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Everything posted by Superdelphinus

  1. Yep. As an aside, one interesting thing from that screenshot is you can clearly see objects like houses and cars parked on the road casting generated shadows (I.e. not baked into the original image) - they are quite low quality geometrically, and hard-lined in this image, but it’s very good news they are there at all imho.
  2. Yes I wonder if something a bit like the iracing model could be on the cards (without the subscription 😎). Some great stuff with the game, but then you can buy other, beautifully realised, models further on down the line if you want them - for about a 5th of £140. They could tie it up with specific mission packages for example, rather than race series.
  3. Yeah around 200 people was the number the main (Dutch?) guy said. And they’ve been recruiting since then too.
  4. I agree. Maybe I’m mad, but I think the sort of developers that end up working for companies like Asobo and Microsoft are probably a lot more talented, and certainly have massively more resources, than those at small places like pmdg.
  5. There will be in the UK at least I think - most stuff like that has to be filed with councils I think. But I think this might mean that, for example, they could partner with the company that owns Manchester airport (and others that I can’t remember) and produce accurate versions of them. Would explain some of the detailed airports we’ve had sneaky peaks of.
  6. I just remembered that in an engadget article a few weeks ago they said the asobosoft had partnered with airports and weather providers too. Airports...
  7. Why partner with aircraft manufacturers and say that they are going to make authentic aircraft then? I’m sure for the most part they will, but I think it’s a safe bet that they’re making a pretty cracking 747
  8. Would asobosoft bother partnering with Boeing if they were just going to use a pmdg plane?
  9. The second pass they did right over the station it looked a bit like there was a sort of photogrammetry blob of a train there - one of the tracks looked different from the rest anyway.
  10. First time I’ve seen Southampton described as beautiful... did anyone else stare at the train tracks in Zurich for a long time trying to spot movement?
  11. That used to be the case maybe, but I’m not so sure with these guys. If they say they’re making them as authentic as possible, then they are potentially going to be pretty special. We could have said the same thing about scenery (or weather) before, but that clearly isn’t the case from what we’ve seen over the last few months.
  12. That’s quite big news. It’s interesting that they are trying to make these planes as authentic as possible, yet pmdg still seem to think they’ve got a future with the sim (for example). Perhaps it’s only the 747 that Microsoft will produce.
  13. Msfs is getting the most chatter in a couple of the non flight sim specific forums I lurk on.
  14. Genuinely got goose bumps watching that trailer again. What a remarkable achievement this looks like it’s going to be.
  15. Presumably they’ll put that video up on YouTube today. My favourite bit was that cockpit shot through the valley. Absolutely stunning.
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