangles, and nothing really beyond that. What drew me to it was a love of airplanes and desire to learn more about how they worked. FS fueled my passion for aviation to the point the I got my license, but I never stopped "playing" flight simulator and I always looked forward to the next release from Microsoft. When Aces Studio was closed I was so disappointed, but I've been so appreciative of the developers that have kept the dream of aviation on the PC alive. The add ons, scenery, utilities, etc are just so incredible today. I think any attempt to develop an "entry level" simulation is frankly a waste of resources. If you want entry level, just dial down all of the realism settings in FSX Steam and have at it. What we have today is light years ahead of what was on those 5 1/4" floppies from 1987. To me, the future is in the next generation of FSX. Where would we be if Aces had remained opened over these past 7-8 years? I also think we have to stoke that passion for aviation. Unfortunately, learning how to fly a real plane has gotten so expensive, but that is the only way you can really learn to fly a plane. I don't care how good the graphics, or how good the missions, until you get that seat of the pants feel of sitting in the PIC seat, until you can get that adrenaline rush from your first solo, no simulator is going to be able to teach you how to fly a plane. On the other hand, I recently "flew" from KLAX to KSFO in the early evening, and I was amazed at how "real" it looked on my PC. I hope I live to see the day that I can throw on a pair of VR goggles and see that same flight at 90 fps! I love what DTG has done with FSX, P3D is fantastic, and hopefully Flight School is one of the intermediate steps to bigger and better things!
  8. Thanks for the post. Yea, I excluded both. EZCA working fine with Windows 10 and Norton before the last 2 Windows 10 builds. I've posted a note with Microsoft in their Feedback app, we'll see what happens with subsequent builds.
  9. Boy, I had my fingers crossed on this one, I though for sure this would be the answer, but unfortunately no. I disabled all scanning and notifications in Norton, but still no luck. May try at some point to uninstall Norton and go strictly with Defender, but I guess that will have to be for another day. Again, thanks for the tip...
  10. I'm not running Defender but using Norton. I've tried running in silent mode, but I may just uninstall it and go back to Defender. I'll give it a shot, thanks!
  11. Just a quick follow up. I tried installing all versions of simconnect, then reinstalled EZCA, and ended up with the same result. No big deal; I've gotten pretty good and installing and uninstalling EZCA, so it was only an investment of about 5 minutes. I'll keep trying as the new build come out and hopefully it will be addressed by the time the new version, official version of Windows 10 is out.
  12. I had not tried that, thanks for the tip. I'll give it a shot!
  13. Wow, I just updated to the new version of Citation X 2.0 and what a difference! Load times are dramatically better, full Navigraph support, not a stutter to be found. Well done Eaglesoft!
  14. So frustrating when something like that happens. Did you try something like a registry cleaner?
  15. Thanks for the info. Yea, I tried to reconfigure and it still didn't work. Really strange, When FSX starts, I can see the EZCA icon, but then it just disappears. I might try reinstalling again this week and maybe I'll get lucky!
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