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    Winthrop, WA

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  1. Do not know if this applies in your particular case, but if you had previously purchased and installed FS Global 2010 for P3Dv2, you only need to download and run the new installer and not the entire set of files.. +1 for using FlashGet :smile:
  2. Senior discount 20%... :ph34r: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/399678-orbx-senior-discount/
  3. I got it for $14.10 USD on April 13th... ($18.35 AUD) The FlightSim Store ------------------------------------------------------ Order Number: 367661 Date Ordered: Monday 13 April, 2015 Products ------------------------------------------------------ 1 x Orbx - FTX: Trees HD (ORB-101) = AUD$18.35 Delivery Option Instant Download License Type Regular End User ------------------------------------------------------ Sub-Total: $18.35 Total: $18.35 Senior discount 20%... :ph34r:
  4. And always re-install the latest ORBX library after installing any ORBX product... They also have a beta FTX Centralv2 out that will handle P3Dv2.5
  5. Try the HDR file changes that some have used to success... http://forum.avsim.net/topic/455299-the-perfect-hdr/
  6. Do not think we are supposed to post software files... Maybe PM me. :rolleyes:
  7. I have an i5-3570K and run it at 4.6 GHz... No micro stutter for me.... other settings in signature.
  8. I would just say goodbye and wish you the best with a sim you find to your liking... I did and the sim I left was FSX and the sim I am liking is P3Dv2.4. Each to his own. There is plenty of info in forums for P3D tweaks and hardware. Just look at the contributions from Rob and many others. That is not Lockheeds/P3D's job for us many "academic" users. Just my honest opinion. Cheers and happy flying... :-)
  9. Bought the Benq BL3200PT for $585 no tax and free shipping at NCIX 32" 2560 x 1440 4ms
  10. Let the wife have a fly around ORBX NCal KSFO in a 737... Then KSEA and Mt Rainier/St Helens... I think she got hooked... She was amazed at the details and she had a blast! lol...
  11. Now looking at Benq BL3200PT for $650 and free shipping (best buy) 32" 2560 x 1440 4ms
  12. Looking to upgrade my ASUS 24" 1980x1080 display with something around the 32" size... Maybe in $500-800 range? Any suggestions on what would be a good display for P3Dv2? I have an intel 3570K and ASUS GTX 980 3GB video card system. System is only used for P3D. Thanks in advance!
  13. Dated 09/01/2014... http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/84439-orbxlibs-140901/
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